
P2P-Next is an integrated FP7 EU project involving more than 20 partners, including University Politehnica of Bucharest (UPB).

P2P-Next aims to build the next generation Peer-to-Peer (P2P) content delivery platform.

This site provides information on UPB's contribution to the P2P-Next project activities. We are currently part of WP4 (Work Package 4 - IPvNext Networking Fabric) and WP8 (Work Package 8 - Living Lab Trials).

NextShare Video Plugins

a media-player browser plugin which uses VLC libraries for video rendering and incorporates P2P technology for VideoOnDemand (VoD) and LiveStreaming content delivery. The plugin is currently working with Internet Explorer and Firefox on Windows.
a browser plugin which uses the new HTML5 rendering and incorporates P2P technology for VideoOnDemand (VoD) and LiveStreaming content delivery
Video Rendering Operating Systems Web Browsers
NextSharePC win VLC

win Windows

win Mac OS X

win Mozilla Firefox 3.5 or greater

win Internet Explorer 7.0 or greater

SwarmPlayer win HTML5

win Windows

win Linux

win Mac OS X

win Mozilla Firefox 3.5 or greater

win Internet Explorer 7.0 or greater

Video Assets

To take a look at the NextShare plugins in action, all you have to do is install them and then watch any video asset from this site.

Through the use of P2P technology, you will be able to stream movies from various categories:

All available movies are currently seeded by 5 peers with high bandwidth (1Gbit) kindly provided by the NCIT-Cluster. Anyone that watches a movie will take part in the swarm and ensure greater availability to provided content.