db === NULL) { $this->load->library('singleton_db'); $this->db = $this->singleton_db->connect(); } } /** * Check authentication credentials. $username can be username or e-mail. * * @param string $username * @param string $password * @return mixed can return FALSE if authentication failed, a DB row as an * associative array if authentication was succesful or an associative * array with LDAP user information if authentication with LDAP was * successful but the user logged in for the first time and it does not * have an entry in `users` table yet. The key 'auth_src' distinguishes * which associative array was returned: * */ public function login($username, $password) { $this->load->helper('email'); // User logs with e-mail address. if (! valid_email($username)) $cond_user = "username = '$username'"; else $cond_user = "email = '$username'"; $enc_password = sha1($password); // TODO select only required fields. $query = $this->db->query("SELECT u.*, a.activation_code FROM `users` u LEFT JOIN `users_unactivated` a ON (u.id = a.user_id) WHERE $cond_user AND (auth_src = 'ldap' OR password = '$enc_password')"); // It is possible that the user has a LDAP account but he's // authenticating here for the first time so it does not have an entry // in `users` table. if ($query->num_rows() === 0) { $ldap_userdata = $this->ldap_login($username, $password); if ($ldap_userdata === FALSE) return FALSE; $userdata = $this->convert_ldap_userdata($ldap_userdata); $this->register($userdata); $user = $this->login($username, $password); $user['import'] = TRUE; return $user; } $user = $query->row_array(); // Authenticate with LDAP. if ($user['auth_src'] == 'ldap' && ! $this->ldap_login($username, $password)) return FALSE; if (empty($user['email']) || empty($user['first_name']) || empty($user['last_name'])) $user['import'] = TRUE; // Update last login time. $this->db->query("UPDATE `users` SET last_login = UTC_TIMESTAMP() WHERE username = '$username'"); // If we are here internal authentication has successful. return $user; } /** * Converts an array returned by LDAP login to an array which contains * user data ready to be used in `users` DB. * * @param array $ldap_userdata * @return array */ public function convert_ldap_userdata($ldap_userdata) { $userdata['username'] = $ldap_userdata['uid'][0]; $userdata['email'] = $ldap_userdata['mail'][0]; $userdata['first_name'] = $ldap_userdata['givenname'][0]; $userdata['last_name'] = $ldap_userdata['sn'][0]; $userdata['auth_src'] = 'ldap'; return $userdata; } /** * Login with LDAP. * * @param string $username * @param string $password * @return boolean * @author Alex Herișanu, Răzvan Deaconescu, Călin-Andrei Burloiu */ public function ldap_login($username, $password) { $this->config->load('ldap'); // First connection: binding. // TODO exception $ds = ldap_connect($this->config->item('ldap_server')) or die("Can't connect to ldap server.\n"); if (!@ldap_bind($ds, $this->config->item('ldap_bind_user'), $this->config->item('ldap_bind_password'))) { ldap_close($ds); die("Can't connect to ".$this->config->item('ldap_server')."\n"); return FALSE; } $sr = ldap_search($ds, "dc=cs,dc=curs,dc=pub,dc=ro", "(uid=" . $username . ")"); if (ldap_count_entries($ds, $sr) > 1) die("Multiple entries with the same uid in LDAP database??"); if (ldap_count_entries($ds, $sr) < 1) { ldap_close($ds); return FALSE; } $info = ldap_get_entries($ds, $sr); $dn = $info[0]["dn"]; ldap_close($ds); // Second connection: connect with user's credentials. $ds = ldap_connect($this->config->item('ldap_server')) or die("Can't connect to ldap server\n"); if (!@ldap_bind($ds, $dn, $password) or $password == '') { ldap_close($ds); return FALSE; } // Verifify if DN belongs to the requested OU. $info[0]['ou_ok'] = $this->ldap_dn_belongs_ou( $dn, $this->config->item('ldap_req_ou') ); // Set authentication source. $info[0]['auth_src'] = 'ldap_first_time'; return $info[0]; } /** * Verify if a user belongs to a group. * * @param string $dn = "ou=Student,ou=People..." * @param array $ou = array ("Student", etc * @return TRUE or FALSE * @author Răzvan Herișanu, Răzvan Deaconescu, Călin-Andrei Burloiu */ public function ldap_dn_belongs_ou($dn, $ou) { if (!is_array($ou)) $ou = array ($ou); $founded = FALSE; $words = explode(',', $dn); foreach ($words as $c) { $parts = explode("=", $c); $key = $parts[0]; $value = $parts[1]; if (strtolower($key) == "ou" && in_array($value, $ou) ) $founded = TRUE; } return $founded; } /** * Adds a new user to DB. * Do not add join_date and last_login column, they will be automatically * added. * * @param array $data corresponds to DB columns */ public function register($data) { $this->load->helper('array'); // TODO verify mandatory data existance // Process data. if (isset($data['password'])) $data['password'] = sha1($data['password']); // TODO picture data: save, convert, make it thumbnail if (empty($data['birth_date'])) $data['birth_date'] = NULL; $cols = ''; $vals = ''; foreach ($data as $col=> $val) { if ($val === NULL) { $cols .= "$col, "; $vals .= "NULL, "; continue; } $cols .= "$col, "; if (is_int($val)) $vals .= "$val, "; else if (is_string($val)) $vals .= "'$val', "; } $cols = substr($cols, 0, -2); $vals = substr($vals, 0, -2); $query = $this->db->query("INSERT INTO `users` ($cols, registration_date, last_login) VALUES ($vals, utc_timestamp(), utc_timestamp())"); if ($query === FALSE) return FALSE; // If registered with internal authentication it needs to activate // the account. if ($data['auth_src'] == 'internal') { $activation_code = Users_model::gen_activation_code($data['username']); $user_id = $this->get_user_id($data['username']); $query = $this->db->query("INSERT INTO `users_unactivated` (user_id, activation_code) VALUES ($user_id, '$activation_code')"); $this->send_activation_email($user_id, $data['email'], $activation_code, $data['username']); } // TODO exception on failure return $query; } public function get_user_id($username) { $query = $this->db->query("SELECT id FROM `users` WHERE username = '$username'"); if ($query->num_rows() === 0) return FALSE; return $query->row()->id; } // TODO cleanup account activation public function cleanup_account_activation() { } /** * Activated an account for an user having $user_id with $activation_code. * * @param int $user_id * @param string $activation_code hexa 16 characters string * @return returns TRUE if activation was successful and FALSE otherwise */ public function activate_account($user_id, $activation_code) { $query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM `users_unactivated` WHERE user_id = $user_id AND activation_code = '$activation_code'"); if ($query->num_rows() === 0) return FALSE; $this->db->query("DELETE FROM `users_unactivated` WHERE user_id = $user_id"); return TRUE; } public function send_activation_email($user_id, $email = NULL, $activation_code = NULL, $username = NULL) { if (!$activation_code || !$email || !$username) { if (!$email) $cols = 'email, '; else $cols = ''; $userdata = $this->get_userdata($user_id, $cols. "a.activation_code, username"); $activation_code =& $userdata['activation_code']; if (!$email) $email =& $userdata['email']; $username =& $userdata['username']; } if ($activation_code === NULL) return TRUE; $subject = '['. $this->config->item('site_name') . '] Account Activation'; $activation_url = site_url("user/activate/$user_id/code/$activation_code"); $msg = sprintf($this->lang->line('user_activation_email_content'), $username, $this->config->item('site_name'), site_url(), $activation_url, $activation_code); $headers = "From: ". $this->config->item('noreply_email'); return mail($email, $subject, $msg, $headers); } public function recover_password($username, $email) { $userdata = $this->get_userdata($username, 'email, username, id'); if (strcmp($userdata['email'], $email) !== 0) return FALSE; $recovered_password = Users_model::gen_password(); $this->set_userdata(intval($userdata['id']), array('password'=> $recovered_password)); $subject = '['. $this->config->item('site_name') . '] Password Recovery'; $msg = sprintf($this->lang->line('user_password_recovery_email_content'), $username, $this->config->item('site_name'), site_url(), $recovered_password); $headers = "From: ". $this->config->item('noreply_email'); mail($email, $subject, $msg, $headers); return TRUE; } /** * Returns data from `users` table. If $user is int it is used as an * id, if it is string it is used as an username. * * @param mixed $user * @param string $table_cols (optional) string with comma separated * `users` table column names. Use a.activation_code to check user's * account activation_code. If this value is NULL than the account is * active. * @return array associative array with userdata from DB */ public function get_userdata($user, $table_cols = '*') { if (is_int($user)) $cond = "id = $user"; else $cond = "username = '$user'"; $query = $this->db->query("SELECT $table_cols FROM `users` u LEFT JOIN `users_unactivated` a ON (u.id = a.user_id) WHERE $cond"); if ($query->num_rows() === 0) return FALSE; $userdata = $query->row_array(); // Post process userdata. if (isset($userdata['picture'])) { $userdata['picture_thumb'] = site_url( "data/user_pictures/{$userdata['picture']}-thumb.jpg"); $userdata['picture'] = site_url( "data/user_pictures/{$userdata['picture']}"); } return $userdata; } /** * Modifies data from `users` table for user with $user_id. * * @param int $user_id * @param array $data key-value pairs with columns and new values to be * modified * @return boolean returns TRUE on success and FALSE otherwise */ public function set_userdata($user_id, $data) { // TODO verify mandatory data existance // Process data. if (isset($data['password'])) $data['password'] = sha1($data['password']); // TODO picture data: save, convert, make it thumbnail if (empty($data['birth_date'])) $data['birth_date'] = NULL; $set = ''; foreach ($data as $col => $val) { if ($val === NULL) { $set .= "$col = NULL, "; continue; } if (is_int($val)) $set .= "$col = $val, "; else if (is_string($val)) $set .= "$col = '$val', "; } $set = substr($set, 0, -2); $query_str = "UPDATE `users` SET $set WHERE id = $user_id"; //echo "


"; $query = $this->db->query($query_str); // TODO exception return $query; } public static function gen_activation_code($str = '') { $ci =& get_instance(); $activation_code = substr( sha1(''. $str. $ci->config->item('encryption_key') . mt_rand()), 0, 16); return $activation_code; } public static function gen_password() { $ci =& get_instance(); $length = 16; $chars = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ,.?!_-'; $len_chars = strlen($chars); $enc_key = $ci->config->item('encryption_key'); $len_enc_key = strlen($enc_key); $password = ''; for ($p = 0; $p < $length; $p++) { $i = (mt_rand(1, 100) * ord($enc_key[ mt_rand(0, $len_enc_key-1) ])) % $len_chars; $password .= $chars[$i]; } return $password; } public static function roles_to_string($roles) { $ci =& get_instance(); $ci->lang->load('user'); if ($roles == USER_ROLE_STANDARD) return $ci->lang->line('user_role_standard'); else { $str_roles = ''; if ($roles & USER_ROLE_ADMIN) $str_roles .= $ci->lang->line('user_role_admin') . '; '; } return $str_roles; } } /* End of file users_model.php */ /* Location: ./application/models/users_model.php */