public function test($user_id = 1)
+ echo ($this->users_model->get_userdata('calin.burloiu') ? 'd' : 'n');
if ($b_openid)
- $this->lang->load('openid');
- $this->load->library('openid');
- $this->config->load('openid');
- $request_to = site_url('user/check_openid_login');
- $req = $this->config->item('openid_required');
- $opt = $this->config->item('openid_optional');
- $policy = site_url('user/openid_policy');
- $pape_policy_uris = $this->config->item('openid_papa_policies');
- $this->openid->set_request_to($request_to);
- $this->openid->set_trust_root(base_url());
- $this->openid->set_args(null);
- $this->openid->set_sreg(true, $req, $opt, $policy);
- if (!empty($pape_policy_uris))
- $this->openid->set_pape(true, $pape_policy_uris);
- // Redirection to OP site will follow.
- $this->openid->authenticate($this->input->post('openid'));
+ $this->users_model->openid_begin_login(
+ $this->input->post('openid'));
public function check_openid_login()
- $this->lang->load('openid');
- $this->load->library('openid');
- $this->config->load('openid');
- $request_to = site_url('user/check_openid_login');
- $this->openid->set_request_to($request_to);
- $response = $this->openid->get_response();
- switch ($response->status)
+ $user = $this->users_model->openid_complete_login();
+ // Authentication failed.
+ if ($user == Auth_OpenID_CANCEL)
- case Auth_OpenID_CANCEL:
- show_info_msg_page($this, $this->lang->line('openid_cancel'));
- break;
- case Auth_OpenID_FAILURE:
+ show_error_msg_page($this, $this->lang->line('openid_cancel'));
+ return;
+ }
+ else if ($user == Auth_OpenID_FAILURE)
+ {
- show_error_msg_page($this,
- $this->_format_message('openid_failure',
- $response->message));
- break;
- case Auth_OpenID_SUCCESS:
- $openid = $response->getDisplayIdentifier();
- $esc_identity = htmlspecialchars($openid, ENT_QUOTES);
- $sreg_resp = Auth_OpenID_SRegResponse::fromSuccessResponse($response);
- $sreg = $sreg_resp->contents();
- // Get registration informations
- $ax = new Auth_OpenID_AX_FetchResponse();
- $obj = $ax->fromSuccessResponse($response);
- //echo 'nickname('. $sreg_resp->get('nickname'). ')';
- echo var_dump($obj->data);
- echo '<br />';
- echo var_dump($sreg);
-// foreach ($sreg as $key => $value)
-// {
-// $data['success'] .= $this->_set_message('openid_content', array($key, $value), array('%s', '%t'));
-// }
- break;
+ show_error_msg_page($this, $this->lang->line('openid_failure'));
+ return;
+ // Authentication successful: set session with user data.
+ $this->session->set_userdata(array(
+ 'user_id'=> $user['id'],
+ 'username'=> $user['username'],
+ 'auth_src'=> $user['auth_src'],
+ 'time_zone'=> $user['time_zone']
+ ));
+ if ($user['import'])
+ header('Location: '. site_url('user/account'));
+ else
+ header('Location: '. site_url());
public function openid_policy()
class Openid {
var $storePath = 'tmp';
var $sreg_enable = FALSE;
var $sreg_required = NULL;
var $sreg_optional = NULL;
var $sreg_policy = NULL;
+ var $ax_enable = FALSE;
+ var $ax_attributes = NULL;
var $pape_enable = FALSE;
var $pape_policy_uris = NULL;
var $ext_args = NULL;
$this->sreg_optional = $optional;
$this->sreg_policy = $policy;
+ function set_ax($enable, $ax_attributes = NULL)
+ {
+ $this->ax_enable = $enable;
+ $this->ax_attributes = $ax_attributes;
+ }
function set_pape($enable, $policy_uris = NULL)
- // *** TODO ***
- // Create attribute request object
- // See for parameters
- // Usage: make($type_uri, $count=1, $required=false, $alias=null)
- $attribute[] = Auth_OpenID_AX_AttrInfo::make(
- '', 1, TRUE);
- $attribute[] = Auth_OpenID_AX_AttrInfo::make(
- '', 1, TRUE);
- $attribute[] = Auth_OpenID_AX_AttrInfo::make(
- '', 1, TRUE);
- // Create AX fetch request
- $ax = new Auth_OpenID_AX_FetchRequest;
- // Add attributes to AX fetch request
- foreach($attribute as $attr){
- $ax->add($attr);
+ if ($this->ax_enable)
+ {
+ $ax_request = new Auth_OpenID_AX_FetchRequest();
+ if ($ax_request)
+ {
+ foreach ($this->ax_attributes as $attr)
+ $ax_request->add($attr);
+ $authRequest->addExtension($ax_request);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->_set_message(TRUE, 'openid_ax_failed');
+ }
- // Add AX fetch request to authentication request
- $authRequest->addExtension($ax);
if ($this->pape_enable)
* @param string $username
* @param string $password
- * @return mixed can return FALSE if authentication failed, a DB row as an
- * associative array if authentication was succesful or an associative
- * array with LDAP user information if authentication with LDAP was
- * successful but the user logged in for the first time and it does not
- * have an entry in `users` table yet. The key 'auth_src' distinguishes
- * which associative array was returned:
- * <ul>
- * <li>'internal' or 'ldap': a DB row</li>
- * <li>'ldap_first_time': LDAP user information</li>
- * </ul>
+ * @return mixed can return FALSE if authentication failed, a `users`DB row
+ * as an associative array if authentication was successful
public function login($username, $password)
$enc_password = sha1($password);
- // TODO select only required fields.
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT u.*, a.activation_code
FROM `users` u LEFT JOIN `users_unactivated` a ON ( = a.user_id)
WHERE $cond_user
&& ! $this->ldap_login($username, $password))
return FALSE;
- if (empty($user['email']) || empty($user['first_name'])
- || empty($user['last_name']))
+ if (empty($user['username']) || empty($user['email'])
+ || empty($user['first_name']) || empty($user['last_name'])
+ || empty($user['country']))
$user['import'] = TRUE;
// Update last login time.
return $user;
+ /**
+ * Begin the OpenID login by redirecting user to the OP to authenticate.
+ *
+ * @param string $openid
+ */
+ public function openid_begin_login($openid)
+ {
+ $this->lang->load('openid');
+ $this->load->library('openid');
+ $request_to = site_url('user/check_openid_login');
+ $req = array('nickname');
+ $opt = array('fullname', 'email', 'dob', 'country');
+ $policy = site_url('user/openid_policy');
+ $ax_attributes[] = Auth_OpenID_AX_AttrInfo::make(
+ '', 1, TRUE);
+ $ax_attributes[] = Auth_OpenID_AX_AttrInfo::make(
+ '', 1, TRUE);
+ $ax_attributes[] = Auth_OpenID_AX_AttrInfo::make(
+ '', 1, TRUE);
+ $ax_attributes[] = Auth_OpenID_AX_AttrInfo::make(
+ '', 1, TRUE);
+ $this->openid->set_request_to($request_to);
+ $this->openid->set_trust_root(base_url());
+ $this->openid->set_sreg(TRUE, $req, $opt, $policy);
+ $this->openid->set_ax(TRUE, $ax_attributes);
+ // Redirection to OP site will follow.
+ $this->openid->authenticate($openid);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Finalize the OpenID login. Register user if is here for the first time.
+ *
+ * @return mixed returns a `users` DB row as an associative array if
+ * authentication was successful or Auth_OpenID_CANCEL/_FAILURE if it was
+ * unsuccessful.
+ */
+ public function openid_complete_login()
+ {
+ $this->lang->load('openid');
+ $this->load->library('openid');
+ $request_to = site_url('user/check_openid_login');
+ $this->openid->set_request_to($request_to);
+ $response = $this->openid->get_response();
+ if ($response->status === Auth_OpenID_CANCEL
+ || $response->status === Auth_OpenID_FAILURE)
+ return $response->status;
+ // Auth_OpenID_SUCCESS
+ $openid = $response->getDisplayIdentifier();
+ //$esc_openid = htmlspecialchars($openid, ENT_QUOTES);
+ // Get user_id to see if it's the first time the user logs in with
+ // OpenID.
+ $query = $this->db->query("SELECT * from `users_openid`
+ WHERE openid_url = '$openid'");
+ $import = FALSE;
+ // First time with OpenID => register user
+ if ($query->num_rows() === 0)
+ {
+ $user_id = $this->openid_register($response);
+ $import = TRUE;
+ }
+ // Not first time with OpenID.
+ else
+ $user_id = $query->row()->user_id;
+ // Login
+ $query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM `users`
+ WHERE id = $user_id");
+ $userdata = $query->row_array();
+ $userdata['import'] = $import;
+ if (empty($userdata['username']) || empty($userdata['email'])
+ || empty($userdata['first_name'])
+ || empty($userdata['last_name'])
+ || empty($userdata['country']))
+ $userdata['import'] = TRUE;
+ // Update last login time.
+ $this->db->query("UPDATE `users`
+ SET last_login = UTC_TIMESTAMP()
+ WHERE id = $user_id");
+ return $userdata;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Register an user that logged in with OpenID for the first time.
+ *
+ * @param object $op_response object returned by Janrain
+ * Consumer::complete method.
+ * @return mixed the user_id inserted or FALSE on error
+ */
+ public function openid_register($op_response)
+ {
+ $sreg_resp = Auth_OpenID_SRegResponse::fromSuccessResponse($op_response);
+ $ax_resp = Auth_OpenID_AX_FetchResponse::fromSuccessResponse($op_response);
+ // E-mail
+ $email = $ax_resp->get('');
+ if (empty($email) || is_a($email, 'Auth_OpenID_AX_Error'))
+ $data['email'] = $sreg_resp->get('email', '');
+ else
+ $data['email'] = $email[0];
+ // First Name
+ $first_name = $ax_resp->get('');
+ if (empty($first_name) || is_a($first_name, 'Auth_OpenID_AX_Error'))
+ $data['first_name'] = '';
+ else
+ $data['first_name'] = $first_name[0];
+ // Sur Name
+ $last_name = $ax_resp->get('');
+ if (empty($last_name) || is_a($last_name, 'Auth_OpenID_AX_Error'))
+ $data['last_name'] = '';
+ else
+ $data['last_name'] = $last_name[0];
+ // First Name and Last Name
+ if (empty($data['first_name']) || empty($data['last_name']))
+ {
+ $fullname = $sreg_resp->get('fullname');
+ if ($fullname)
+ {
+ if (empty($data['first_name']))
+ $data['first_name'] = substr(
+ $fullname, 0, strrpos($fullname, ' '));
+ if (empty($data['last_name']))
+ $data['last_name'] = substr(
+ $fullname, strrpos($fullname, ' ') + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ // Username
+ $data['username'] = $sreg_resp->get('nickname');
+ if (!$data['username'])
+ {
+ if (!empty($data['email']))
+ {
+ $data['email'] = strtolower($data['email']);
+ $data['username'] = substr($data['email'],
+ 0, strpos($data['email'], '@'));
+ $data['username'] = preg_replace(array('/[^a-z0-9\._]*/'),
+ array(''), $data['username']);
+ }
+ else if(!empty($data['first_name']) || !empty($data['last_name']))
+ {
+ $data['username'] = $data['first_name'] . '_'
+ . $data['last_name'];
+ $data['username'] = substr($data['username'], 0, 32);
+ }
+ else
+ $data['username'] = $this->gen_username();
+ }
+ if ($this->get_userdata($data['username']))
+ {
+ $chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
+ $len_chars = strlen($chars);
+ $data['username'] .= '_';
+ do
+ {
+ $data['username'] .= $chars[ mt_rand(0, $len_chars - 1) ];
+ } while($this->get_userdata($data['username']));
+ }
+ // Country
+ $country = $ax_resp->get('');
+ if (empty($country) || is_a($country, 'Auth_OpenID_AX_Error'))
+ $data['country'] = $sreg_resp->get('country', '');
+ else
+ $data['country'] = $country[0];
+ // Birth Date
+ $data['birth_date'] = $sreg_resp->get('dob', NULL);
+ // OpenID
+ $data['auth_src'] = 'openid';
+// print_r($data);
+ if (!$this->register($data, $op_response->getDisplayIdentifier()))
+ return FALSE;
+ $query = $this->db->query("SELECT id from `users`
+ WHERE username = '{$data['username']}'");
+ return $query->row()->id;
+ }
* Converts an array returned by LDAP login to an array which contains
* user data ready to be used in `users` DB.
* Adds a new user to DB.
* Do not add join_date and last_login column, they will be automatically
* added.
+ * Provide an 'openid' with the OpenID as value in order to register users
+ * logging in this way.
* @param array $data corresponds to DB columns
- public function register($data)
+ public function register($data, $openid = NULL)
// Process data.
if (isset($data['password']))
$data['password'] = sha1($data['password']);
- // TODO picture data: save, convert, make it thumbnail
if (empty($data['birth_date']))
$data['birth_date'] = NULL;
if ($query === FALSE)
return FALSE;
+ // If registered with OpenID insert a row in `users_openid`.
+ if ($openid)
+ {
+ // Find user_id.
+ $query = $this->db->query("SELECT id from `users`
+ WHERE username = '{$data['username']}'");
+ if ($query->num_rows() === 0)
+ return FALSE;
+ $user_id = $query->row()->id;
+ // Insert row in `users_openid`.
+ $query = $this->db->query("INSERT INTO `users_openid`
+ (openid_url, user_id)
+ VALUES ('$openid', $user_id)");
+ if (!$query)
+ return FALSE;
+ }
// If registered with internal authentication it needs to activate
// the account.
if ($data['auth_src'] == 'internal')
return $password;
- }
+ }
+ public static function gen_username()
+ {
+ $chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789._';
+ $len_chars = strlen($chars);
+ $len = 8;
+ $username = '';
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++)
+ $username .= $chars[ mt_rand(0, $len_chars - 1) ];
+ return $username;
+ }
public static function roles_to_string($roles)