import getopt
import julian
import datetime
+import re # regular expression support
from DatabaseAccess import DatabaseAccess
class DatabaseWriter:
def add_status_message(self, cs_id, date, time, peer_num, dht, download_speed, upload_speed, download_size, upload_size, eta_time):
timestamp = float(julian.datetimeToJulian(date, time));
eta = datetime.timedelta(eta_time[0], eta_time[3], 0, 0, eta_time[2], eta_time[1], 0)
- dba.insert_status_message(cs_id, timestamp, peer_num, dht, download_speed, upload_speed, download_size, upload_size, eta):
+ eta_seconds = eta.days * 24 * 3600 + eta.seconds
+ self.dba.insert_status_messages(cs_id, timestamp, peer_num, dht, download_speed, upload_speed, download_size, upload_size, eta_seconds)
def add_verbose_message(self, cs_id, date, time, peer_ip, peer_port, message_type, index, begin, length, listen_port):
timestamp = float(julian.datetimeToJulian(date, time));
- dba.insert_verbose_message(cs_id, timestamp, peer_ip, peer_port, message_type, index, begin, length, listen_port):
+ self.dba.insert_verbose_messages(cs_id, timestamp, peer_ip, peer_port, message_type, index, begin, length, listen_port)
def show_status_messages(self, cs_id = -1):
def delete_verbose_messages(self, cs_id = -1):
+def usage():
+ print "Usage: python action target [-i|--id id] database"
+ print "action:"
+ print "\t--add"
+ print "\t-a\t\tadd entry to database"
+ print "\t\t\t\t(information is read from standard input)"
+ print "\t--list"
+ print "\t-l\t\tlist entry/entries from database"
+ print "\t--delete"
+ print "\t-d\t\tdelete entry from database"
+ print "\t--read"
+ print "\t-r\t\tread information from standard input"
+ print "target:"
+ print "\tstatus\t\tstatus messages"
+ print "\tverbose\t\tverbose messages"
+ print "id:"
+ print "\t--id"
+ print "\t-i\t\tclient_session_id"
+ print "\tdatabase\t\tSQLite database file"
+ print "\t--help"
+ print "\t-h\t\t\tprint this help screen"
+def read_status_messages(dbw, sep = None):
+ if sep == None:
+ sep = ','
+ while 1:
+ line = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
+ if line:
+ message_array = line.split(sep)
+ cs_id = int(message_array[0].strip())
+ timestamp = message_array[1].strip().split(' ')
+ date = timestamp[0]
+ time = timestamp[1]
+ num_peers = int(message_array[2].strip())
+ dht = int(message_array[3].strip())
+ download_speed = int(message_array[4].strip())
+ upload_speed = int(message_array[5].strip())
+ download_size = int(message_array[6].strip())
+ upload_size = int(message_array[7].strip())
+ eta_string_array = re.split('[dhms]', message_array[8].strip())
+ eta_string_array.remove('')
+ eta = []
+ for i in range(0, len(eta_string_array)):
+ eta.append(int(eta_string_array[i]))
+ for i in range(len(eta_string_array), 4):
+ eta.insert(0, 0)
+ dbw.add_status_message(cs_id, date, time, num_peers, dht, download_speed, upload_speed, download_size, upload_size, eta)
+ else:
+ break
+def read_verbose_messages(dbw, sep = None):
+ if sep == None:
+ sep = ','
+ while 1:
+ line = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
+ if line:
+ message_array = line.split(sep)
+ cs_id = int(message_array[0].strip())
+ timestamp = message_array[1].strip().split(' ')
+ date = timestamp[0]
+ time = timestamp[1]
+ peer_ip = message_array[2].strip()
+ peer_port = int(message_array[3].strip())
+ message_type = int(message_array[4].strip())
+ index = int(message_array[5].strip())
+ begin = int(message_array[6].strip())
+ length = int(message_array[7].strip())
+ listen_port = int(message_array[8].strip())
+ dbw.add_verbose_message(cs_id, date, time, peer_ip, peer_port,
+ message_type, index, begin, length, listen_port)
+ else:
+ break
+def main():
+ """
+ Command line interface for database handling. Allows insertion,
+ deletion and selection of rows in status_messages and verbose_messages
+ tables.
+ If id == -1, all rows in target table are deleted/selected.
+ Uses getopt for command line parsing.
+ Last argument must be a database file.
+ Please check README for details and running examples.
+ """
+ try:
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ha:l:d:r:i:s:", ["help",
+ "add=", "list=", "delete=", "read=", "id=", "separator="])
+ except getopt.GetoptError, err:
+ print str(err)
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ action = None
+ target = None
+ id = None
+ sep = None
+ for o, a in opts:
+ if o in ("-h", "--help"):
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif o in ("-a", "--add"):
+ action = "add"
+ target = a
+ elif o in ("-d", "--delete"):
+ action = "delete"
+ target = a
+ elif o in ("-l", "--list"):
+ action = "list"
+ target = a
+ elif o in ("-r", "--read"):
+ action = "read"
+ target = a
+ elif o in ("-i", "--id"):
+ try:
+ id = int(a)
+ except TypeError, err:
+ print str(err)
+ sys.exit(2)
+ elif o in ("-s", "--sep"):
+ sep = a
+ else:
+ assert False, "unhandled option"
+ # no database file passed as argument
+ if len(args) != 1:
+ print "Error: no database file passed as argument."
+ sys.exit(2)
+ database = args[0]
+ if action == None:
+ print "Error: no action specified."
+ sys.exit(2)
+ if target != "status" and target != "verbose":
+ print "Error: invalid target", target, "."
+ sys.exit(2)
+ if id != None and (action == "add" or action == "read"):
+ print "Error:", action, "action doesn't use an id field."
+ sys.exit(2)
+ if id == None and (action == "delete" or action == "list"):
+ print "Error: no id for", action, "action."
+ sys.exit(2)
+ if sep != None and action != "read":
+ print "Error:", action, "action doesn't use a separator argument."
+ sys.exit(2)
+ dbw = DatabaseWriter(database)
+ if target == "status":
+ if action == "add":
+ print "client session id: ",
+ cs_id = int(sys.stdin.readline().strip())
+ print "timestamp (YYYY-MM-DD ",
+ timestamp = sys.stdin.readline().strip().split(' ')
+ date = timestamp[0]
+ time = timestamp[1]
+ print "number of peers: ",
+ num_peers = int(sys.stdin.readline().strip())
+ print "dht: ",
+ dht = int(sys.stdin.readline().strip())
+ print "current download speed (KB/s): ",
+ download_speed = int(sys.stdin.readline().strip())
+ print "current upload speed (KB/s): ",
+ upload_speed = int(sys.stdin.readline().strip())
+ print "download size (bytes): ",
+ download_size = int(sys.stdin.readline().strip())
+ print "upload size (bytes): ",
+ upload_size = int(sys.stdin.readline().strip())
+ print "eta (XdYhZmWs; e.g. 1d12h34m12s): ",
+ eta_string_array = re.split('[dhms]', sys.stdin.readline().strip())
+ eta_string_array.remove('')
+ eta = []
+ for i in range(0, len(eta_string_array)):
+ eta.append(int(eta_string_array[i]))
+ for i in range(len(eta_string_array), 4):
+ eta.insert(0, 0)
+ dbw.add_status_message(cs_id, date, time, num_peers, dht, download_speed, upload_speed, download_size, upload_size, eta)
+ if action == "delete":
+ dbw.delete_status_messages(id)
+ if action == "list":
+ dbw.show_status_messages(id)
+ if action == "read":
+ read_status_messages(dbw, sep)
+ if target == "verbose":
+ if action == "add":
+ print "client session id: ",
+ cs_id = int(sys.stdin.readline().strip())
+ print "timestamp (YYYY-MM-DD ",
+ timestamp = sys.stdin.readline().strip().split(' ')
+ date = timestamp[0]
+ time = timestamp[1]
+ print "peer IP address (X.Y.Z.T): ",
+ peer_ip = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
+ print "peer port: ",
+ peer_port = int(sys.stdin.readline().strip())
+ print "message_type (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6): ",
+ message_type = int(sys.stdin.readline().strip())
+ print "index: ",
+ index = int(sys.stdin.readline().strip())
+ print "begin: ",
+ begin = int(sys.stdin.readline().strip())
+ print "length: ",
+ length = int(sys.stdin.readline().strip())
+ print "listen_port: ",
+ listen_port = int(sys.stdin.readline().strip())
+ dbw.add_verbose_message(cs_id, date, time, peer_ip, peer_port,
+ message_type, index, begin, length, listen_port)
+ if action == "delete":
+ dbw.delete_verbose_messages(id)
+ if action == "list":
+ dbw.show_verbose_messages(id)
+ if action == "read":
+ read_verbose_messages(dbw, sep)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(main())
+== db_init ==
+db_init is a simple shell script that creates a SQLite BitTorrent message
+logging database file. It uses the ../sql/p2p-log-sqlite.sql script. The
+database tables are empty except for the btclients table. The latter is
+initialized to standard BitTorrent clients information in the SQL script.
+The user needs to pass the database file name to the db_init script:
+razvan@valhalla:~/projects/p2p-next/cs-p2p-next/auto/db$ ./db_init p2p-next.db
+== ==
+ is a Python script that implements low-level Python
+operations for managing a BitTorrent message logging database (created
+through the use of the db_init script).
+ exports methods allowing insertion, selection and deletion
+of table entries in the database. This methods are directly used by the and scripts (see below).
+ can be called from the command line (i.e. it implements a
+main method). This enables a small test case of the exported functions and
+fills the database initial entries.
+razvan@valhalla:~/projects/p2p-next/cs-p2p-next/auto/db$ python
+('[swarms]An error ocurred: ', 'constraint failed')
+('[btclients]An error ocurred: ', 'constraint failed')
+('[status_messages]An error ocurred: ', 'constraint failed')
+('[verbose_messages]An error ocurred: ', 'constraint failed')
+(1, u'DarkKnight', 123000, u'experiment', u'TVTorrents')
+(2, u'Fedora', 1024, u'experiment', u'local')
+(3, u'Pulp Fiction', 102400, u'streaming', u'isohunt')
+(1, u'Tribler', u'Python', 1, 1)
+(2, u'libtorrent', u'C++', 1, 0)
+(3, u'Vuze', u'Java', 1, 1)
+(4, u'Transmission', u'C', 1, 0)
+(5, u'Aria', u'C', 1, 0)
+(6, u'Mainline', u'Python', 1, 0)
+(7, u'Tribler', u'Python', 1, 1)
+(8, u'libtorrent', u'C++', 1, 0)
+(9, u'Vuze', u'Java', 1, 0)
+(1, 1, 2, u'Linux', u'2.6.30', 256, 1833, u'', 6969, 256, 96, 123131.1231)
+(2, 3, 4, u'Linux', u'2.6.30', 256, 1833, u'', 6969, 256, 96, 123131.1231)
+(1, 2455128.1000000001, 222, 0, 213, 56, 200, 300, 121.324)
+(1, 2455128.1212958111, u'', 1345, 0, 3, 4, 13, 777)
+(1, u'Tribler', u'Python', 1, 1)
+(7, u'Tribler', u'Python', 1, 1)
== == is a python script that allows command line acces to and is a Python script that allows command line access to and
interraction with the BitTorrent information database. It allows adding,
deleting and showing entries in the swarms and client_sessions table.
The database has to be created using the db_init script and has to be used
as a final argument to the command line program.
-If swarm/session id -1 all swarms are deleted/shown.
+If swarm/session id is -1 all swarms are deleted/shown.
If action is "add", standard input is used for reading required arguments.
A sample run is shown below:
razvan@valhalla:~/projects/p2p-next/cs-p2p-next/auto/db$ python --add swarm p2p-next.db
swarm name (torrent filename without .torrent extension): TestSwarm
file size (in bytes): 12345678
razvan@valhalla:~/projects/p2p-next/cs-p2p-next/auto/db$ python --list session --id -1 p2p-next.db
(3, 4, 1, u'Linux', u'2.6.30', 2048, 1600, u'', 6789, 512, 64, 2455132.8624999998)
+== ==
+ is a python script that enables access to the
+status_messages and verbose_messages tables. It offer a programmer interface
+and a command line interface for adding, deleting and listing entries in
+the two tables.
+The programmer interface exports six methods for adding, deletetin and listing
+entries (three methods for each table).
+The command line interface is similar to the one belonging to the
+DatabaseCommander. It's main actions are add (-a, --add), list (-l, --list)
+and delete (-d, --delete). Entries are selected by their client session id.
+This meas there is no possibility (due to the database design) to remove a
+specific entry, but entries belonging to a particular client session.
+The database has to be created using the db_init script and has to be used
+as a final argument to the command line program.
+One of the more interesting and useful features of
+is the read action (-r, --read) allowing to read entries from standard input.
+A separator may be specified through the -s (--sep) option. Comma (,) is
+used as the default separator. This allows easy integration with a
+non-Python message parser, similar to the below command
+ ./my_parser log_file | python -r verbose p2p-next.db
+ uses
+A sample run of the command line interface for is
+shown below:
+razvan@valhalla:~/projects/p2p-next/cs-p2p-next/auto/db$ python -l status -i -1 p2p-next.db
+(1, 2455128.1000000001, 222, 0, 213, 56, 200, 300, 121.324)
+razvan@valhalla:~/projects/p2p-next/cs-p2p-next/auto/db$ python -l status -i 1 p2p-next.db
+(1, 2455128.1000000001, 222, 0, 213, 56, 200, 300, 121.324)
+razvan@valhalla:~/projects/p2p-next/cs-p2p-next/auto/db$ python -l verbose -i 1 p2p-next.db
+(1, 2455128.1212958111, u'', 1345, 0, 3, 4, 13, 777)
+razvan@valhalla:~/projects/p2p-next/cs-p2p-next/auto/db$ python -l verbose -i -1 p2p-next.db
+(1, 2455128.1212958111, u'', 1345, 0, 3, 4, 13, 777)
+razvan@valhalla:~/projects/p2p-next/cs-p2p-next/auto/db$ python -a verbose p2p-next.db
+client session id: 1
+ timestamp (YYYY-MM-DD 2009-10-30 12:34:12
+ peer IP address (X.Y.Z.T):
+ peer port: 34567
+ message_type (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6): 3
+ index: 12
+ begin: 45
+ length: 1024
+ listen_port: 0
+razvan@valhalla:~/projects/p2p-next/cs-p2p-next/auto/db$ python -l verbose -i -1 p2p-next.db
+(1, 2455128.1212958111, u'', 1345, 0, 3, 4, 13, 777)
+(1, 2455135.0237500002, u'', 34567, 3, 12, 45, 1024, 0)
+razvan@valhalla:~/projects/p2p-next/cs-p2p-next/auto/db$ python -a status p2p-next.db
+client session id: 1
+ timestamp (YYYY-MM-DD 2009-10-30 12:12:12
+ number of peers: 34
+ dht: 4
+ current download speed (KB/s): 456
+ current upload speed (KB/s): 23
+ download size (bytes): 123456
+ upload size (bytes): 3321
+ eta (XdYhZmWs; e.g. 1d12h34m12s): 13m12s
+razvan@valhalla:~/projects/p2p-next/cs-p2p-next/auto/db$ python -l status -i -1 p2p-next.db
+(1, 2455128.1000000001, 222, 0, 213, 56, 200, 300, 121.324)
+(1, 2455135.0084722224, 34, 4, 456, 23, 123456, 3321, 792)
+razvan@valhalla:~/projects/p2p-next/cs-p2p-next/auto/db$ python -d status -i 1 p2p-next.db
+razvan@valhalla:~/projects/p2p-next/cs-p2p-next/auto/db$ python -l status -i -1 p2p-next.db
+razvan@valhalla:~/projects/p2p-next/cs-p2p-next/auto/db$ python -d verbose -i 1 p2p-next.db
+razvan@valhalla:~/projects/p2p-next/cs-p2p-next/auto/db$ python -l verbose -i -1 p2p-next.db
+razvan@valhalla:~/projects/p2p-next/cs-p2p-next/auto/db$ cat status_messages.sample.txt | python -r status p2p-next.db
+razvan@valhalla:~/projects/p2p-next/cs-p2p-next/auto/db$ python -l status -i -1 p2p-next.db
+(1, 2455135.342037037, 23, 1, 324, 43, 121323, 12132, 852)
+(1, 2455135.342048611, 23, 1, 324, 43, 122323, 12232, 852)
+(1, 2455135.342060185, 23, 1, 323, 43, 123323, 12332, 852)
+(1, 2455135.342071759, 24, 2, 322, 44, 124323, 12432, 852)
+(1, 2455135.3420833335, 24, 3, 320, 45, 125323, 12532, 852)
+(1, 2455135.3420949075, 25, 3, 319, 49, 126323, 12632, 852)
+(1, 2455135.3421064815, 26, 2, 306, 48, 127323, 12732, 852)
+(1, 2455135.3421180556, 25, 2, 301, 48, 128323, 12932, 852)
+razvan@valhalla:~/projects/p2p-next/cs-p2p-next/auto/db$ cat verbose_messages.sample.txt | python -r verbose p2p-next.db
+razvan@valhalla:~/projects/p2p-next/cs-p2p-next/auto/db$ python -l verbose -i -1 p2p-next.db
+(1, 2455135.0226182872, u'', 5678, 1, 12, 16, 1024, 0)
+(1, 2455135.0226196758, u'', 5678, 2, 12, 16, 1024, 0)
+(1, 2455135.0226287036, u'', 5678, 3, 12, 16, 1024, 0)
+(1, 2455135.0226305556, u'', 5678, 2, 12, 16, 1024, 0)
+(1, 2455135.0226306715, u'', 5678, 4, 12, 16, 1024, 0)
+(1, 2455135.0226402776, u'', 5678, 5, 12, 16, 1024, 0)
+(1, 2455135.0226541664, u'', 5678, 3, 12, 16, 1024, 0)
+(1, 2455135.0226603011, u'', 5678, 2, 12, 16, 1024, 0)