- Tribler/ - Tribler 5.1.2 source code
- doxy.config - Doxygen file for generating doc from Tribler' sources
- start_tribler - script that starts Tribler
-- merge_status_msg.sh - script that merges status messages output by tribler in
- two different files
extra/ -
-log-parser/ -
+log-parser/ - parsers for Tribler and Libtorrent logs
+ - tribler/
+ - LogParser.py - parses verbose messages
+ - StatusParser.py - parses status messages
+ - run_sample - starts StatusParser for a given status log and database
+ file
+ - run_sample_verbose - starts LogParser for a given verbose log and
+ database file
+ - make_db - creates an SQLite database file
+ - merge_status_msg.sh - script that merges status messages output by
+ Tribler in two different files, into a single file
+ - libtorrent/
+ - LogParser.py - parses verbose messages
+ - StatusParser.py - parses status messages
+ - run_sample - creates a database file and fills it with test data
+ - starts LogParser and StatusParser
-log-samples/ -
+log-samples/- verbose and status log samples for Tribler and libtorrent
viewer/ -
p2p-nextviewer.py - P2P-Next GUI