# Written by Victor Grishchenko, Arno Bakker # see LICENSE.txt for license information # # Requirements: # - scons: Cross-platform build system http://www.scons.org/ # - googletest: Google C++ Test Framework http://code.google.com/p/googletest/ # * Install in ..\gtest-1.4.0 # import os import re import sys DEBUG = True TestDir='tests' target = 'swift' source = [ 'bin64.cpp','sha1.cpp','hashtree.cpp','datagram.cpp','bins.cpp', 'transfer.cpp', 'swift.cpp', 'sendrecv.cpp', 'send_control.cpp', 'compat/hirestimeofday.cpp', 'compat.cpp', 'compat/util.cpp'] env = Environment() if sys.platform == "win32": # "MSVC works out of the box". Sure. # Make sure scons finds cl.exe, etc. env.Append ( ENV = { 'PATH' : os.environ['PATH'] } ) # Make sure scons finds std MSVC include files if not 'INCLUDE' in os.environ: print "swift: Please run scons in a Visual Studio Command Prompt" sys.exit(-1) include = os.environ['INCLUDE'] include += '..\\gtest-1.4.0\\include;' include += '\\openssl\\include;' env.Append ( ENV = { 'INCLUDE' : include } ) # Other compiler flags env.Append(CPPPATH=".") if DEBUG: env.Append(CXXFLAGS="/Zi /Yd /MTd") env.Append(LINKFLAGS="/DEBUG") # Add simulated pread/write source += ['compat/unixio.cpp'] # Set libs to link to libs = ['ws2_32'] if DEBUG: libs += ['gtestd','libeay32MTd'] else: libs += ['gtest','libeay32'] # Update lib search path libpath = os.environ['LIBPATH'] if DEBUG: libpath += '\\build\\gtest-1.4.0\\msvc\\gtest\\Debug;' libpath += '\\openssl\\lib\\VC\\static;' else: libpath += '\\build\\gtest-1.4.0\\msvc\\gtest\\Release;' libpath += '\\openssl\\lib;' # Somehow linker can't find uuid.lib libpath += 'C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v6.0A\\Lib;' else: # Enable the user defining external includes if 'CPPPATH' in os.environ: cpppath = os.environ['CPPPATH'] else: cpppath = "" print "To use external libs, set CPPPATH environment variable to list of colon-separated include dirs" env.Append(CPPPATH=".:"+cpppath) #env.Append(LINKFLAGS="--static") #if DEBUG: # env.Append(CXXFLAGS="-g") # Set libs to link to libs = ['stdc++','pthread'] if 'LIBPATH' in os.environ: libpath = os.environ['LIBPATH'] else: libpath = "" print "To use external libs, set LIBPATH environment variable to list of colon-separated lib dirs" if DEBUG: env.Append(CXXFLAGS="-DDEBUG") env.StaticLibrary ( target= target, source = source, LIBS=libs, LIBPATH=libpath ) Export("env") Export("libs") Export("libpath") Export("DEBUG") SConscript('tests/SConscript') SConscript('exec/SConscript')