-Once we have collected all the logging and verbose data from the experiment, the next step will be to analyse it. Our infrastructure provides a graphical analyzer tool for viewing peer behaviour.
+Once we have collected all the logging and verbose data from the experiment, the next step will be to analyse it. Our infrastructure provides a graphical analyzer tool for viewing peer behavior.
-The graphical analyzer is implemented in python with the help of two libraries: \textit{matplotlib} for ploting graphs and \textit{TraitsUi} for handling the widgets.
-The graphical analyzer offers several important plotting options:
+The graphical analyzer is implemented in python with the help of two libraries: \textit{matplotlib} - for ploting graphs and \textit{TraitsUi} - for handling the widgets. It offers several important plotting options which show the user how a peer behaved and how it interacted with other peers during the experiment:
- \item download/upload speed during the experiement
- \item acceleration
- \item statistics
+ \item download/upload speed - shows the evolution of download/upload speed for the peer
+ \item acceleration - shows how fast the download/upload speed of the peer increases/decreases
+ \item statistics - shows what type and amount of messages the peer exchanged with other peers
-The graphical analyzer can be used in two modes:
+The last two options are very important for our project because they provide valuable information about the performance of the BitTorrent client, with respect to live streaming, and how this performance is influenced by the messages that the BitTorrent client exchanges. The accelaration option shows how fast a BitTorrent client is able to download data at the beginning of the torrent. This is a basic requirement in live streaming, because it basically means to start playback of a torrent file with no delays. The statistics option shows what flow of messages makes a BitTorrent client have a fast acceleration. Using our graphical analyzer, we discovered in our experiments that the hrktorrent BitTorrent client has a really fast accelaration. This makes it very suitable for live streaming. We will discuss the experimental results in more detail in chapter [TODO].
+The graphical analyzer can also be used in two modes:
- \item Single Client Mode
+ \item Single Client Mode
\item Client Comparison Mode
-In ``Single Client Mode'' the developer can observe how a peer behaved during the streaming experiment. A simple example can be seen in . The developer starts by selecting the database file of the experiment he wishes to view and a peer id. The next step is to choose the plotting options.
+In ``Single Client Mode'' the developer can observe how a peer behaved during the streaming experiment. All the plotting options are available in this mode. A simple example of this mode can be seen in Figure . The user selects in right panel the database file for an experiment, a peer id and the plotting options. In the right panel the user receives the plotted graph for the peers.
-In ``Client Comparisson Mode'' the developer can compare the behaviour of two peers from the experiment.
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+In ``Client Comparisson Mode'' the developer can compare the behaviour of two peers from the experiment. An example of this mode can be seen in Figure. All plotting options are available, except the statistics options. The user selects in right panel the dabase file for an experiment, two peer ids and the plotting options. In the rigth panel the user receives plotted graphs for the selected peers.
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