+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-Classes derived from BaseTranscoder and BaseThumbExtractor for transcoding of
-videos and thumbnail extraction from videos using FFmpeg CLI program.
-import base
-import api_exceptions
-import subprocess
-import re
-import os
-import math
-class FFmpegTranscoder(base.BaseTranscoder):
- """
- FFmpeg CLI API for video transcoding.
- """
- prog_bin = "ffmpeg"
- log_file = 'log/FFmpegTranscoder.log'
- containers = {
- "avi": "avi",
- "flv": "flv",
- "mp4": "mp4",
- "ogg": "ogg",
- "webm": "webm",
- "mpegts": "mpegts"
- }
- a_codecs = {
- "mp3": "libmp3lame",
- "vorbis": "libvorbis"
- }
- v_codecs = {
- "h264": "libx264",
- "theora": "libtheora",
- "vp8": "libvpx"
- }
- def _transcode(self, container, a_codec=None, v_codec=None,
- a_bitrate=None, a_samplingrate=None, a_channels=None,
- v_bitrate=None, v_framerate=None, v_resolution=None, v_dar=None):
- args = self.prog_bin + ' -y -i "' + self.input_file + '" -f ' + container
- # Audio
- if a_codec != None:
- args += ' -acodec ' + a_codec
- if a_bitrate != None:
- args += ' -ab ' + str(a_bitrate)
- if a_samplingrate != None:
- args += ' -ar ' + str(a_samplingrate)
- if a_channels != None:
- args += ' -ac ' + str(a_channels)
- # Video
- if v_codec != None:
- args += ' -vcodec ' + v_codec
- # Video codec specific options.
- if v_codec == 'libx264':
- args += ' -vpre normal'
- if v_bitrate != None:
- args += ' -b ' + str(v_bitrate)
- if v_framerate != None:
- args += ' -r ' + str(v_framerate)
- if v_resolution != None:
- args += ' -s ' + v_resolution
- if v_dar != None:
- args += ' -aspect ' + v_dar
- # Output file.
- args += ' "' + self.output_file + '"'
- # READ handler for process's output.
- p = subprocess.Popen(args, shell=True,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- pipe = p.stdout
- # WRITE handler for logging.
- log = open(self.log_file, 'w')
- log.write(args + '\n')
- while True:
- line = pipe.readline()
- if len(line) == 0:
- break
- log.write(line)
- exit_code = p.wait()
- if exit_code > 0:
- raise api_exceptions.TranscodingException( \
- 'FFmpeg exited with code ' + str(exit_code) + '.')
- log.close()
- return self.output_file
-class FFmpegThumbExtractor(base.BaseThumbExtractor):
- """
- FFmpeg CLI API for video thumbnail extraction.
- """
- prog_bin = "ffmpeg"
- log_file = 'log/FFmpegThumbExtractor.log'
- def extract_thumb(self, seek_pos, resolution="120x90", index=0):
- output_file = self.get_output_file_name(index)
- args = self.prog_bin + ' -y -i "' + self.input_file \
- + '" -f rawvideo -vcodec mjpeg' + (' -ss ' + str(seek_pos)) \
- + " -vframes 1 -an -s " + resolution + ' "' \
- + output_file + '"'
- # READ handler for process's output.
- p = subprocess.Popen(args, shell=True,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- pipe = p.stdout
- # WRITE handler for logging.
- log = open(self.log_file, 'w')
- log.write(args + '\n')
- while True:
- line = pipe.readline()
- if len(line) == 0:
- break
- log.write(line)
- exit_code = p.wait()
- if exit_code > 0:
- raise api_exceptions.ThumbExtractionException( \
- 'FFmpeg exited with code ' + str(exit_code) + '.')
- # FFmpeg bug: when no key frame is found from seek_pos to the
- # end of file an empty image file is created.
- if os.path.getsize(output_file) == 0L:
- os.unlink(output_file)
- raise api_exceptions.ThumbExtractionException( \
- 'FFmpeg created an empty file.')
- def get_video_duration(self):
- return FFprobeAVInfo.get_video_duration(self.input_file)
-class FFprobeAVInfo(base.BaseAVInfo):
- prog_bin = "ffprobe"
- log_file = 'log/FFprobeAVInfo.log'
- @staticmethod
- def get_video_duration(input_file, formated=False):
- args = FFprobeAVInfo.prog_bin + ' -show_format "' \
- + input_file + '"'
- # READ handler for process's output.
- p = subprocess.Popen(args, shell=True,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- pipe = p.stdout
- # WRITE handler for logging.
- log = open(FFprobeAVInfo.log_file, 'w')
- log.write(args + '\n')
- # Parse ffprobe's output.
- while True:
- line = pipe.readline()
- if len(line) == 0:
- break
- log.write(line)
- # Search for the line which contains duration information.
- m = re.match(r"duration=([\d\.]+)", line)
- if m is not None:
- seconds = float(m.group(1))
- if not formated:
- return seconds
- else:
- seconds = math.floor(seconds)
- minutes = math.floor(seconds / 60)
- seconds = seconds % 60
- if minutes >= 60:
- hours = math.floor(minutes / 60)
- minutes = minutes % 60
- return "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (hours, minutes, seconds)
- else:
- return "%02d:%02d" % (minutes, seconds)
- exit_code = p.wait()
- if exit_code > 0:
- raise api_exceptions.AVInfoException( \
- 'ffprobe exited with code ' + str(exit_code) + '.')
""" Translates container API name into external program identifier."""
if not self.containers.has_key(name) or self.containers[name] is None:
- raise api_exceptions.NotImplementedException("Container " + name)
+ raise api_exceptions.NotImplementedException("Container " + name \
+ + "not implemented")
return self.containers[name]
""" Translates audio codec API name into external program identifier."""
if not self.a_codecs.has_key(name) or self.a_codecs[name] is None:
- raise api_exceptions.NotImplementedException("Audio Codec " + name)
+ raise api_exceptions.NotImplementedException("Audio Codec " + name \
+ + "not implemented")
return self.a_codecs[name]
""" Translates video codec API name into external program identifier."""
if not self.v_codecs.has_key(name) or self.v_codecs[name] is None:
- raise api_exceptions.NotImplementedException("Video Codec " + name)
+ raise api_exceptions.NotImplementedException("Video Codec " + name \
+ + "not implemented")
return self.v_codecs[name]
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Classes derived from BaseTranscoder and BaseThumbExtractor for transcoding of
+videos and thumbnail extraction from videos using FFmpeg CLI program.
+import base
+import api_exceptions
+import subprocess
+import re
+import os
+import math
+class FFmpegTranscoder(base.BaseTranscoder):
+ """
+ FFmpeg CLI API for video transcoding.
+ """
+ prog_bin = "ffmpeg"
+ log_file = 'log/FFmpegTranscoder.log'
+ containers = {
+ "avi": "avi",
+ "flv": "flv",
+ "mp4": "mp4",
+ "ogg": "ogg",
+ "webm": "webm",
+ "mpegts": "mpegts"
+ }
+ a_codecs = {
+ "mp3": "libmp3lame",
+ "vorbis": "libvorbis"
+ }
+ v_codecs = {
+ "h264": "libx264",
+ "theora": "libtheora",
+ "vp8": "libvpx"
+ }
+ def _transcode(self, container, a_codec=None, v_codec=None,
+ a_bitrate=None, a_samplingrate=None, a_channels=None,
+ v_bitrate=None, v_framerate=None, v_resolution=None, v_dar=None):
+ args = self.prog_bin + ' -y -i "' + self.input_file + '" -f ' + container
+ # Audio
+ if a_codec != None:
+ args += ' -acodec ' + a_codec
+ if a_bitrate != None:
+ args += ' -ab ' + str(a_bitrate)
+ if a_samplingrate != None:
+ args += ' -ar ' + str(a_samplingrate)
+ if a_channels != None:
+ args += ' -ac ' + str(a_channels)
+ # Video
+ if v_codec != None:
+ args += ' -vcodec ' + v_codec
+ # Video codec specific options.
+ if v_codec == 'libx264':
+ args += ' -vpre normal'
+ if v_bitrate != None:
+ args += ' -b ' + str(v_bitrate)
+ if v_framerate != None:
+ args += ' -r ' + str(v_framerate)
+ if v_resolution != None:
+ args += ' -s ' + v_resolution
+ if v_dar != None:
+ args += ' -aspect ' + v_dar
+ # Output file.
+ args += ' "' + self.output_file + '"'
+ # READ handler for process's output.
+ p = subprocess.Popen(args, shell=True,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ pipe = p.stdout
+ # WRITE handler for logging.
+ log = open(self.log_file, 'w')
+ log.write(args + '\n')
+ while True:
+ line = pipe.readline()
+ if len(line) == 0:
+ break
+ log.write(line)
+ exit_code = p.wait()
+ if exit_code > 0:
+ raise api_exceptions.TranscodingException( \
+ 'FFmpeg exited with code ' + str(exit_code) + '.')
+ log.close()
+ return self.output_file
+class FFmpegThumbExtractor(base.BaseThumbExtractor):
+ """
+ FFmpeg CLI API for video thumbnail extraction.
+ """
+ prog_bin = "ffmpeg"
+ log_file = 'log/FFmpegThumbExtractor.log'
+ def extract_thumb(self, seek_pos, resolution="120x90", index=0):
+ output_file = self.get_output_file_name(index)
+ args = self.prog_bin + ' -y -i "' + self.input_file \
+ + '" -f rawvideo -vcodec mjpeg' + (' -ss ' + str(seek_pos)) \
+ + " -vframes 1 -an -s " + resolution + ' "' \
+ + output_file + '"'
+ # READ handler for process's output.
+ p = subprocess.Popen(args, shell=True,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ pipe = p.stdout
+ # WRITE handler for logging.
+ log = open(self.log_file, 'w')
+ log.write(args + '\n')
+ while True:
+ line = pipe.readline()
+ if len(line) == 0:
+ break
+ log.write(line)
+ exit_code = p.wait()
+ if exit_code > 0:
+ raise api_exceptions.ThumbExtractionException( \
+ 'FFmpeg exited with code ' + str(exit_code) + '.')
+ # FFmpeg bug: when no key frame is found from seek_pos to the
+ # end of file an empty image file is created.
+ if os.path.getsize(output_file) == 0L:
+ os.unlink(output_file)
+ raise api_exceptions.ThumbExtractionException( \
+ 'FFmpeg created an empty file.')
+ def get_video_duration(self):
+ return FFprobeAVInfo.get_video_duration(self.input_file)
+class FFprobeAVInfo(base.BaseAVInfo):
+ prog_bin = "ffprobe"
+ log_file = 'log/FFprobeAVInfo.log'
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_video_duration(input_file, formated=False):
+ args = FFprobeAVInfo.prog_bin + ' -show_format "' \
+ + input_file + '"'
+ # READ handler for process's output.
+ p = subprocess.Popen(args, shell=True,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ pipe = p.stdout
+ # WRITE handler for logging.
+ log = open(FFprobeAVInfo.log_file, 'w')
+ log.write(args + '\n')
+ # Parse ffprobe's output.
+ while True:
+ line = pipe.readline()
+ if len(line) == 0:
+ break
+ log.write(line)
+ # Search for the line which contains duration information.
+ m = re.match(r"duration=([\d\.]+)", line)
+ if m is not None:
+ seconds = float(m.group(1))
+ if not formated:
+ return seconds
+ else:
+ seconds = math.floor(seconds)
+ minutes = math.floor(seconds / 60)
+ seconds = seconds % 60
+ if minutes >= 60:
+ hours = math.floor(minutes / 60)
+ minutes = minutes % 60
+ return "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (hours, minutes, seconds)
+ else:
+ return "%02d:%02d" % (minutes, seconds)
+ exit_code = p.wait()
+ if exit_code > 0:
+ raise api_exceptions.AVInfoException( \
+ 'ffprobe exited with code ' + str(exit_code) + '.')
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-Classes that facilitate file transfer (between Web Server and CIS).
-They may extend BaseFileTransferer class.
-import sys
-import ftplib
-import base
-import ftp_config
-import socket
-import api_exceptions
-import os
-class FTPFileTransferer(base.BaseFileTransferer):
- """
- FTPS implementation for file transfering between Web Server and CIS.
- """
- ftp = None
- def __init__(self, local_path='', remote_path=''):
- base.BaseFileTransferer.__init__(self, local_path, remote_path)
- self.ftp = ftplib.FTP_TLS(ftp_config.FTP_HOST, ftp_config.FTP_USER,
- ftp_config.FTP_PASSWD, ftp_config.FTP_ACCT)
- self.ftp.set_pasv(True)
- def get(self, files):
- try:
- self.ftp.cwd(self.remote_path)
- except ftplib.error_perm as e:
- raise api_exceptions.FileTransferException( \
- "Could not change remote directory '%s': %s" \
- % (self.remote_path, repr(e)))
- for crt_fn in files:
- local_fn = os.path.join(self.local_path, crt_fn)
- remote_fn = os.path.join(self.remote_path, crt_fn)
- try:
- file_local = open(local_fn, 'wb')
- except IOError as e:
- raise api_exceptions.FileTransferException( \
- "Could not open local file '%s' for writing: %s" \
- % (local_fn, repr(e)))
- try:
- self.ftp.retrbinary('RETR %s' % crt_fn, file_local.write)
- file_local.close()
- except ftplib.error_perm as e:
- raise api_exceptions.FileTransferException( \
- "Could not get file '%s' from Web Server: %s" \
- % (remote_fn, repr(e)))
- def put(self, files):
- try:
- self.ftp.cwd(self.remote_path)
- except ftplib.error_perm as e:
- raise api_exceptions.FileTransferException( \
- "Could not change remote directory '%s': %s" \
- % (self.remote_path, repr(e)))
- for crt_fn in files:
- local_fn = os.path.join(self.local_path, crt_fn)
- try:
- file_local = open(local_fn, 'rb')
- except IOError as e:
- raise api_exceptions.FileTransferException( \
- "Could not open local file '%s' for reading: %s" \
- % (local_fn, repr(e)))
- try:
- self.ftp.storbinary('STOR %s' % crt_fn, file_local)
- file_local.close()
- except ftplib.error_perm as e:
- raise api_exceptions.FileTransferException( \
- "Could not put file '%s' to Web Server: %s" \
- % (local_fn, repr(e)))
- def close(self):
- if self.ftp is not None:
- try:
- self.ftp.quit()
- except:
- pass
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Classes that facilitate file transfer (between Web Server and CIS).
+They may extend BaseFileTransferer class.
+import sys
+import ftplib
+import base
+import ftp_config
+import socket
+import api_exceptions
+import os
+import logger
+class FTPFileTransferer(base.BaseFileTransferer):
+ """
+ FTPS implementation for file transfering between Web Server and CIS.
+ """
+ ftp = None
+ def __init__(self, local_path='', remote_path=''):
+ base.BaseFileTransferer.__init__(self, local_path, remote_path)
+ self.ftp = ftplib.FTP_TLS(ftp_config.FTP_HOST, ftp_config.FTP_USER,
+ ftp_config.FTP_PASSWD, ftp_config.FTP_ACCT)
+ self.ftp.set_pasv(True)
+ def get(self, files):
+ try:
+ self.ftp.cwd(self.remote_path)
+ except ftplib.error_perm as e:
+ raise api_exceptions.FileTransferException( \
+ "Could not change remote directory '%s': %s" \
+ % (self.remote_path, repr(e)))
+ for crt_fn in files:
+ local_fn = os.path.join(self.local_path, crt_fn)
+ remote_fn = os.path.join(self.remote_path, crt_fn)
+ try:
+ file_local = open(local_fn, 'wb')
+ except IOError as e:
+ raise api_exceptions.FileTransferException( \
+ "Could not open local file '%s' for writing: %s" \
+ % (local_fn, repr(e)))
+ try:
+ self.ftp.retrbinary('RETR %s' % crt_fn, file_local.write)
+ file_local.close()
+ except ftplib.error_perm as e:
+ raise api_exceptions.FileTransferException( \
+ "Could not get file '%s' from Web Server: %s" \
+ % (remote_fn, repr(e)))
+ def put(self, files):
+ try:
+ self.ftp.cwd(self.remote_path)
+ except ftplib.error_perm as e:
+ raise api_exceptions.FileTransferException( \
+ "Could not change remote directory '%s': %s" \
+ % (self.remote_path, repr(e)))
+ for crt_fn in files:
+ local_fn = os.path.join(self.local_path, crt_fn)
+ try:
+ file_local = open(local_fn, 'rb')
+ except IOError as e:
+ raise api_exceptions.FileTransferException( \
+ "Could not open local file '%s' for reading: %s" \
+ % (local_fn, repr(e)))
+ try:
+ self.ftp.storbinary('STOR %s' % crt_fn, file_local)
+ file_local.close()
+ except ftplib.error_perm as e:
+ raise api_exceptions.FileTransferException( \
+ "Could not put file '%s' to Web Server: %s" \
+ % (local_fn, repr(e)))
+ def close(self):
+ if self.ftp is not None:
+ try:
+ self.ftp.quit()
+ except:
+ pass
Configuration file for FTPFileTransferer class.
-FTP_HOST = "localhost"
-FTP_USER = "calinburloiu"
-FTP_PASSWD = "Ps1st1h14_"
+FTP_HOST = "koala.cs.pub.ro"
+FTP_USER = "ftp-p2p-next"
+FTP_PASSWD = "student"
self.session = Session(sscfg)
- def start_download(self, torrent, output_dir='.'):
+ def start_torrent(self, torrent, output_dir='.'):
Download (leech or seed) a file via BitTorrent.
The code is adapted from Next-Share's 'BaseLib/Tools/cmdlinedl.py'.
@param torrent .torrent file or URL
#logger.log_msg('download of torrent "%s" already started' \
#% torrent, logger.LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG)
+ def stop_torrent(self, torrent, remove_content=False):
+ """
+ Stop leeching or seeding a file via BitTorrent.
+ !!! Only tested with torrents started with .tstream files. Not tested
+ for torrents started with URLs.
+ @param torrent .torrent file or URL
+ @param remove_content removes downloaded file
+ """
+ downloads = self.session.get_downloads()
+ for dl in downloads:
+ tdef = dl.get_def()
+ if torrent.find(tdef.get_name()) == 0:
+ self.session.remove_download(dl, remove_content)
+ logger.log_msg('torrent "%s" stopped' % torrent)
+ break
logger.log_msg('#%s: transfering in...' % self.job_id)
file_transfer = config.FILE_TRANSFERER_CLASS( \
output_file = output_file[(output_file.rindex('/') + 1):]
- Server.bit_torrent.start_download( \
+ Server.bit_torrent.start_torrent( \
os.path.join(config.TORRENTS_PATH, output_file),
self.job_id = job['id']
- self.transfer_in(job['raw_video'])
+ try:
+ self.transfer_in(job['raw_video'])
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.log_msg('#%s: error while transferring in: %s' \
+ % (job['id'], str(e)), logger.LOG_LEVEL_FATAL)
+ continue
- self.transcode(job['raw_video'], job['name'], \
- job['transcode_configs'])
+ try:
+ self.transcode(job['raw_video'], job['name'], \
+ job['transcode_configs'])
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.log_msg('#%s: error while transcoding: %s' \
+ % (job['id'], str(e)), logger.LOG_LEVEL_FATAL)
+ continue
if job['thumbs'] != 0:
- self.extract_thumbs(job['raw_video'], job['name'], \
- job['thumbs'])
+ try:
+ self.extract_thumbs(job['raw_video'], job['name'], \
+ job['thumbs'])
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.log_msg( \
+ '#%s: error while extracting thumbnail images: %s' \
+ % (job['id'], str(e)), logger.LOG_LEVEL_FATAL)
+ continue
thumb_files = fnmatch.filter(files, job['name'] + "_*")
- self.transfer_out(torrent_files, config.TORRENTS_PATH, \
- self.transfer_out(thumb_files, config.THUMBS_PATH, \
- config.WS_THUMBS_PATH)
+ try:
+ self.transfer_out(torrent_files, config.TORRENTS_PATH, \
+ self.transfer_out(thumb_files, config.THUMBS_PATH, \
+ config.WS_THUMBS_PATH)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.log_msg('#%s: error while transferring out: %s' \
+ % (job['id'], str(e)), logger.LOG_LEVEL_FATAL)
+ continue
self.remove_files([ job['raw_video'] ], config.RAW_VIDEOS_PATH)
resp = {"load": Server.load}
web.header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
return json.dumps(resp)
+ #elif request == 'shutdown':
+ #sys.exit(0)
elif request == 'test':
return ''
return 'Job submitted.'
+ elif request == 'start_torrents':
+ # Read JSON parameters.
+ json_data = web.data()
+ data = json.loads(json_data)
+ # TODO Verify data
+ Server.start_torrents(data)
+ elif request == 'stop_torrents':
+ # Read JSON parameters.
+ json_data = web.data()
+ data = json.loads(json_data)
+ # TODO Verify data
+ Server.stop_torrents(data)
+ elif request == 'remove_torrents':
+ # Read JSON parameters.
+ json_data = web.data()
+ data = json.loads(json_data)
+ # TODO Verify data
+ Server.stop_torrents(data, True)
return ""
- def start_downloads():
+ def start_torrents(torrents=None):
+ """
+ Scans torrent path for files in order to start download for the files
+ that are not already started.
+ """
# All torrent files.
- files = [f for f in os.listdir(config.TORRENTS_PATH) \
- if os.path.isfile(os.path.join( \
- config.TORRENTS_PATH, f))]
- torrent_files = fnmatch.filter(files, "*.tstream")
- for torrent_file in torrent_files:
- Server.bit_torrent.start_download( \
- torrent_file,
+ if torrents == None:
+ files = [f for f in os.listdir(config.TORRENTS_PATH) \
+ if os.path.isfile(os.path.join( \
+ config.TORRENTS_PATH, f))]
+ torrents = fnmatch.filter(files, "*.tstream")
+ for torrent_file in torrents:
+ Server.bit_torrent.start_torrent( \
+ os.path.join(config.TORRENTS_PATH, torrent_file),
- t = threading.Timer(config.START_DOWNLOADS_INTERVAL, \
- Server.start_downloads)
- t.start()
+ @staticmethod
+ def stop_torrents(torrents, remove_content=False):
+ for torrent_file in torrents:
+ Server.bit_torrent.stop_torrent( \
+ torrent_file, remove_content)
def authenticate(self, username, password):
if not config.SECURITY:
Server.queue = Queue()
Server.load = 0
- Server.start_downloads()
+ Server.start_torrents()
+ t = threading.Timer(config.START_DOWNLOADS_INTERVAL, \
+ Server.start_torrents)
+ t.daemon = True
+ t.start()
# Worker thread.
ci_worker = CIWorker()
import logger
# Make here all necessary imports required for API classes.
-from api import avhandling
-from api import file_transfer
+from api import ffmpeg
+from api import ftp
# Path from the Web Server where the raw input video file is stored.
-WS_UPLOAD_PATH = 'tmp/data/upload'
+WS_UPLOAD_PATH = 'devel/data/upload'
# Path from the Web Server where the output torrent files will be stored.
-WS_TORRENTS_PATH = 'tmp/data/torrents'
+WS_TORRENTS_PATH = 'devel/data/torrents'
# Path from the Web Server where the output thumbnail image files will be
# stored.
-WS_THUMBS_PATH = 'tmp/data/thumbs'
+WS_THUMBS_PATH = 'devel/data/thumbs'
#BT_TRACKER = "http://p2p-next-10.grid.pub.ro:6969/announce"
-BT_TRACKER = 'http://localhost:6969/announce'
+BT_TRACKER = 'http://p2p-next-10.grid.pub.ro:6969/announce'
RAW_VIDEOS_PATH = 'tmp/raw'
MEDIA_PATH = 'tmp/media'
THUMBS_PATH = 'tmp/thumbs'
-TORRENTS_PATH = 'tmp/torrents' # In a distributed file system for multi-CIS
+# In a distributed file system for multi-CIS.
+TORRENTS_PATH = '/home/p2p/export/p2p-tube/torrents'
# API class for a prgram which retrives audio/video information, like duration.
-AVINFO_CLASS = avhandling.FFprobeAVInfo
+AVINFO_CLASS = ffmpeg.FFprobeAVInfo
# API class for a prgram which transcodes an audio/video file.
-TRANSCODER_CLASS = avhandling.FFmpegTranscoder
+TRANSCODER_CLASS = ffmpeg.FFmpegTranscoder
# API class for a prgram which extracts thumbnail images from a file.
-THUMB_EXTRACTOR_CLASS = avhandling.FFmpegThumbExtractor
+THUMB_EXTRACTOR_CLASS = ffmpeg.FFmpegThumbExtractor
# API class for a prgram which transfers files between Web Server and CIS.
-FILE_TRANSFERER_CLASS = file_transfer.FTPFileTransferer
-curl -H application/json --data-binary @"$JSON_FILE" http://localhost:8080/ingest_content
+curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-binary @"$JSON_FILE" ${CIS_URL}ingest_content