--- /dev/null
+import paramiko
+import os
+client = paramiko.SSHClient()
+client.connect(hostname='', username='marius', password='marius')
+#client.connect(hostname='p2p-next-07.grid.pub.ro', username='p2p')
+stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command('touch gugu dudu')
+stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command('ls -l')
+print stdout.readlines()
+#~ host = "p2p-next-09.grid.pub.ro"
+#~ port = 22
+#~ transport = paramiko.Transport((host, port))
+#~ privatekeyfile = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/id_rsa')
+#~ mykey = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(privatekeyfile)
+#~ username = 'p2p'
+#~ transport.connect(username = username, pkey = mykey)
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+ Traffic control interface for Linux tc
+ 2010, Razvan Deaconescu, razvan.deaconescu@cs.pub.ro
+import sys
+import sqlite3
+import os.path
+DEBUG = False
+class TrafficControl:
+ """
+ Basic class interface to Linux tc
+ """
+ def __init__(self, node_type):
+ self.node_type = node_type
+ self.upload_limit = -1
+ self.download_limit = -1
+ def config(self, host_address, host_port, host_iface,
+ vm_address = None, vm_port = -1, vm_iface = None):
+ self.host_address = host_address
+ self.host_port = host_port
+ self.host_iface = host_iface
+ self.vm_address = vm_address
+ self.vm_port = vm_port
+ self.vm_iface = vm_iface
+ """
+ Set upload limit. Argument in KB/s (kilobytes/s)
+ """
+ def set_upload_limit(self, upload_limit):
+ self.upload_limit = upload_limit
+ """
+ Set download limit. Argument in KB/s (kilobytes/s)
+ """
+ def set_download_limit(self, download_limit):
+ self.download_limit = download_limit
+ def get_upload_limit_commands(self):
+ upload_limit_commands = []
+ upload_limit_commands.append("tc qdisc add dev %s root handle 1: htb default 90" % (self.vm_iface))
+ upload_limit_commands.append("tc class add dev %s parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate %dkb ceil %dkb" % (self.vm_iface, self.upload_limit, self.upload_limit))
+ upload_limit_commands.append("tc qdisc add dev %s parent 1:1 handle 10: sfq perturb 10" % (self.vm_iface))
+ upload_limit_commands.append("tc filter add dev %s parent 1:0 protocol ip u32 match ip dst %s match ip dport %d 0xffff classid 1:1" % (self.vm_iface, self.vm_address, self.vm_port))
+ return upload_limit_commands
+ def get_download_limit_commands(self):
+ download_limit_commands = []
+ download_limit_commands.append("tc qdisc add dev %s root handle 1: htb default 90" % (self.host_iface))
+ download_limit_commands.append("tc class add dev %s parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate %dkb ceil %dkb" % (self.host_iface, self.download_limit, self.download_limit))
+ download_limit_commands.append("tc qdisc add dev %s parent 1:1 handle 10: sfq perturb 10" % (self.host_iface))
+ download_limit_commands.append("tc filter add dev %s parent 1:0 protocol ip u32 match ip src %s classid 1:1" % (self.host_iface, self.vm_address))
+ return download_limit_commands
+ def get_flush_commands(self):
+ flush_commands = []
+ flush_commands.append("tc qdisc del dev %s root handle 1:" % (self.host_iface))
+ flush_commands.append("tc qdisc del dev %s root handle 1:" % (self.vm_iface))
+ return flush_commands
+def print_commands(commands, header):
+ print "\n\t== %s ==\n" % (header)
+ for c in commands:
+ print c
+def main():
+ """
+ Test case
+ """
+ tc = TrafficControl("openvz")
+ tc.config("", 10150, "eth0",
+ "", 10150, "venet0")
+ tc.set_upload_limit(512)
+ tc.set_download_limit(256)
+ upload_limit_commands = tc.get_upload_limit_commands()
+ download_limit_commands = tc.get_download_limit_commands()
+ flush_commands = tc.get_flush_commands()
+ print_commands(upload_limit_commands, "upload limit commands")
+ print_commands(download_limit_commands, "download limit commands")
+ print_commands(flush_commands, "flush commands")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(main())
--- /dev/null
+from lxml import etree
+class SwarmInstance:
+ def __init__(self, id, node_id, list):
+ self.id = id;
+ self.node_id = node_id;
+ self.btclient = list[0];
+ self.upload_limit = list[1];
+ self.download_limit = list[2];
+ self.port = list[3];
+ self.download_dir = list[4];
+ self.upload_dir = list[5];
+ def __str__(self):
+ return '[%s: %s: %s: %s: %s: %s: %s: %s]' \
+ %(self.id, self.node_id, self.btclient, self.upload_limit, \
+ self.download_limit, self.port, self.upload_dir, self.download_dir);
+class NodeConfig:
+ def __init__(self, list):
+ self.id = list[0];
+ self.public_address = list[1];
+ self.public_port = list[2];
+ self.private_address = list[3];
+ self.private_port = list[4];
+ self.ssh_port= list[5];
+ self.clients_base_dir = list[6];
+ #~ def __str__(self):
+ #~ return '[%s: %s: %s: %s: %s: %s: %s]' \
+ #~ %(self.id, self.btclient, self.upload_limit, self.download_limit, self.port, self.upload_dir, self.download_dir);
+class ClientConfig:
+ def __init__(self, id, node_path, filetype, options):
+ self.id = id;
+ self.filetype = filetype;
+ self.options = options;
+ #~ self.upload_limit_option= list[2];
+ #~ self.download_limit_option = list[3];
+ #~ self.port_option = list[4];
+ #~ self.logging_dir_option = list[5];
+ #~ self.download_dir_option = list[6];
+ #~ def __str__(self):
+ #~ return '[%s: %s: %s: %s: %s: %s: %s]' \
+ #~ %(self.id, self.btclient, self.upload_limit, self.download_limit, self.port, self.upload_dir, self.download_dir);
+class FileType:
+ def __init__(self, list):
+ self.type = list[0];
+ self.file = list[1];
+ self.interpreter = list[2];
+ self.prefix = list[3];
+ self.sufix = list[4];
+ def __str__(self):
+ return '[%s: %s: %s: %s: %s: %s: %s]' \
+ %(self.id, self.btclient, self.upload_limit, self.download_limit, self.port, self.upload_dir, self.download_dir);
+ tree = etree.parse("clients.xml")
+ root = tree.getroot()
+ clients_options = {}
+ for elem in root:
+ id = elem.get("id")
+ options = [elem2.text for elem2 in elem[1:]]
+ filetype = [elem[0].get("type")]
+ filetype.extend([elem2.text for elem2 in elem[0]])
+ clients_options[id] = [filetype, options]
+ print clients_options
+except IOError as e:
+ print e
+ tree = etree.parse("nodes.xml")
+ root = tree.getroot()
+ nodes = {}
+ for elem in root:
+ id = elem.get("id")
+ list = [elem2.text for elem2 in elem[:len(elem)-1]]
+ client_paths = {}
+ for elem2 in elem[len(elem)-1]:
+ client_id = elem2.get("id");
+ client_paths [client_id]=elem2[0].text;
+ nodes[id] = [client_paths, list]
+ print nodes
+ print "=================================="
+except IOError as e:
+ print e
+ tree = etree.parse("swarm.xml")
+ root = tree.getroot()
+ swarm = {}
+ for elem in root:
+ id = elem.get("id")
+ list = [elem2.text for elem2 in elem[:len(elem)-1]]
+ swarm[id] = list
+ print swarm
+ print "=================================="
+except IOError as e:
+ print e
--- /dev/null
+import paramiko
+import os
+client = paramiko.SSHClient()
+client.connect(hostname='', username='marius', password='marius')
+#client.connect(hostname='p2p-next-07.grid.pub.ro', username='p2p')
+stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command('touch gugu dudu')
+stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command('ls -l')
+print stdout.readlines()
+#~ host = "p2p-next-09.grid.pub.ro"
+#~ port = 22
+#~ transport = paramiko.Transport((host, port))
+#~ privatekeyfile = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/id_rsa')
+#~ mykey = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(privatekeyfile)
+#~ username = 'p2p'
+#~ transport.connect(username = username, pkey = mykey)
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+ Traffic control interface for Linux tc
+ 2010, Razvan Deaconescu, razvan.deaconescu@cs.pub.ro
+import sys
+import sqlite3
+import os.path
+DEBUG = False
+class TrafficControl:
+ """
+ Basic class interface to Linux tc
+ """
+ def __init__(self, node_type):
+ self.node_type = node_type
+ self.upload_limit = -1
+ self.download_limit = -1
+ def config(self, host_address, host_port, host_iface,
+ vm_address = None, vm_port = -1, vm_iface = None):
+ self.host_address = host_address
+ self.host_port = host_port
+ self.host_iface = host_iface
+ self.vm_address = vm_address
+ self.vm_port = vm_port
+ self.vm_iface = vm_iface
+ """
+ Set upload limit. Argument in KB/s (kilobytes/s)
+ """
+ def set_upload_limit(self, upload_limit):
+ self.upload_limit = upload_limit
+ """
+ Set download limit. Argument in KB/s (kilobytes/s)
+ """
+ def set_download_limit(self, download_limit):
+ self.download_limit = download_limit
+ def get_upload_limit_commands(self):
+ upload_limit_commands = []
+ upload_limit_commands.append("tc qdisc add dev %s root handle 1: htb default 90" % (self.vm_iface))
+ upload_limit_commands.append("tc class add dev %s parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate %dkb ceil %dkb" % (self.vm_iface, self.upload_limit, self.upload_limit))
+ upload_limit_commands.append("tc qdisc add dev %s parent 1:1 handle 10: sfq perturb 10" % (self.vm_iface))
+ upload_limit_commands.append("tc filter add dev %s parent 1:0 protocol ip u32 match ip dst %s match ip dport %d 0xffff classid 1:1" % (self.vm_iface, self.vm_address, self.vm_port))
+ return upload_limit_commands
+ def get_download_limit_commands(self):
+ download_limit_commands = []
+ download_limit_commands.append("tc qdisc add dev %s root handle 1: htb default 90" % (self.host_iface))
+ download_limit_commands.append("tc class add dev %s parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate %dkb ceil %dkb" % (self.host_iface, self.download_limit, self.download_limit))
+ download_limit_commands.append("tc qdisc add dev %s parent 1:1 handle 10: sfq perturb 10" % (self.host_iface))
+ download_limit_commands.append("tc filter add dev %s parent 1:0 protocol ip u32 match ip src %s classid 1:1" % (self.host_iface, self.vm_address))
+ return download_limit_commands
+ def get_flush_commands(self):
+ flush_commands = []
+ flush_commands.append("tc qdisc del dev %s root handle 1:" % (self.host_iface))
+ flush_commands.append("tc qdisc del dev %s root handle 1:" % (self.vm_iface))
+ return flush_commands
+def print_commands(commands, header):
+ print "\n\t== %s ==\n" % (header)
+ for c in commands:
+ print c
+def main():
+ """
+ Test case
+ """
+ tc = TrafficControl("openvz")
+ tc.config("", 10150, "eth0",
+ "", 10150, "venet0")
+ tc.set_upload_limit(512)
+ tc.set_download_limit(256)
+ upload_limit_commands = tc.get_upload_limit_commands()
+ download_limit_commands = tc.get_download_limit_commands()
+ flush_commands = tc.get_flush_commands()
+ print_commands(upload_limit_commands, "upload limit commands")
+ print_commands(download_limit_commands, "download limit commands")
+ print_commands(flush_commands, "flush commands")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(main())
--- /dev/null
+from lxml import etree
+class SwarmInstance:
+ def __init__(self, id, node_id, list):
+ self.id = id;
+ self.node_id = node_id;
+ self.btclient = list[0];
+ self.upload_limit = list[1];
+ self.download_limit = list[2];
+ self.port = list[3];
+ self.download_dir = list[4];
+ self.upload_dir = list[5];
+ def __str__(self):
+ return '[%s: %s: %s: %s: %s: %s: %s: %s]' \
+ %(self.id, self.node_id, self.btclient, self.upload_limit, \
+ self.download_limit, self.port, self.upload_dir, self.download_dir);
+class NodeConfig:
+ def __init__(self, list):
+ self.id = list[0];
+ self.public_address = list[1];
+ self.public_port = list[2];
+ self.private_address = list[3];
+ self.private_port = list[4];
+ self.ssh_port= list[5];
+ self.clients_base_dir = list[6];
+ #~ def __str__(self):
+ #~ return '[%s: %s: %s: %s: %s: %s: %s]' \
+ #~ %(self.id, self.btclient, self.upload_limit, self.download_limit, self.port, self.upload_dir, self.download_dir);
+class ClientConfig:
+ def __init__(self, id, node_path, filetype, options):
+ self.id = id;
+ self.filetype = filetype;
+ self.options = options;
+ #~ self.upload_limit_option= list[2];
+ #~ self.download_limit_option = list[3];
+ #~ self.port_option = list[4];
+ #~ self.logging_dir_option = list[5];
+ #~ self.download_dir_option = list[6];
+ #~ def __str__(self):
+ #~ return '[%s: %s: %s: %s: %s: %s: %s]' \
+ #~ %(self.id, self.btclient, self.upload_limit, self.download_limit, self.port, self.upload_dir, self.download_dir);
+class FileType:
+ def __init__(self, list):
+ self.type = list[0];
+ self.file = list[1];
+ self.interpreter = list[2];
+ self.prefix = list[3];
+ self.sufix = list[4];
+ def __str__(self):
+ return '[%s: %s: %s: %s: %s: %s: %s]' \
+ %(self.id, self.btclient, self.upload_limit, self.download_limit, self.port, self.upload_dir, self.download_dir);
+ tree = etree.parse("clients.xml")
+ root = tree.getroot()
+ clients_options = {}
+ for elem in root:
+ id = elem.get("id")
+ options = [elem2.text for elem2 in elem[1:]]
+ filetype = [elem[0].get("type")]
+ filetype.extend([elem2.text for elem2 in elem[0]])
+ clients_options[id] = [filetype, options]
+ print clients_options
+except IOError as e:
+ print e
+ tree = etree.parse("nodes.xml")
+ root = tree.getroot()
+ nodes = {}
+ for elem in root:
+ id = elem.get("id")
+ list = [elem2.text for elem2 in elem[:len(elem)-1]]
+ client_paths = {}
+ for elem2 in elem[len(elem)-1]:
+ client_id = elem2.get("id");
+ client_paths [client_id]=elem2[0].text;
+ nodes[id] = [client_paths, list]
+ print nodes
+ print "=================================="
+except IOError as e:
+ print e
+ tree = etree.parse("swarm.xml")
+ root = tree.getroot()
+ swarm = {}
+ for elem in root:
+ id = elem.get("id")
+ list = [elem2.text for elem2 in elem[:len(elem)-1]]
+ swarm[id] = list
+ print swarm
+ print "=================================="
+except IOError as e:
+ print e
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+ <client id="tribler">
+ <run type="script">
+ <file>Tribler/Tools/cmdline.py</file>
+ <interpreter>python </interpreter>
+ <prefix>PYTHONPATH=.</prefix>
+ <suffix></suffix>
+ </run>
+ <upload_limit_option></upload_limit_option>
+ <download_limit_option></download_limit_option>
+ <port_option>-p</port_option>
+ <logging_dir_option>-l</logging_dir_option>
+ <download_dir_option>-d</download_dir_option>
+ </client>
+ <client id="libtorrent">
+ <run type="executable">
+ <file>hrktorrent</file>
+ <interpreter></interpreter>
+ <prefix></prefix>
+ <suffix></suffix>
+ </run>
+ <port_option>-p</port_option>
+ <download_dir_option>-d</download_dir_option>
+ </client>
+ <client id="transmission">
+ <run type="executable">
+ <file>src/transmission-cli</file>
+ <interpreter></interpreter>
+ <prefix></prefix>
+ <suffix></suffix>
+ </run>
+ <upload_limit_option>-u</upload_limit_option>
+ <download_limit_option>-d</download_limit_option>
+ <port_option>-p</port_option>
+ <logging_dir_option>-l</logging_dir_option>
+ <download_dir_option>-o</download_dir_option>
+ </client>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+ <node id="1">
+ <public_address></public_address>
+ <public_port>10150</public_port>
+ <private_address></private_address>
+ <private_port>10150</private_port>
+ <ssh_port>10122</ssh_port>
+ <clients>
+ <client id="tribler">
+ <base>/home/p2p/p2p-clients/tribler/</base>
+ </client>
+ <client id="libtorrent">
+ <base>/home/p2p/p2p-clients/libtorrent/</base>
+ </client>
+ <client id="transmission">
+ <base>/home/p2p/p2p-clients/transmission/</base>
+ </client>
+ </clients>
+ </node>
+ <node id="2">
+ <public_address></public_address>
+ <public_port>10250</public_port>
+ <private_address></private_address>
+ <private_port>10250</private_port>
+ <ssh_port>10222</ssh_port>
+ <clients>
+ <client id="tribler">
+ <base>/home/p2p/p2p-clients/tribler/</base>
+ </client>
+ <client id="libtorrent">
+ <base>/home/p2p/p2p-clients/libtorrent/</base>
+ </client>
+ <client id="transmission">
+ <base>/home/p2p/p2p-clients/transmission/</base>
+ </client>
+ </clients>
+ </node>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+ <instance id="1">
+ <node>1</node>
+ <client>triber</client>
+ <upload_limit>512</upload_limit>
+ <download_limit>256</download_limit>
+ <port>9999</port>
+ <download_dir>/this/dir</download_dir>
+ <logging_dir>/this/dir</logging_dir>
+ <actions>
+ <action type="start" delay="00:05:00" />
+ <action type="stop" delay="00:10:00" />
+ <action type="start" delay="00:15:00" />
+ <action type="stop" delay="00:20:00" />
+ <action type="start" delay="00:25:00" />
+ <action type="start" delay="end" />
+ </actions>
+ </instance>
+ <instance id="2">
+ <node>2</node>
+ <client>transmission</client>
+ <upload_limit></upload_limit>
+ <download_limit></download_limit>
+ <port></port>
+ <download_dir></download_dir>
+ <logging_dir></logging_dir>
+ <actions>
+ <action type="start" delay="00:05:00" />
+ <action type="stop" delay="01:00:00" />
+ <action type="start" delay="02:00:00" />
+ <action type="start" delay="end" />
+ </actions>
+ </instance>
+ <instance id="3">
+ <node>3</node>
+ <client>libtorrent</client>
+ <upload_limit></upload_limit>
+ <download_limit></download_limit>
+ <port></port>
+ <download_dir></download_dir>
+ <logging_dir></logging_dir>
+ <actions>
+ <action type="start" delay="00:00:00" />
+ <action type="start" delay="end" />
+ </actions>
+ </instance>