TRIAL TODO STATE MACHINE * imposed HINTs are terribly broken, resent for the data in flight * check ACK/HAVE redundancy * HAVE overuses find_filtered * set priorities on ranges * small-progress update problem (aka peer nap) guarantee size of updates < x% of data, on both ends * pex is affected by peer nap * how will tracker aggregate pexes? * SWIFT_MSGTYPE_RCVD * HAVE ALL / HAVE NONE * aggregate ACKS (schedule for +x ms) * channel close msg (hs 0) # Arno: indeed, there appears to be no Channel garbage collection * connection rotation / pex / pex_del * misterious bug: Rdata (NONE) * ?amend MAX_REORDER depending on rtt_dev * Tdata repetitions bug PERFORMANCE * move to the.zett's binmaps * optimize redundant HASH messages * move to rolling HAVE queue * 32 bit time field * ?empty/full binmaps * initiate RTT with prev RTT to host:port * fractional cwnd CACHING/FILES * connection rotation * file rotation * real LRU/LFU * file/hash-file re-open in read-only mode * no cache recheck, failure-resistant * completion mark * unified events/callbacks * move to 64-bit IO * Transfer(fd) constructor * think of sliding window(s) * the ability to sniff file without downloading MANIFOLD * all-swarm performance stats * run chained setups (cmd line protocol subsetting) * implement: multiple swift instances per server * run thousand-daemon caching tests (use httpgw) * use a dedicated tracker * add NATs to the setup * recover * integrate Windowses API * pluggable storage NAT * NAT type detection => need peer identifiers (x100 amplification) MFOLD * integrate multi-peer changes by Jori * do global swarm stats OTHER * httpgw or nginx? * Sha1Hash constructor ambiguity * don't #include .cpp * think of using HTTP (?) as a fallback * add header/footer, better abstract to the draft * Gertjan: separate peer from channel? cng ctrl per peer ? * packing hashes into a single datagram (tracking 1000s) * partial channels / lightweight channels THOUGHTS * 6 degrees of sep = 3-hop TorrentSmell * 60% immediately not connectable * support traffic