#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
-import getopt
import re
-from DatabaseWriter import DatabaseWriter
-from DatabaseCommander import DatabaseCommander
-from GenericStatusParser import GenericStatusParser
-import julian
import datetime
import logging
+from GenericStatusParser import GenericStatusParser
# configure logging (change to logging.ERROR when no DEBUG required)
Inherited by client-specific classes
- def __init__(self):
- pass
+ def __init__(self, filename):
+ GenericStatusParser.__init__(self, filename)
# return boolean
return datetime.timedelta(eta[0], eta[3], 0, 0, eta[2], eta[1], 0)
- # return list of required
+ # return list of required information
def parse_status_line(self, line):
num_peers = 0
dht = 0
return (num_peers, dht, download_speed, upload_speed, download_size, upload_size, eta_seconds)
-def db_write(dbw, client_session_id, message_time,
- num_peers, dht,
- download_speed, upload_speed,
- download_size, upload_size,
- eta_seconds):
- pass
-def usage():
- print "Usage: python StatusParser.py -i|--id id status_file"
- print "id:"
- print "\t--id"
- print "\t-i\t\tclient_session_id"
- print "\tstatus_file:"
- print "\t--file"
- print "\t-f\t\tstatus_file for libtorrent"
- print "\tdatabase\t\tSQLite database file"
- print "\t--help"
- print "\t-h\t\t\tprint this help screen"
def main():
- try:
- opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hi:f:", ["help",
- "id=", "file="])
- except getopt.GetoptError, err:
- print str(err)
- usage()
- sys.exit(2)
- client_session_id = None
- filename = None
- database = None
- for o, a in opts:
- if o in ("-h", "--help"):
- usage()
- sys.exit(0)
- elif o in ("-i", "--id"):
- client_session_id = int(a)
- elif o in ("-f", "--file"):
- filename = a
- else:
- assert False, "unhandled option"
- if client_session_id == None:
- print "Error: no client session id."
- sys.exit(2)
- if filename == None:
- print "Error: no status file."
- sys.exit(2)
- # no database passed as argument
- if len(args) != 1:
- print "Error: no database file passed as argument."
- sys.exit(2)
- database = args[0]
- dbc = DatabaseCommander(database)
- # check for client_session_id, swarm_id, btclient_id
- cursor = dbc.select_client_sessions_by_id(client_session_id)
- if cursor == None:
- print "Error: no client session id (%d) in database." % client_session_id
- sys.exit(2)
- for session_row in cursor:
- pass
- swarm_id = session_row[1]
- btclient_id = session_row[2]
- cursor = dbc.select_swarms(swarm_id)
- if cursor == None:
- print "Error: no swarm id (%d) in database." % swarm_id
- sys.exit(2)
- for swarm_row in cursor:
- pass
- cursor = dbc.select_btclients(btclient_id)
- if cursor == None:
- print "Error: no client id (%d) in database." % btclient_id
- sys.exit(2)
- for btclient_row in cursor:
- pass
- print "Client session row is: "
- print " ", session_row
- print "Swarm row is: "
- print " ", swarm_row
- print "Client row is: "
- print " ", btclient_row
- print "\nContinue parsing on file %s? (y/n) " % filename,
- try:
- ans = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
- if ans != "y":
- sys.exit(0)
- except IOError:
- print "Error reading standard input."
- sys.exit(2)
- print ""
- session_start = julian.julianToDatetime(session_row[11])
- # parse status file
- dbw = DatabaseWriter(database)
- sp = LibtorrentStatusParser()
- sp.parse_status_file(client_session_id, session_start, filename, db_write, dbw)
+ if len(sys.argv) != 2:
+ print "Usage: %s filename" % (sys.argv[0])
+ sys.exit(1)
+ sp = LibtorrentStatusParser(sys.argv[1])
+ sp.parse(sp.cb_print)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
import getopt
import re
-#from DatabaseWriter import DatabaseWriter
-#from DatabaseCommander import DatabaseCommander
-from GenericStatusParser import GenericStatusParser
-import julian
import datetime
import logging
+from GenericStatusParser import GenericStatusParser
class TriblerStatusParser(GenericStatusParser):
@author Adriana Draghici <adriana.draghici@cti.pub.ro>
- files_sizes = {} # dictionary: key - filename, value - filesize
- # configure logging (change to logging.ERROR when no DEBUG required)
- logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
- def __init__(self):
- pass
+ def __init__(self, filename):
+ GenericStatusParser.__init__(self, filename)
def is_status_line(self, line):
""" Check if status line. All status messages contain a
if line.find("SingleDownload") == -1:
return False
return True
- def get_file_size(self, line):
- """ Parse a line with this format:
- SingleDownload: save_as( u'<filename>' <size_in_bytes> '<download_folder>' <is_dir> )
- Saves the file name and size. If the line does not correspond to this format, it does nothing.
- """
- index = -1
- parts = []
- if line.find("save_as") != -1:
- parts = line.split("'")
- self.files_sizes[parts[1]] = int(parts[2]) # saves the filename and its size in bytes
+ # def get_file_size(self, line):
+ # """ Parse a line with this format:
+ # SingleDownload: save_as( u'<filename>' <size_in_bytes> '<download_folder>' <is_dir> )
+ # Saves the file name and size. If the line does not correspond to this format, it does nothing.
+ # """
+ # index = -1
+ # parts = []
+ # if line.find("save_as") != -1:
+ # parts = line.split("'")
+ # self.files_sizes[parts[1]] = int(parts[2]) # saves the filename and its size in bytes
def canon_num_peers(self, non_canon_value):
""" @return integer """
return int(non_canon_value)
"""@return integer, eg. 12119.51kb/s -> 12119 """
return int(float(non_canon_value.strip("KB/s")))
- def canon_download_size(self, non_canon_value, filename):
+ def canon_download_size(self, non_canon_value):
"""@return integer, eg. 25% -> 25*file_size/100"""
- return int(float(non_canon_value.strip("%")) * self.files_sizes[filename] / 100)
+# return int(float(non_canon_value.strip("%")) * self.files_sizes[filename] / 100)
+ return 0
def canon_upload_size(self, non_canon_value):
- pass
+ return 0
def canon_eta(self, non_canon_value):
"""@return integer, eg. 26.456787 -> 26 (seconds)"""
if non_canon_value != 'None':
Format: dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss
@return datetime object
date_array = date.split("-");
time_array = time.split(":");
if len(date_array) != 3 or len(time_array) != 3:
return None
timestamp = datetime.datetime(int(date_array[2]), int(date_array[1]), int(date_array[0]), #year, month, day
- int(time_array[0]), int(time_array[1]), int(time_array[2])) #hour, min, sec
+ int(time_array[0]), int(time_array[1]), int(time_array[2])) #hour, min, sec
return timestamp
# return list of required
filename = ""
timestamp = None
string_array = re.split("\ *", line)
logging.debug("string_array is: " + str(string_array))
if len(string_array) != 14:
logging.error("Invalid line format!")
# get timestamp and transform it in datetime format
timestamp= self.parse_timestamp(string_array[0], string_array[1])
filename = string_array[2]
- i = 3
+ i = 3
while i < len(string_array): #string_array:
if string_array[i] == "peers":
num_peers = self.canon_num_peers(string_array[i+1])
i = i + 2
if string_array[i] == "DLSTATUS_DOWNLOADING" or string_array[i] == "DLSTATUS_SEEDING":
- download_size = self.canon_download_size(string_array[i+1], filename)
+ download_size = self.canon_download_size(string_array[i+1])
i = i + 2
if string_array[i] == "eta":
i = i + 2
i = i + 1
- return (timestamp, num_peers, dht, download_speed, upload_speed, download_size, upload_size, eta)
+ return (num_peers, dht, download_speed, upload_speed, download_size, upload_size, eta)
- def parse_status_file(self, client_session_id, session_start, filename, callback_func, callback_arg = None):
+ def parse_status_file2(self, callback_func, callback_arg = None):
- fin = open(filename, "r")
+ fin = open(self.filename, "r")
while 1:
line = fin.readline()
if not line:
if self.is_status_line(line) == False:
- (message_time, num_peers, dht, download_speed, upload_speed, download_size, upload_size, eta_seconds) = self.parse_status_line(line)
- print "lista", (message_time, num_peers, dht, download_speed, upload_speed, download_size, upload_size, eta_seconds)
- logging.debug("(%s, %d, %d,%d kb/s, %d kb/s, %d bytes, %d bytes)" % (message_time, num_peers, eta_seconds,
- download_speed, upload_speed,
- download_size, upload_size))
+ (num_peers, dht, download_speed, upload_speed, download_size, upload_size, eta_seconds) = self.parse_status_line(line)
+ logging.debug("(%d, %d, %d kb/s, %d kb/s, %d bytes, %d bytes)" % (num_peers, eta_seconds,
+ download_speed, upload_speed,
+ download_size, upload_size))
if callback_arg == None:
- """callback_func(client_session_id, message_time,
- num_peers, dht,
+ callback_func(num_peers, dht,
download_speed, upload_speed,
download_size, upload_size,
- """
- callback_func(callback_arg, client_session_id, message_time,
- num_peers, dht,
+ callback_func(num_peers, dht,
download_speed, upload_speed,
download_size, upload_size,
except IOError:
- logger.error("Error processing file %s." %filename)
-def db_write(dbw, client_session_id, message_time,
- num_peers, dht,
- download_speed, upload_speed,
- download_size, upload_size,
- eta_seconds):
- pass
+ logger.error("Error processing file %s." % (self.filename))
-def usage():
- print "Usage: python TriblerStatusParser.py -i|--id id status_file"
- print "id:"
- print "\t--id"
- print "\t-i\t\tclient_session_id"
- print "\tstatus_file:"
- print "\t--file"
- print "\t-f\t\tstatus_file for tribler"
- print "\tdatabase\t\tSQLite database file"
- print "\t--help"
- print "\t-h\t\t\tprint this help screen"
def main():
- try:
- opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hi:f:", ["help",
- "id=", "file="])
- except getopt.GetoptError, err:
- print str(err)
- usage()
- sys.exit(2)
- client_session_id = None
- filename = None
- database = None
- for o, a in opts:
- if o in ("-h", "--help"):
- usage()
- sys.exit(0)
- elif o in ("-i", "--id"):
- client_session_id = int(a)
- elif o in ("-f", "--file"):
- filename = a
- else:
- assert False, "unhandled option"
- if client_session_id == None:
- print "Error: no client session id."
- sys.exit(2)
- if filename == None:
- print "Error: no status file."
- sys.exit(2)
- # no database passed as argument
- if len(args) != 1:
- print "Error: no database file passed as argument."
- sys.exit(2)
- database = args[0]
- dbc = DatabaseCommander(database)
- # check for client_session_id, swarm_id, btclient_id
- cursor = dbc.select_client_sessions_by_id(client_session_id)
- if cursor == None:
- print "Error: no client session id (%d) in database." % client_session_id
- sys.exit(2)
- for session_row in cursor:
- pass
- swarm_id = session_row[1]
- btclient_id = session_row[2]
- cursor = dbc.select_swarms(swarm_id)
- if cursor == None:
- print "Error: no swarm id (%d) in database." % swarm_id
- sys.exit(2)
- for swarm_row in cursor:
- pass
- cursor = dbc.select_btclients(btclient_id)
- if cursor == None:
- print "Error: no client id (%d) in database." % btclient_id
- sys.exit(2)
- for btclient_row in cursor:
- pass
- print "Client session row is: "
- print " ", session_row
- print "Swarm row is: "
- print " ", swarm_row
- print "Client row is: "
- print " ", btclient_row
- print "\nContinue parsing on file %s? (y/n) " % filename,
- try:
- ans = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
- if ans != "y":
- sys.exit(0)
- except IOError:
- print "Error reading standard input."
- sys.exit(2)
- print ""
- session_start = julian.julianToDatetime(session_row[11])
- # parse status file
- dbw = DatabaseWriter(database)
- sp = TriblerStatusParser()
- sp.parse_status_file(client_session_id, session_start, filename, db_write, dbw)
+ if len(sys.argv) != 2:
+ print "Usage: %s filename" % (sys.argv[0])
+ sys.exit(1)
-def main_just_parse():
- filename = sys.argv[1]
- client_session_id = 1
- sp = TriblerStatusParser()
- sp.parse_status_file(client_session_id, None, filename, None, None)
+ sp = TriblerStatusParser(sys.argv[1])
+ sp.parse(sp.cb_print)
if __name__ == "__main__":
- sys.exit(main_just_parse())
+ sys.exit(main())