import sys, socket
import os
+import re
from Util import *
from XMLParser import *
from threading import Thread
self.Commander = CommanderBase();
- self.commands = {'list': [self.list, "lists the nodes in xml file"]}
-# def list(self):
-# print "shit"
+ self.commands = {
+ 'list': [self.simpleC, 'Lists the nodes in xml file.'],
+ 'boot':[self.nodeC, 'Bootstrap server. Options: all | x .'],
+ 'start': [self.clientC, 'Start clients. Options: all | x | x,y .'],
+ 'stop': [self.clientC, 'Stop clients. Options: all | x | x,y .'],
+ 'archive': [self.nodeC, 'Archive output information of clients.'+\
+ 'Options: all | x .'],
+ 'getclients': [self.nodeC, 'Get running clients. Options: all | x .'],
+ 'getoutput': [self.nodeC, 'Get clients output. Options: all | x .'],
+ 'help': [self.simpleC, "Show This Message."],
+ 'exit': [self.simpleC, "Exit Commander."]
+ }
-# def listCommands(self):
-# print "List of commands:"
-# for k, v in self.commands.items():
-# print "\t",k,"\t",v[1]
- def sendSSHComm(self, hostname, username, port, comm):
- try:
- self.sshc.connect(hostname=hostname,
- username=username,
- port=port)
- stdin, stdout, stderr = self.sshc.exec_command(comm)
- print stdout.readlines()
- except Exception, e:
- print e
- finally:
- self.sshc.close()
- def sendMultipleSSHComm(self, hostname, username, port, comms):
- try:
- self.sshc.connect(hostname=hostname,
- username=username,
- port=port)
- for c in comms:
- stdin, stdout, stderr = self.sshc.exec_command(comm)
- except Exception, e:
- print e
- finally:
- self.sshc.close()
+ def simpleC(self, comm, argv):
+ if comm == 'list':
+ for node in self.nodes.getNodes():
+ self.printNodeInfo(node)
+ if comm == 'help':
+ print "List of commands:"
+ keys = self.commands.keys()
+ keys.sort()
+ for k in keys:
+ if len(k)<7:
+ print " " + k + "\t\t- " + self.commands[k][1]
+ else:
+ print " " + k + "\t- " + self.commands[k][1]
+ print "(where x is for node id and y is for client id)"
+ if comm=='exit':
+ sys.exit()
- def applyNodeTC(self, node):
- si = self.swarm.getSIByNode(node)
- node.public_port,
- node.public_iface,
- node.private_address,
- node.private_port,
- node.private_iface)
- commands =
- #self.printDummyCommand(node.public_address, node.public_port, node.ssh_port, commands)
- #sendMultipleSSHComm(node.public_address, node.username, node.ssh_port, commands)
+ def nodeC(self, comm, argv):
+ argc = len(argv)
+ callbacks = {'boot':self.startNodeServer,
+ 'archive':self.nodeArchive,
+ 'getoutput':self.getNodeOutput,
+ 'getclients':self.getNodeStatus}
+ if argc == 0 or argc == 2:
+ print "Invalid arguments"
+ return
+ if argv[0] == 'all':
+ for node in self.nodes.getNodes():
+ print callbacks[comm](node)
+ elif argc==1:
+ node = self.nodes.getNode(argv[0])
+ if not node:
+ print "Unknown node id!"
+ return
+ print callbacks[comm](node)
+ def clientC(self, comm, argv):
+ argc = len(argv)
+ callbacks = {'start':self.startSI,
+ 'stop':self.stopSI}
+ if argc == 0:
+ print "Invalid arguments"
+ return
+ if argv[0] == 'all':
+ for si in self.swarm.getSIs():
+ node = self.nodes.getNodeBySi(si)
+ if not node:
+ print "Incompatible XML files!"
+ return
+ print callbacks[comm](node, si)
+ elif argc==1:
+ node = self.nodes.getNode(argv[0])
+ if not node:
+ print "Unknown node id!"
+ return
+ si = self.swarm.getSIByNode(node)
+ if not si:
+ print "Unknown client id!"
+ return
+ print callbacks[comm](node, si)
+ else:
+ node = self.nodes.getNode(argv[0])
+ if not node:
+ print "Unknown node id!"
+ return
+ si = self.swarm.getSI(argv[1])
+ if not si:
+ print "Unknown client id!"
+ return
+ print callbacks[comm](node, si)
def startNodeServer(self, node):
- comm = SERVER_TYPE+" "+SERVER_DIR+SERVER_FILE+" "+"start " + node. private_address
- print node.ssh_port, node.username, node.daemon_dir, node.public_address
+ " "+"start " + node. private_address
- def startSI(self, si):
- node = self.nodes.getNodeBySi(si)
- if not node:
- print "[ERROR] Swarm Instance unknown! Check XML config files!"
+ def startSI(self, node, si):
base_path = node.getClientBaseDir(si.btclient)
torrent_file = self.swarm.getTorrentFile()
print ">>>>>>>>", ret
if ret: = ret
- si.running = True
- def stopSI(self, si):
- #self.printDummyCommand(node.public_address, node.listen_port, START_MSG, config_data)
- node = self.nodes.getNodeBySi(si)
- ret = self.Commander.stop(node.public_address,
+ def stopSI(self, node, si):
+ return self.Commander.stop(node.public_address,
def getNodeStatus(self, node):
- self.Commander.getClients(node.public_address,
+ return self.Commander.getClients(node.public_address,
def getNodeOutput(self, node):
- self.Commander.getOutput(node.public_address,
+ return self.Commander.getOutput(node.public_address,
def nodeArchive(self, node):
- self.Commander.archive(node.public_address,
+ return self.Commander.archive(node.public_address,
def cleanNode(self, node):
- def getSIStatus(self, si):
- pass
- def startAllServers(self):
- for node in self.nodes.getNodes():
- self.startNodeServer(node)
- def startAll(self):
- for si in self.swarm.getSIs():
- self.startSI(si)
- def statusAll(self):
- for node in self.nodes.getNodes():
- self.getNodeStatus(node)
- def archiveAll(self):
- for node in self.nodes.getNodes():
- self.nodeArchive(node);
+ def sendSSHComm(self, hostname, username, port, comm):
+ try:
+ self.sshc.connect(hostname=hostname,
+ username=username,
+ port=port)
+ stdin, stdout, stderr = self.sshc.exec_command(comm)
+ print stdout.readlines()
+ except Exception, e:
+ print e
+ finally:
+ self.sshc.close()
+ def sendMultipleSSHComm(self, hostname, username, port, comms):
+ try:
+ self.sshc.connect(hostname=hostname,
+ username=username,
+ port=port)
+ for c in comms:
+ stdin, stdout, stderr = self.sshc.exec_command(comm)
+ except Exception, e:
+ print e
+ finally:
+ self.sshc.close()
- def outputAll(self):
- for node in self.nodes.getNodes():
- self.getNodeOutput(node)
+ def applyNodeTC(self, node):
+ si = self.swarm.getSIByNode(node)
+ node.public_port,
+ node.public_iface,
+ node.private_address,
+ node.private_port,
+ node.private_iface)
+ commands =
+ #~ self.sendMultipleSSHComm(node.public_address,
+ #~ node.username,
+ #~ node.ssh_port,
+ #~ commands)
- def stopAll(self):
- for si in self.swarm.getSIs():
- self.stopSI(si)
def run(self):
- self.printUsage()
- #self.listCommands()
- #(self.commands['list'][0])()
+ self.about()
while True:
- k = raw_input("Choose option: ")
- if k == '': break
- if k == '1':
- self.startAllServers()
- if k == '2':
- self.startAll()
- if k == '3':
- self.statusAll()
- if k == '4':
- self.outputAll()
- if k == '5':
- self.archiveAll()
- if k == '6':
- self.stopAll()
+ try:
+ input = raw_input("commander> ")
+ ret = re.match(r'[a-z]+(\s+all|\s+[0-9]+,[0-9]+|\s+[0-9]+)?$', input)
+ if not ret:
+ raise KeyError
+ argv = re.split(r'\W+', input)
+ (self.commands[argv[0]][0])(argv[0], argv[1:])
+ except KeyError:
+ print "Unknown command"
+ def printNodeInfo(self, node):
+ si = self.swarm.getSIByNode(node)
+ print 'node ' + + ' (' + node.public_address +\
+ ":" +node.public_port + " -> " + node.private_address +\
+ ":" +node.listen_port +' ):'
+ print ' - client ' + +' (' + si.btclient + ', Down:' + si.download_limit + \
+ " KB/s" + ", Up:" +si.upload_limit + " KB/s" + ' )'
+ def about(self):
+ print "Commander version 1.0.3"
+ print "Enter \"help\" for instructions"
- def printUsage(self):
- print "=========Commander Options=========="
- print "1. Start Servers"
- print "2. Start Swarm"
- print "3. Status Swarm"
- print "4. Output Swarm"
- print "5. Archive Swarm"
- print "6. Stop Swarm"
- print "===================================="
if __name__ == "__main__":
c = Commander("../xml/nodes.xml", "../xml/swarm.xml")
if msg_type == ACK_MSG:
- print "[GET_CLIENTS] Client list: ", msg_data
return msg_data
- print msg_data
- return None
+ error("get_clients", msg_data)
def getOutput(self, public_address, listen_port):
msg_type, msg_data = self.sendComm(public_address,
if msg_type == ACK_MSG:
- print "[GET_OUTPUT] Client output: ", msg_data
return msg_data
- print msg_data
- return None
+ error("get_output", msg_data)
def archive(self, public_address, listen_port):
msg_type, msg_data = self.sendComm(public_address,
if msg_type == ACK_MSG:
- print "[ARCHIVE] List of files: "
- print msg_data
return msg_data
- print msg_data
- return None
+ error("archive", msg_data)
def start(self, public_address, listen_port, config_data):
msg_type, msg_data = self.sendComm(public_address,
if msg_type == ACK_MSG:
- print "[START] started client with pid: ", msg_data
return msg_data
- print msg_data
- return False
+ error("start_client", msg_data)
def stop(self, public_address, listen_port, client_pid):
msg_type, msg_data = self.sendComm(public_address,
if msg_type == ACK_MSG:
- print "[STOP] client shutdown OK"
return True
- print "error while shutting down client"
- print msg_data
- return None
+ error("stop_client", msg_data)
def clean(self):
- def printDummyCommand(self, public_address, public_port, option1, data):
- print "----------------------"
- print "sending to: [%s:%s] with option %s" %(public_address, public_port, option1)
- print "this data: %s" %(data)
- print "----------------------\n"
+ def error(self, op, msg):
+ print "[Server Error]: The server denied the " + op + " operation"
+ print "[Server Error]: " + msg
\ No newline at end of file