During the last few years, BitTorrent has become one of the most heavily used protocol on the Internet.
-Our current project is focused on evaluation of the behavior and performances of BitTorrent implementations and on the possible
+Our current project is focused on evaluation of the behavior and performance of BitTorrent implementations and on the possible
improvements to these applications. This report will present the tools we developed in order to automate and
improve our research about BitTorrent swarms. The modular and extensible design of these tools create
a fresh starting point for an extensive logging information analysis and testing architecture.
+This report presents the development of an environment suitable for generating BitTorrent file-sharing experiments and evaluating
+them. We created an easily deployable solution that enables automated testing of different BitTorrent
+clients in real world situations. This solution involves building virtualization environments and controlling the BitTorrent clients
+using a Client-Server architecture, with a Commander that controls the nodes involved in an experiment by communicating with a Server
+installed on these remote systems. Two clients were considered for further study on transfer performance: Tribler and libtorrent/hrktorrent. The first one had to be modified in order to output the necessary logging information. Furthemore, a status messages parser and a verbose messages parser were developed for each client. The parsed data is stored in a newly designed sqlite database and a graphical interface application provides visualization using graphs and other similar structures.\\
+One of the next steps in our project is to perform extensive testing using files of different types, sizes and number of peers. The resulted logs would then be compared and anaylized.
+\subsection{Experimental Results}\label{results}
amount of the internet traffic (approximately 27-55\% \cite{bt_traffic}). This protocol relies on small meta-files with the extension .torrent, that contain metdata about the shared files and the addresses of one or more trackers. These trackers maintain
the up-to-date lists of available peers while BitTorrent indexes represent the lists of available .torrent files. The client
can connect to a tracker specified in the torrent file and then receive the list of peers, or it can connect directly to peers
-using a trackerless system: DHT (Distributed Hash Table) and PEX(Peer EXchange).
+using a trackerless system: DHT (Distributed Hash Table) and PEX(Peer EXchange).\\
BitTorrent provides a dynamic and hard to predict environment in which the download performance is determined by
the peers involved in transfers, by the network bandwidth, limitations and topology and also on the type of implementations (clients) used.
This project's aim is to evaluate more deeply the factors that influence transfers' performance and to integrate our results
in a larger project, P2P-Next\cite{p2p-next}. Involving 21 partners in 12 different countries, P2P-Next's goal is to create
-a new content delivery platform based on peer-to-peer systems that will also allow free livestreaming.
+a new content delivery platform based on peer-to-peer systems that will also allow free livestreaming. \\
In the current stage of our research we designed and implemented modules that will allow and simplify the file transfers analysis,
and will provide key information in evaluating swarms behavior. Therefore, we have split our work into to main areas: log handling and
title = {http://www.p2p-next.org/}
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\section{Virtualized Testing Infrastructure}\label{test}
-\section{Experimental Results}\label{results}
\section{Conclusions and Future work}\label{conclusions}
+In the current phase of development, testing implied checking the correct execution of our modules on several samples and scenarios.
+The parsers were tested on log files of different sizes, varying from a few MB to hundreds of MB. When running our BitTorrent clients, we took into consideration various file sizes, from tens of MB to a few GB, different numbers of seeders and leachers. The database files generated by the parsers were not yet used for any performance evaluation, just for verification of parsers correct behavior.
+The Commander - Server applications were also tested for a functional execution, but not yet used in any experiment.
+Therefore, the result of our work consists of several fully-functional components, ready to be used in our future research.