from import NoButtons
from mpleditor import MPLFigureEditor
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
+from matplotlib.dates import *
from scipy import *
from DbObjects import *
-from julian import julianToDatetime
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from time import strptime
+from julian import *
+from config import *
import sys
import getopt
import wx
-class AcquisitionThread(Thread):
- def __init__ (self, dbname, plot_figure, cs_id, download_speed=None, upload_speed=None):
- Thread.__init__(self)
- self.dbname=dbname
- self.plot_figure = plot_figure
- self.cs_id = cs_id
- self.download_speed = download_speed
- self.upload_speed = upload_speed
+class PlotterThread(Thread):
+ def __init__ (self, dbname, cs_id, plot_figure, options):
+ Thread.__init__(self)
+ self.dbname = dbname
+ self.cs_id = cs_id
+ self.plot_figure = plot_figure
+ self.options = options
def run(self):
- cs = ClientSession(self.dbname, self.cs_id)
- stmc = StatusMessageCollection(self.dbname, self.cs_id)
- stmit = stmc.getIter()
- x = []
- y1 = []
- y2 = []
- while True:
- try:
- stm = next(stmit)
- except StopIteration:
- break
- difftime =julianToDatetime(stm.timestamp)-julianToDatetime(cs.start_time)
- x.append(difftime.seconds)
- if self.download_speed:
- y1.append(stm.download_speed)
- if self.upload_speed:
- y2.append(stm.upload_speed)
- self.plot_figure(x, y1, y2)
+ cs = ClientSession(self.dbname, self.cs_id)
+ x = []; y1 = []; y2 = []
+ restrictions = []
+ date2 = julianToDatetime(cs.start_time)
+ td = timedelta(, \
+ seconds=date2.second, \
+ minutes=date2.minute, \
+ hours=date2.hour, \
+ microseconds=date2.microsecond)
+ if self.options[2]:
+ date_start = self.time_from_date(date2, self.options[2])
+ restrictions.append(('timestamp', float(datetimeToJulian(date_start)), 'gte'))
+ if self.options[3]:
+ date_stop = self.time_from_date(date2, self.options[3])
+ restrictions.append(('timestamp', float(datetimeToJulian(date_stop)), 'lte'))
+ stmc = StatusMessageCollection(self.dbname, self.cs_id, restrictions)
+ stmit = stmc.getIter()
+ while True:
+ try:
+ stm = next(stmit)
+ except StopIteration:
+ break
+ date1 = julianToDatetime(stm.timestamp)
+ difftime = date1 - td
+ x.append(date2num(difftime))
+ if self.options[0]:
+ y1.append(stm.download_speed)
+ if self.options[1]:
+ y2.append(stm.upload_speed)
+ self.plot_figure(x, y1, y2)
+ def time_from_date(self, date, tstr):
+ time = strptime(tstr, "%H:%M:%S")
+ td = timedelta(seconds=time.tm_sec, minutes=time.tm_min, hours=time.tm_hour)
+ return (date + td)
class ControlPanel(HasTraits):
#swarm widget
- sw_id = String(auto_set=False, enter_set=True)
+ dbname = String(auto_set=False, enter_set=True)
sw_torrent = String()
sw_filesize = String()
sw_purpose = String ()
cs_ds_limit = String()
cs_us_limit = String()
cs_start_time = CStr()
#options widget
+ time_start = Str()
+ time_stop = Str()
download_speed = Bool()
upload_speed = Bool()
plot = Button()
version 1.00
- def __init__(self, figure, dbname):
- self.dbname=dbname;
- self.figure = figure;
- self.axes = self.figure.add_axes((0.04,0.06,0.93,0.91))
- self.axes.grid(linestyle='dashed')
- #self.line = None
+ def __init__(self, figure):
+ self.figure = figure;
+ self.axes = self.figure.add_axes((0.04, 0.06, 0.93, 0.91))
+ self.axes.grid(linestyle='dashed')
view = View(Group(
- Group(Group(
- Item('sw_id', label='Id', style='text'),
- Item('10'),
- Item('sw_torrent', label='Torrent'),
- Item('sw_filesize', label='Filesize(Kb)'),
- Item('sw_purpose', label='Purpose'),
- Item('sw_source', label='Source'),
- show_border=True, label='Swarm', style = 'readonly'),
- Item('20'),
- Group(
- Item('cs_id', label='Id', style='text'),
- Item('10'),
- Item('cs_os', label='OS'),
- Item('cs_os_vs', label='OS Version'),
- Item('cs_os_cpu', label='System CPU'),
- Item('cs_os_ram', label='System RAM'),
- Item('cs_public_ip', label='Public IP'),
- Item('cs_public_port', label='Public PORT'),
- Item('cs_ds_limit', label='Download LMT'),
- Item('cs_us_limit', label='Upload LMT'),
- Item('cs_start_time', label='Start Time'),
- show_border=True, label='Client Session', style = 'readonly'),
- HGroup('download_speed', 'upload_speed',
- show_border=True, label='Options'),
- Item('20'),
- Item('plot', show_label=False),
- label="Control", dock='tab', style='simple'),
+ Group(
+ Item('dbname', label='Database File', style='text'),
+ Item('20'),
+ Group(
+ Item('sw_torrent', label='Torrent'),
+ Item('sw_filesize', label='Filesize(Kb)'),
+ Item('sw_purpose', label='Purpose'),
+ Item('sw_source', label='Source'),
+ show_border=True, label='Swarm', style='readonly'),
+ Item('10'),
+ Group(
+ Item('cs_id', label='Id', style='simple'),
+ Item('10'),
+ Item('cs_os', label='OS'),
+ Item('cs_os_vs', label='OS Version'),
+ Item('cs_os_cpu', label='System CPU'),
+ Item('cs_os_ram', label='System RAM'),
+ Item('cs_public_ip', label='Public IP'),
+ Item('cs_public_port', label='Public PORT'),
+ Item('cs_ds_limit', label='Download LMT'),
+ Item('cs_us_limit', label='Upload LMT'),
+ Item('cs_start_time', label='Start Time'),
+ show_border=True, label='Client Session', style='readonly'),
+ Group(
+ HGroup(Item('time_start', label='Start'),
+ Item('40'),
+ Item('time_stop', label='Stop')),
+ HGroup('download_speed',Item('30'), 'upload_speed'),
+ show_border=True, label='Options'),
+ Item('10'),
+ Item('plot', show_label=False),
+ label="Control", dock='tab', style='simple'),
#Item('experiment', style='custom', show_label=False),
#Item('results', style='custom', show_label=False),
#label='Experiment', dock="tab"),
- Item('help', style='readonly', show_label=False, dock="tab"),
+ Item('help', style='readonly', show_label=False, dock="tab"),
- def _sw_id_fired(self):
- sw = Swarm(self.dbname, self.sw_id);
- self.sw_torrent = sw.torrent
- self.sw_filesize = sw.filesize;
- self.sw_purpose = sw.purpose;
- self.sw_source = sw.source;
+ def _dbname_changed(self):
+ sw = Swarm(dbpath + self.dbname + dbextension, -1);
+ self.sw_id =;
+ self.sw_torrent = sw.torrent
+ self.sw_filesize = sw.filesize;
+ self.sw_purpose = sw.purpose;
+ self.sw_source = sw.source;
- def _cs_id_fired(self):
- cs = ClientSession(self.dbname, self.cs_id);
- self.cs_os = cs.system_os
- self.cs_os_vs = cs.system_os_version
- self.cs_os_cpu = cs.system_cpu
- self.cs_os_ram = cs.system_ram
- self.cs_public_ip = cs.public_ip
- self.cs_public_port = cs.public_port
- self.cs_ds_limit = cs.ds_limit
- self.cs_us_limit = cs.us_limit
- self.cs_start_time = julianToDatetime(cs.start_time)
+ def _cs_id_changed(self, new):
+ cs = ClientSession(dbpath + self.dbname + dbextension, new);
+ self.cs_os = cs.system_os
+ self.cs_os_vs = cs.system_os_version
+ self.cs_os_cpu = cs.system_cpu
+ self.cs_os_ram = cs.system_ram
+ self.cs_public_ip = cs.public_ip
+ self.cs_public_port = cs.public_port
+ self.cs_ds_limit = cs.ds_limit
+ self.cs_us_limit = cs.us_limit
+ self.cs_start_time = julianToDatetime(cs.start_time)
def _plot_fired(self):
- if len(self.cs_id) and (self.download_speed or self.upload_speed):
- self.axes.clear()
- self.axes.grid(linestyle='dashed')
- AcquisitionThread(self.dbname, self.plot_figure, self.cs_id, self.download_speed, self.upload_speed).start()
+ if len(self.cs_id) and (self.download_speed or self.upload_speed):
+ self.axes.clear()
+ self.axes.grid(linestyle='dashed')
+ dbfile = dbpath + self.dbname + dbextension
+ options = [self.download_speed, self.upload_speed, self.time_start, self.time_stop]
+ PlotterThread(dbfile, self.cs_id, self.plot_figure, options).start()
def plot_figure(self, x, y1, y2):
- if y1:
- self.axes.plot(x, y1, label='download speed')
- if y2:
- self.axes.plot(x, y2, label='upload speed')
- self.axes.legend(shadow=True, fancybox=True)
- self.axes.set_xlabel("time (s)")
- wx.CallAfter(self.figure.canvas.draw)
+ if y1:
+ self.axes.plot_date(x, y1, 'b-', label='download speed')
+ if y2:
+ self.axes.plot_date(x, y2, 'r-', label='upload speed')
+ self.axes.xaxis.set_major_formatter(DateFormatter('%H:%M:%S'))
+ self.axes.set_xlabel("time (s)")
+ self.axes.legend(shadow=True, fancybox=True)
+ self.figure.autofmt_xdate(rotation=25)
+ wx.CallAfter(self.figure.canvas.draw)
class MainWindow(HasTraits):
figure = Instance(Figure)
panel = Instance(ControlPanel)
- dbname = sys.argv[1];
def _figure_default(self):
figure = Figure()
return figure
def _panel_default(self):
- return ControlPanel(figure=self.figure, dbname=self.dbname)
+ return ControlPanel(figure=self.figure)
view = View(HSplit(Item('figure', editor=MPLFigureEditor(),
- Item('panel', style="custom", springy=True, width=-100),
+ Item('panel', style="custom", springy=True, width= -100),
if __name__ == '__main__':
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# For detailed comments on animation and the techniques used here, see
-# the wiki entry
-import time
-import gtk, gobject
+An example of how to use pylab to manage your figure windows, but
+modify the GUI by accessing the underlying gtk widgets
import matplotlib
-import numpy as np
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-import pipong
-from numpy.random import randn, randint
-fig = plt.figure()
-ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
-canvas = ax.figure.canvas
-def start_anim(event):
- gobject.idle_add(animation.draw,animation)
- canvas.mpl_disconnect(start_anim.cid)
-animation = pipong.Game(ax)
-start_anim.cid = canvas.mpl_connect('draw_event', start_anim)
-tstart = time.time()
-plt.grid() # to ensure proper background restore
-print 'FPS:' , animation.cnt/(time.time()-tstart)
\ No newline at end of file
+from pylab import get_current_fig_manager, subplot, plot, legend, connect, show
+ax = subplot(111)
+plot([1,2,3], 'ro-', label='easy as 1 2 3')
+plot([1,4,9], 'gs--', label='easy as 1 2 3 squared')
+manager = get_current_fig_manager()
+# you can also access the window or vbox attributes this way
+toolbar = manager.toolbar
+# now let's add a button to the toolbar
+import gtk
+next = 8; #where to insert this in the mpl toolbar
+button = gtk.Button('Click me')
+def clicked(button):
+ print 'hi mom'
+button.connect('clicked', clicked)
+toolitem = gtk.ToolItem()
+ toolbar.tooltips,
+ 'Click me for fun and profit')
+toolbar.insert(toolitem, next); next +=1
+# now let's add a widget to the vbox
+label = gtk.Label()
+label.set_markup('Drag mouse over axes for position')
+vbox = manager.vbox
+vbox.pack_start(label, False, False)
+vbox.reorder_child(manager.toolbar, -1)
+def update(event):
+ if event.xdata is None:
+ label.set_markup('Drag mouse over axes for position')
+ else:
+ label.set_markup('<span color="#ef0000">x,y=(%f, %f)</span>'%(event.xdata, event.ydata))
+connect('motion_notify_event', update)
\ No newline at end of file