Signed-off-by: Adriana Draghici <>
--- /dev/null
+if test $# -lt 2 -o \( "-$1" != "-f" -a "-$1" != "-t" \)
+ echo "Usage: ";echo "$0 t <filename> - changes DEBUG variable to True for the source files listed in <filename>"
+ echo "$0 f <filename> - changes DEBUG variable to False for the source files listed in <filename>"
+# for i in $(cat $2 | grep "/");do echo $i; done;
+ if test "-$1" == "-t"
+ then
+ for i in $(cat $2 | grep "/"); do sed -i.bak 's/DEBUG[ \t]*=[ \t]*False[ \t]*[#a-zA-Z ]*/DEBUG = True #False/g' $i; done;
+ else
+ for i in $(cat $2 | grep "/"); do sed -i.bak 's/DEBUG[ \t]*=[ \t]*True[ \t]*[#a-zA-Z ]*/DEBUG = False #True/g' $i; done;
+ fi