--- /dev/null
+This is the swift structures:
+// swift interface
+typedef struct swift {
+ int socketListener, socketData;
+ struct sockaddr_in socketListenerAddr;
+} *Swift;
+// swift_addr structure similar with in_addr
+struct swift_addr {
+ unsigned short N; // e.g. number of s_addr
+ unsigned long s_addr[MAX_IPs]; // i.p. ip list
+// swift struct similar with sock_addr
+typedef struct sockSwiftaddr {
+ short sin_family; // e.g. AF_INET
+ unsigned short sin_port; // e.g. htons(3490)
+ struct swift_addr sin_addr; // see struct swift_addr, below
+} *SockSwiftaddr;
+// list of swift_addr
+struct listsockaddr {
+ unsigned short N;
+ struct sockaddr_in sa[MAX_IPs];
+With this new structures we modify the normal socket api and the new api is:
+// Function to create a Swift socket
+Swift socketSwift();
+// Function to close a Swift socket
+void closeSwift(Swift);
+// Function to listen to a port
+int listenfromSwift (Swift s, void *buf, size_t len, int flags,
+ struct sockSwiftaddr * __restrict__ from, socklen_t *fromlen);
+// Function to bind a port for swift socket
+int bindSwift(Swift s, const struct sockSwiftaddr *my_addr, socklen_t addrlen);
+// Function to receive a message
+ssize_t recvFromSwift(Swift s, void *buf, size_t len, int flags,
+ struct sockSwiftaddr *from, socklen_t *fromlen);
+// Function to send a message
+ssize_t sendToSwift(Swift s, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags,
+ const struct sockSwiftaddr *to, socklen_t tolen);
--- /dev/null
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+ $(LATEX) $<
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+ $(PDFLATEX) $<
+ # Twice, so TOC is also updated
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+ <title>Rounded rectangle.34</title>\r
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+ <title>Rounded rectangle.37</title>\r
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+ <title>Rounded rectangle.38</title>\r
+ <desc>Physical Layer 1</desc>\r
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+ 9.92134 -180 0 0 0 831.97 A9.92134 9.92134 -180 0 0 9.92 841.89 L38.27 841.89 Z" class="st15"/>\r
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+ <g id="shape39-141" v:mID="39" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(212.598,-575.433)">\r
+ <title>Rounded rectangle.39</title>\r
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+ <title>Rounded rectangle.7</title>\r
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+ <title>Rounded rectangle.8</title>\r
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+ <title>Rounded rectangle.9</title>\r
+ <desc>Physical Layer 1</desc>\r
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+ <g id="shape5-154" v:mID="5" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(331.654,-632.126)">\r
+ <title>Rounded rectangle.5</title>\r
+ <desc>UDP Transport Layer</desc>\r
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+ <g id="shape15-158" v:mID="15" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(331.654,-575.433)">\r
+ <title>Rounded rectangle.15</title>\r
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+ <title>Rounded rectangle.24</title>\r
+ <desc>IP</desc>\r
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+ <g id="shape16-164" v:mID="16" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(331.654,-547.087)">\r
+ <title>Rounded rectangle.16</title>\r
+ <desc>Physical Layer</desc>\r
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+ 9.92134 -180 0 0 0 831.97 A9.92134 9.92134 -180 0 0 9.92 841.89 L55.28 841.89 Z" class="st15"/>\r
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+ <rect x="0" y="827.717" width="35.4331" height="14.1732" class="st6"/>\r
+ <text x="2.82" y="837.2" class="st2" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>Request</text> </g>\r
+ <g id="shape16-50" v:mID="16" v:groupContext="shape" v:layerMember="0" transform="translate(177.165,-687.402)">\r
+ <title>12pt. text.16</title>\r
+ <desc>SysCall</desc>\r
+ <v:userDefs>\r
+ <v:ud v:nameU="AntiScale" v:val="VT0(1):26"/>\r
+ <v:ud v:nameU="AutoWidth" v:val="VT0(0.49212598425197):24"/>\r
+ <v:ud v:nameU="WidthIncrement" v:val="VT0(0.098425196850394):24"/>\r
+ <v:ud v:nameU="visVersion" v:val="VT0(12):26"/>\r
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+ <v:textBlock v:margins="rect(0,0,0,0)" v:tabSpace="42.5197"/>\r
+ <v:textRect cx="17.7165" cy="834.803" width="35.44" height="14.1732"/>\r
+ <rect x="0" y="827.717" width="35.4331" height="14.1732" class="st6"/>\r
+ <text x="4.16" y="837.2" class="st2" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>SysCall</text> </g>\r
+ <g id="shape17-53" v:mID="17" v:groupContext="shape" v:layerMember="0" transform="translate(291.26,-673.228)">\r
+ <title>12pt. text.17</title>\r
+ <desc>………..</desc>\r
+ <v:userDefs>\r
+ <v:ud v:nameU="AntiScale" v:val="VT0(1):26"/>\r
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+ <v:ud v:nameU="visVersion" v:val="VT0(12):26"/>\r
+ </v:userDefs>\r
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+ <v:textRect cx="29.0551" cy="834.803" width="58.12" height="14.1732"/>\r
+ <rect x="0" y="827.717" width="58.1102" height="14.1732" class="st6"/>\r
+ <text x="7.72" y="838.4" class="st7" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>………..</text> </g>\r
+ <g id="shape18-56" v:mID="18" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(175.748,-683.858)">\r
+ <title>Invocation.18</title>\r
+ <v:userDefs>\r
+ <v:ud v:nameU="CH" v:val="VT0(5):26"/>\r
+ <v:ud v:nameU="visVersion" v:val="VT0(12):26"/>\r
+ </v:userDefs>\r
+ <path d="M0 841.89 L34.87 841.89" class="st4"/>\r
+ </g>\r
+ <g id="shape19-61" v:mID="19" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(216.142,1021.18) rotate(180)">\r
+ <title>Invocation.19</title>\r
+ <v:userDefs>\r
+ <v:ud v:nameU="CH" v:val="VT0(5):26"/>\r
+ <v:ud v:nameU="visVersion" v:val="VT0(12):26"/>\r
+ </v:userDefs>\r
+ <path d="M0 841.89 L34.87 841.89" class="st4"/>\r
+ </g>\r
+ <g id="shape20-66" v:mID="20" v:groupContext="shape" v:layerMember="0" transform="translate(240.945,-722.835)">\r
+ <title>12pt. text.20</title>\r
+ <desc>Network communication</desc>\r
+ <v:userDefs>\r
+ <v:ud v:nameU="AntiScale" v:val="VT0(1):26"/>\r
+ <v:ud v:nameU="AutoWidth" v:val="VT0(0.78740157480315):24"/>\r
+ <v:ud v:nameU="WidthIncrement" v:val="VT0(0.098425196850394):24"/>\r
+ <v:ud v:nameU="visVersion" v:val="VT0(12):26"/>\r
+ </v:userDefs>\r
+ <v:textBlock v:margins="rect(0,0,0,0)" v:tabSpace="42.5197"/>\r
+ <v:textRect cx="28.3465" cy="834.803" width="56.7" height="14.1732"/>\r
+ <rect x="0" y="827.717" width="56.6929" height="14.1732" class="st6"/>\r
+ <text x="13.68" y="832.4" class="st2" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>Network <v:newlineChar/><tspan\r
+ x="1.45" dy="1.2em" class="st3">communication</tspan></text> </g>\r
+ <g id="shape10-70" v:mID="10" v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(-215.671,874.94) rotate(-142.431)">\r
+ <title>Invocation.10</title>\r
+ <v:userDefs>\r
+ <v:ud v:nameU="CH" v:val="VT0(5):26"/>\r
+ <v:ud v:nameU="visVersion" v:val="VT0(12):26"/>\r
+ </v:userDefs>\r
+ <path d="M0 841.89 L40.97 841.89" class="st4"/>\r
+ </g>\r
+ </g>\r
--- /dev/null
+# sample entry
+ author = {Dinh, Tien Tuan Anh and Theodoropoulos, Georgios and Minson, Rob},
+ title = {{Evaluating Large Scale Distributed Simulation of P2P Networks}},
+ booktitle = {DS-RT '08: Proceedings of the 2008 12th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications},
+ year = {2008},
+ isbn = {978-0-7695-3425-1},
+ pages = {51--58},
+ doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/DS-RT.2008.36},
+ publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
+ address = {Washington, DC, USA},
+ author = {V. Grishchenko, J. Pouwelse},
+ title = {{Binmaps: hybridizing bitmaps and binary trees}},
+ year = {2009},
+ howpublished = {http://bouillon.math.usu.ru/articles/binmaps-alenex.pdf},
+ author = {R. Merkle},
+ title = {{A Digital Signature Based on a Conventional Encryption Function}},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings CRYPTO'87},
+ year = {1987},
+ pages = {369--378},
+ address = {Santa Barbara, CA, USA},
+ author = {Bram Cohen},
+ title = {{Incentives Build Robustness in BitTorrent}},
+ howpublished = {http://www.bittorrent.org/bittorrentecon.pdf},
+ author = {Arno Bakker},
+ title = {{Merkle hash torrent extension}},
+ booktitle = {BEP 30},
+ howpublished = {http://bittorrent.org/beps/bep\_0030.html},
+ author = {S. Shalunov},
+ title = {{Low Extra Delay Background Transport (LEDBAT)}},
+ howpublished = {http://www.ietf.org/id/draft-ietf-ledbat-congestion-00.txt},
+ year = {2009},
+ author = {S. Shalunov, G. Hazel},
+ title = {{Low Extra Delay Background Transport (LEDBAT)}},
+ howpublished = {http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-ledbat-congestion-03},
+ year = {2010},
+ author = {B. Ford, P. Srisuresh, D. Kegel},
+ title = {{Peer-to-Peer Communication Across Network Address Translators}},
+ howpublished = {http://www.brynosaurus.com/pub/net/p2pnat/},
+ title = {{Wikipedia Content Delivery Network(CDN) page}},
+ howpublished = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content_delivery_network},
+ author = {R. Love},
+ title = {{Linux Kernel Development}},
+ booktitle = {{Talking Directly to the Kernel and C Library}},
+ year = {2004},
+ author = {R. Stevens},
+ title = {{UNIX Network Programming, Volume 2, Second Edition}},
+ booktitle = {{Interprocess Communications}},
+ year = {1999},
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+\caption{#4 \label{#3}}
+\title{\bfseries{SWIFT in the Linux Kernel\\
+\large{\vspace*{0.4cm}Scientific supervisor: Nicolae Țăpuș\\ Technical supervisor: Răzvan Deaconescu}}}
+\author{Oana Baron, Bogdan Druțu\\
+Automatic Control and Computers Faculty\\
+University Politehnica of Bucharest\\
+Splaiul Independenței nr. 313, Bucharest, Romania \\
+\emph{\{oana.baron, bogdan.drutu\}@cti.pub.ro}}
+{\bf \hspace*{0.8cm} \textbf{\emph{Keywords}} -- bittorrent, multiparty, transport protocol, linux kernel,\\
+\hspace*{0.8cm} Merkle hash trees, binmaps}
+\section{Related Work}
+\section{Swift Protocol Description}
+\section{Utilization Example}
+\section{Preliminary Results}
+\section{Conclusion and Further Work}
+%The authors would like to thank XYZ for their support and dedication.
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+BitTorrent is the protocol responsible with the greatest chunk of traffic in the Internet. A new approach, similar to
+BitTorrent, is swift – the multiparty(swarming) transport protocol. Swift may be understood as BitTorrent at the
+transport layer. Ultimately swift aims at the abstraction of the Internet as a single big data cloud. This paper
+proposes an approach to the swift integration into kernel as a transport protocol in the Linux kernel networking
--- /dev/null
+Here is an example of how to use swift library:
+\textbf{Seeder example}
+ \item The first step is to create socket:\\\\
+\hspace*{1cm} Swift s = socketSwift();
+ \item The second step is to bind socket: \\\\
+\hspace*{1cm} SockSwiftaddr ssa = (SockSwiftaddr) calloc (1, sizeof(struct, sockSwiftaddr);\\
+\hspace*{1cm} Ssa-$>$sin_port = 9000;\\
+\hspace*{1cm} bindSwift(s, ssa, sizeof(*ssa));\\
+ \item The third step is to listen from socket. The difference between normal socket listen is that after listen we will
+have the request data, so we don’t need an accept step:\\\\
+\hspace*{1cm} SockSwiftaddr ret = (SockSwiftaddr) calloc (1, sizeof(struct, sockSwiftaddr);\\
+\hspace*{1cm} char * buf = (char*) calloc(MAXSIZE, ret);\\
+\hspace*{1cm} while (1) \{\\
+\hspace*{1.7cm} size_t len = ListenFromSocket(s, buf, MAXSIZE, 0, ret, sizeof(*ret));\\
+\hspace*{1.7cm} sendToSwift (s, buf, len, 0, ret, sizeof(*ret));\\
+\hspace*{1cm} \}
+\textbf{Peer example}
+ \item The first step is to create socket :\\\\
+\hspace*{1cm} Swift s = socketSwift();
+ \item The second step is to make a request for receiving data:\\\\
+\hspace*{1cm} SockSwiftaddr from = (SockSwiftaddr) calloc (1, sizeof(struct, sockSwiftaddr);\\
+\hspace*{1cm} from-$>$sin_addr.N = 1;\\
+\hspace*{1cm} from-$>$sin_addr.s_addr[0] = (192$<<$24) + (168$<<$16) + (1$<<$8) + 101\\
+\hspace*{1cm} char * buf = (char*) calloc(MAXSIZE, ret);\\
+\hspace*{1cm} size_t = recvFromSwift (s, buf, len, 0, from, sizeof(*from));\\
--- /dev/null
+Current Internet protocols are geared for 1:1 client/server communication. \emph{Swift} expands the TCP/IP protocol
+suite with swarming. It is designed to be capable of integration into browsers or operating systems and is
+able to serve 95\% of current Internet traffic.
+The Linux kernel is an operating system kernel used by the Linux family of Unix-like operating systems. It is one of
+the most prominent examples of free and open source software. We chose this operating system because of the freedom
+to develop with open source rather than depending on a closed environment. This way we have direct access to the kernel
+code to modify it for our specific purpose. Another bonus is the open syntax describing all aspects regarding the
+Linux kernel internals.
+We are motivated to implement the \emph{swift} protocol as part of the transport layer - at the OSI level 4, because of
+the benefits that will be gained by reducing the number of system calls made from user space into the kernel and
+the number of preemption moments.
+\subsection{Design Goals}
+We propose an integration of \emph{swift} protocol as a transport protocol in the Linux kernel networking stack to
+ensure maximum efficiency of data transfer.
+Chief design goals include easy integration in the Linux kernel and minimal disruption to current \emph{swift}
+implementation (libswift).
+The idea is to implement only transport-related components in kernel space. Leave freedom of application layer
+protocols over the \emph{swift} multiparty transport. Kernel transport layer implementation is only concerned with
+getting the “bytes going”. Peer discovery and piece information will remain implemented in user
+space applications.
+Another goal is to maintain the transparency of the communication between user and kernel-space. To ensure this a
+socket-like interface will be provided to the application designer. The user-space does not need to be aware of the
+kernel implementation. From the user perspective view how the data is transfer it is not important.
+\labelindexref{Figure}{img:arch} shows a generic view of the application and the communication between user and kernel
+\image[scale=0.45]{img/AppFinal}{img:arch}{Architecture - High Level View}
+The \emph{swift} transport layer is a new kernel interface allowing the creation of specialized \emph{swift} sockets.
+It implements the multiparty protocol allowing piece transport to/from other hosts in a peer-to-peer fashion.
+There are specialized “request queues”, metadata queues, to/from user space. The receiver request queue stores the user
+space demands acquisition of pieces of data, while the sender request queue stores the kernel space demands. These
+demands represents requests to the user space for delivery of pieces of data in name of other peers.
+\emph{Swift} specialized “data queues” (receiver/sender), similar to TCP buffers, allow delivery of data to/from user
+space. Pieces are identified through Merkle hashes.
+Specialized system call API allows user space applications to interact with the above mentioned queues and, thus, with
+the multiparty transport protocol implementation.
+Innate differences from a classical one-to-one communication such as UDP or TCP means the system call API doesn't
+follow the classical send/receive paradigm. In order to compensate this and to provide a rather “friendly” interface to
+user space applications, a library is designed that will provide a simpler interface (SWIFT Library in the above image).
+Peer and piece discovery are the responsibility of the user space application. The SWIFT Library may also provide
+wrappers over a UDP-based channel for discovery.
+Merkle hashes are stored and computed in user space. It is the responsibility and freedom of the application to decide
+piece priority acquisition or treatment of other peers.
+\image[scale=0.4]{img/RD}{img:rd}{Architecture - Workflow}
+\labelindexref{Figure}{img:rd} describes the “receive/send data” process. The request is initiated from the user space
+application, which uses the \emph{swift} library API to communicate with the kernel space. This request will be added to
+specialized “request queue”. Each of these requests will generate a system call. The kernel space implementation is
+solely responsible for providing a clean multiparty transport capability allowing maximum efficiency for peer-to-peer
+like application protocols. Basically, every request will be sent to every peer application that haves the specific
+pieces requested. So it is possible to have multiple responses, but only the first one will be accepted and the others
+will be dropped.
+The first approach we thought of was to include all the \emph{swift} protocol into the kernel space. This approach could
+not be implemented because of the restriction of the memory size in the kernel space. For the integrity check the
+\emph{swift} protocol relies on Merkle hash tree. Keeping this tree in the kernel space memory is not scalable. The
+Internet content is too large to be stored in kernel even if the tree retains only hashes of the data disseminated.
+After this we concluded that the kernel space implementation will only be used for multiparty transport. Other
+decisions/chores are left for the user space application. For example, the UDP channel is a control channel that will
+remain in user space and may be understood as an overlay for updating peer/piece information. All the informations
+regarding peers and data hashes are also stored in the user space.
+Another issue is represented by the communication between user and kernel space. There are three main lines of
+communication with the Linux kernel. The first one consist in char devices that would require creation of a specialized
+device. This approach it would go against "this is a network protocol and provides a socket-like API". The second way to
+communicate between kernel and user space is with netlink sockets. This type of sockets are non-standard, Linux-only
+sockets, and are mostly used for specialized kernel subsystems (such as routing table management). The last one is
+represented by the classical communication - using system calls. This is our choice as we plan to update the
+socket/network system call API (\texttt{sys\_socket}, \texttt{sys\_bind}, \texttt{sys\_sendmsg} etc.) with an
+implementation of multiparty socket - \emph{swift} sockets.
+The main challenge was how to modify the classical network system call, which was designed for peer-to-peer
+communication, to support multiparty communication. In our approach, from the user point of view, a single socket
+exist and with our library implementation he can access this socket in a classical manner. However, in reality there
+are many sockets behind. A \emph{swift} application must be able to be both sender and receiver. For this reason
+it will exist one socket that will listen for new data requests -- for the seeder part, a socket which carries the data
+that needs to be transfered and a socket on which the requested data is received.
+The main steps in starting up a application that uses \emph{swift} multiparty protocol are detailed in this paragraph.
+At first, regardless of what role will the application take - seeder or peer, there should be a call to the
+\texttt{socketSwift()} function. This will create the actual sockets. Next, for the seeder part of the application,
+there should be a \texttt{bindSwift()} call and a loop with the \texttt{listenFromSocket()} call, waiting for data
+requests. The seeder can respond to client request by issuing \texttt{sendToSwift()} with the appropriate informations.
+A peer, on the other hand, should call \texttt{recvFromSwift()} in a loop to receive all the necessary data
+from the seeders.
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+The \emph{swift} protocol is a generic multiparty transport protocol. Its mission is to disseminate content among a
+swarm of peers. Basically, it answers one and only one request: \emph{'Here is a hash! Give me data for it!'}. Such
+entities as storage, servers and connections are abstracted and are virtually invisible at the API layer. Given a hash,
+the data is received from whatever source available and data integrity is checked cryptographically with Merkle hash
+If you need some data it is somewhat faster and/or cheaper downloading it from a nearby well-provisioned replica, but
+on the other hand, this process requires that multiple parties (e.g. consumers, the data sources, CDN
+sites\cite{cdnwiki} , mirrors, peers) have to be coordinate. As the Internet content is in a continuous increasing
+nowadays, the overhead of peer/replica coordination becomes higher then the mass of the download itself. Thus, the niche
+for multiparty transfers expands. Still, current, relevant technologies are tightly coupled to a single use case or even
+infrastructure of a particular corporation. These are the reasons of the \emph{swift} protocol appearance with its
+primary goal to act as a generic content-centric multiparty transport protocol that allows seamless, effortless data
+dissemination on the big cloud represented by the Internet.
+\textbf{Contribution}. Our main objective is to integrate \emph{swift} as a transport protocol in the Linux kernel
+networking stack. This will provide notable performance improvement regarding data transfer. We intend to do this with
+minimal intrusion effect in the Linux kernel and also to change as little as possible the current \emph{swift}
+implementation. Another goal is to provide a transparent API between the kernel and the user space. A developer will use
+a socket-like interface when building an application on top of the \emph{swift} protocol.
+\textbf{Outline}. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In section \ref{sec:relatedwork} we discuss related
+work, regarding the \emph{swift} protocol, transport layer protocols, bitTorrent and LEDBAT. In section \ref{sec:swift}
+we describe the existing \emph{swift} protocol design choices. Section \ref{sec:implementation} presents our approach to
+integrate the \emph{swift} protocol as a transport layer protocol into the Linux kernel. We discuss about our motivation
+and goals and the architectural challenges that we have encountered. Section \ref{sec:example} gives an usage example,
+which highlights the basic steps for working with the API. In section \ref{sec:results} we describe the
+theoretical results of our proposal. Section \ref{sec:summary} concludes the article and refers to future work.
--- /dev/null
+%\section{\fontfamily{phv}\selectfont{\large{\bfseries{PREVIOUS RELATED WORK}}}}
+The \emph{swift} protocol is currently implemented in user-space on top of UDP, the thinnest wrapper over IP. It
+entirely drops TCP's abstraction of sequential reliable data stream delivery - for \emph{swift} this is redundant. For
+example, out-of-order data could still be saved and the same piece of data might always be received from another peer.
+Being implemented over UDP, the protocol does its best to make every datagram self-contained. Due to the fact that the
+Internet is mostly used for disseminating content, the \emph{swift} aims at creating a single unified content-centric
+transport protocol serving as a bridge language of content distribution. To implement that ultimate data cloud model,
+the protocol has to unify use cases of data download, video-on-demand and live streaming. It must work in the settings
+of client-server, peer-to-peer\cite{peer-to-peer}, CDN or peer-assisted networks, effectively blending those
+BitTorrent is also a peer-to-peer file sharing protocol used for distributing large amounts of data \cite{bittorrent}.
+This protocol can distribute large files without large bandwidth consumption or cpu power. Rather than downloading a
+file from a single source, the BitTorrent protocol allows users to join a "swarm" of hosts to download and upload from
+each other simultaneously. Every file is divided into pieces. Just like in \emph{swift} protocol, when a hosts fully
+received a piece, it can distribute it to other hosts. This way, the task of distributing a file is supported by all who
+need that file.
+In BitTorrent, every piece has a cryptographic hash attached in the torrent descriptor. When an entire piece is
+received, the host recalculate the hash in order to verify the authenticity of the actual piece. The integrity of the
+data is checked in the same manner also for \emph{swift} protocol, but in this case the hash is send along with the
+useful data.
+LEDBAT\cite{ledbat}, \cite{ledbat2} is an experimental delay-based congestion control algorithm. It's main goal is to
+utilize the available bandwidth on an end-to-end path while limiting the consequent increase in queueing delay on the
+path. LEDBAT uses changes in one-way delay measurements to limit congestion induced in the network by the LEDBAT flow.
+LEDBAT is designed largely for use by background bulk-transfer applications. It is designed to be no more aggressive
+than TCP congestion control and yields in the presence of competing TCP flows, thus reducing interference with the
+network performance of the competing flows. The \emph{swift} protocols relies on LEDBAT for congestion control support.
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+%\section{\fontfamily{phv}\selectfont{\large{\bfseries{PRELIMINARY RESULTS}}}}
+Our main focus when modifying the \emph{swift} implementation is to have an impact on time performance. With a
+protocol the greatest latency is usually generated by waiting for the results from the network. The multiparty
+communication model already takes care of this, so the next best thing is to enhance the application time. We are doing
+this by decreasing the time penalties due to context switches between user space and kernel space. The main idea is to
+reduce the number of system calls made from user space into the kernel. This implicitly reduces the number of
+preemption moments.
+Another benefit is achieved by providing a user friendly API, through our library, that would simplify the
+communication between user and kernel space. The common implementation of sockets provides support for peer to peer
+communication, while \emph{swift} needs a multiparty communication, from one peer to many peers. This type of socket
+implementation will be achieved with our \emph{swift} sockets. The library will ensure transparency and an abstraction
+level of this communication.
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+The \emph{swift} protocol is a multiparty content-centric protocol that aims to disseminate content among a swarm of
+peers. This paper proposes an approach for the optimization of the currently \emph{swift} protocol. The integration of
+the communication in the kernel space as a multiparty transport protocol that is solely responsible for getting the
+bits moving improves the over all protocol performance. It ensures maximum efficiency of data transfer by decreasing
+switches between user and kernel space and eliminating some performance penalties due to context switches.
+\subsection*{Directions for Future Work}
+After we complete the implementation and the functional tests, we want to test extensively our new features in a real
+environment. We plan to do stress tests using a cluster. This tests will help us to make an overview about our
+implementation and we could compare with the user-space implementation of the \emph{swift} to determine exactly what
+performance we encountered. If the results are satisfactory, we will continue to optimize our program and we will add
+new features.
+It will be very useful to have a real application on top of the \emph{swift} protocol. If not, one solution would be to
+port an application strictly for this task. This would give us the opportunity to extend and refine our implementation,
+and also to extend the library API.
--- /dev/null
+%\section{\fontfamily{phv}\selectfont{\large{\bfseries{SWIFT PROTOCOL DESCRIPTION}}}}
+Most features of the \emph{swift} protocol are defined by its function as a content-centric multiparty transport
+protocol. A significant difference between \emph{swift} and the TCP protocol is that TCP possesses no information
+regarding what data it is dealing with, as the data is passed from the user-space, while the \emph{swift} protocol has
+data fixed in advance and many peers participate in distributing the same data. Because of this and the fact that for
+\emph{swift} the order of delivery is of little importance and unreliability is naturally compensated for by redundancy,
+it entirely drops TCP's abstraction of sequential reliable data stream delivery. For example, out-of-order data could
+still be saved and the same piece of data might always be received from another peer.
+Being implemented over UDP, the protocol does its best to make every datagram self-contained so each datagram could be
+processed separately and a loss of one datagram must not disrupt the flow. Thus, a datagram carries zero or more
+messages, and neither messages nor message interdependencies should span over multiple datagrams.
+The verification of data pieces is realize using Merkle hash trees\cite{merkle}, \cite{merkle-ext}. That means that all
+hashes necessary for verifying data integrity needs to be put into the same datagram as the data. For both use cases,
+streaming and downloading, an unified integrity checking scheme that works down to the level of a single datagram is
+developed. As a general rule, the sender should append to the data some meta-data represented by the necessary hashes
+for the data verification. While some optimistic optimizations are definitely possible, the receiver should drop data if
+it is impossible to verify it. Before sending a packet of data to the receiver, the sender inspects the receiver's
+previous acknowledgments to derive which hashes the receiver already has for sure.
+The data is acknowledged in terms of binary intervals, with the base interval of 1KB "packet". As a result, every
+single packet is acknowledged logarithmic number of times. This mechanism provides some necessary redundancy of the
+acknowledgements and sufficiently compensates the unreliability of the datagrams.
+The only function of TCP that is also critical for \emph{swift} is the congestion control. To facilitate delay-based
+congestion control an acknowledgment contains besides the dimension of the file received from its addressee a timestamp.
+Binary intervals numbering is done in the order of interval's "center", ascending, namely:
+%\hspace*{3.75cm} 7
+%\hspace*{2.7cm} 3 \hspace*{1.65cm} 11
+%\hspace*{2.2cm} 1 \hspace*{0.6cm} 5 \hspace*{0.7cm} 9 \hspace*{0.8cm} 13
+%\hspace*{1.85cm} 0 \hspace*{0.2cm} 2 \hspace*{0.2cm} 4 \hspace*{0.1cm} 6 \hspace*{0.2cm} 8 \hspace*{0.1cm} 10
+%\hspace*{0.1cm} 12 \hspace*{0.1cm} 14
+\image[scale=0.28]{img/tree}{img:tree}{Binary interval tree}
+Suppose, the receiver had acknowledged the first binary interval, then it must already have uncle hashes 5, 11 and so on.
+That is because those hashes are necessary to check the packets of the first two kilobytes acknowledged against the
+root hash. Then, hashes 3, 7 and so on must be also known as they are calculated in the process of checking the uncle
+hash chain. Hence, to send the 12 binary interval, which represents the 7th kilobyte of data, the sender needs to
+prepend hashes for binary intervals 14 and 9. This are the only hashes needed to check the against hash 11 which is
+already known to the receiver.
+The sender may optimistically skip hashes which were sent out in previous (still unacknowledged) datagrams. It is an
+optimization trade off between redundant hash transmission and possibility of collateral data loss in the case some
+necessary hashes were lost in the network so some delivered data cannot be verified and thus has to be dropped. In
+either case, the receiver builds the Merkle tree on-demand, incrementally, starting from the root hash, and uses it for
+data validation.
+The concept of peak hashes enables two cornerstone features of \emph{swift}: download and streaming unification and
+file size proving. Formally, peak hashes are hashes defined over filled binary intervals, whose parent hashes are
+defined over incomplete, not filled, binary intervals. Filled binary intervals is a binary interval which does not
+extend past the end of the file, or, more precisely, contains no empty packets. Practically, we use peaks to cover the
+data range with logarithmic number of hashes, so each hash is defined over a "round" aligned $2^k$ interval.
+The classical problem of keeping huge bitmaps predominantly consisting of long ranges of zeros and ones is most often
+encountered in file systems (free space tracking) and network protocols (transmission progress tracking). For this
+problem three common solutions are available: plain bitmaps, extent lists and extent binary trees. Bitmaps are simple
+but have high fixed space requirements. Lists are able to aggregate solid ranges, but they don’t scale well with regard
+to search. Extent binary trees are able of aggregation, allow scalable search, but have high overhead and extremely bad
+worst case behavior, potentially exploding to sizes a couple orders of magnitude higher than plain bitmaps. The latter
+problem is sometimes resolved by ad-hoc means, e.g. by converting parts of an extent tree to bitmaps. Another possible
+workaround is to impose a divide-and-conquer multilayered unit system (BitTorrent \cite{bittorrent}).
+\emph{Swift} solution is a new data structure named “binmap”\cite{binmaps}, a hybrid of bitmap and binary tree, which
+resolves the shortcomings of the extent binary tree approach. Namely it has lower average-case overhead and as it is
+tolerant to patchy bitmaps, its worst-case behavior is dramatically better.
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+The second table highlights the main differences between three transport protocols UDP, TCP and \emph{swift}. In
+a perfect network UDP is the fastest way to transfer data, but in a real network problem arises because of corrupt
+packets or failed transfers. TCP ensures the correct transmission and because of this it's slower than UDP. \emph{Swift}
+tries to make a compromise between UDP and TCP. \emph{Swift} is a connection-less protocol, but checks the validity of
+the received data. Also, transfers are made between more seeders, not just between a server and a host like TCP does.
+Thus, in a real network, \emph{Swift} is more secure than UDP and faster than TCP.
+ \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|}
+ \toprule
+ Properties & \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{Protocols} \\
+ \cmidrule(r){2-4}
+ & Swift & UDP & TCP \\
+ \midrule
+ Sockets & 1 & 1 & 1 \\
+ \midrule
+ Listening Ports & 1 & 1 & 1 \\
+ \midrule
+ Packets received for sending data & 1 & 1 & 1 \\
+ \midrule
+ Packets sent for sending data & 1 & 1 & $Nr_{fails} + 1$ \\
+ \midrule
+ Packets sent for getting data & N & 1 & $Nr_{fails} + 1$ \\
+ \midrule
+ Packets received for getting data & N & 1 & $Nr_{fails} + 1$ \\
+ \midrule
+ Util packets when getting data & 1 & 1 & 1 \\
+ \midrule
+ Recall posibility when getting data & $\approx\frac{100}{2^{N}}\%$ & $75\%$ & $0\%$ \\
+ \midrule
+ Usability when getting data & $\frac{1}{N}\%$ & $100\%$ & $100\%$ \\
+ \midrule
+ Bandwidth used & high usage & low usage & medium usage \\
+ \bottomrule
+ \end{tabular}
--- /dev/null
+In the next table we will discuss a comparison between \emph{swift} application and BitTorrent. We take into
+consideration the most important features that we have in \emph{swift} and BitTorrent.
+ \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|}
+ \toprule
+ \centering{Properties} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Protocols} \\
+ \cmidrule(r){2-3}
+ & Swift & BitTorrent \\
+ \midrule
+ Listening Ports & 1 & 1 \\
+ \midrule
+ Sockets create for getting M pieces & 1 & M \\
+ \midrule
+ Packets receive for sending 1 piece & 1 & 1 \\
+ \midrule
+ Packets send for sending 1 piece & 1 & $Nr_{fails} + 1$\\
+ \midrule
+ Packets send for getting 1 piece & N & $Nr_{fails} + 1$ \\
+ \midrule
+ Packets receive for getting 1 piece & N & $Nr_{fails} + 1$ \\
+ \midrule
+ Util packages when getting 1 piece & 1 & 1 \\
+ \midrule
+ Recall posibility & $\approx$$\frac{100}{2^{N}}\%$ & $0\%$ \\
+ \midrule
+ Time to getting M piece & $M * T_{fastest}$ & $T_{slowest}$ \\
+ \midrule
+ Bandwidth used & high usage & high usage \\
+ \bottomrule
+ \end{tabular}
+This comparison table highlights the advantages of \emph{swift} over BitTorrent. \emph{Swift} uses a socket per file,
+whereas BitTorrent opens as many as M sockets. This is particularly useful for big files. Also, if BitTorrent connects
+to a lower seeder the waiting time will be bigger compared to \emph{swift}.
+In the case of transferring many small files, BitTorrent will be better than \emph{swift}. Another case when
+\emph{swift} is less than BitTorrent is for the first transfer between a peer and a seeder. Both of them use the same
+bandwidth, but the overall performance appears to be better for \emph{swift} in the Internet.