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- <title>Rounded rectangle.34</title>\r
- <desc>Swift Library</desc>\r
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- 841.89 Z" class="st13"/>\r
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- <title>Rounded rectangle.23</title>\r
- <desc>Application which uses SWIFT Library</desc>\r
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- 841.89 Z" class="st15"/>\r
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- x="31.12" dy="1.2em" class="st8">Transport Layer </tspan> </text> </g>\r
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- <title>Rounded rectangle.37</title>\r
- <desc>IP 1</desc>\r
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- <title>Rounded rectangle.38</title>\r
- <desc>Physical Layer 1</desc>\r
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- <v:ud v:nameU="visVersion" v:val="VT0(12):26"/>\r
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- <title>Rounded rectangle.39</title>\r
- <desc>Data Link 1</desc>\r
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- <title>Rounded rectangle.7</title>\r
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- <title>Rounded rectangle.8</title>\r
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- <title>Rounded rectangle.9</title>\r
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- <title>Rounded rectangle.5</title>\r
- <desc>UDP Transport Layer</desc>\r
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- <title>Rounded rectangle.15</title>\r
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- <title>Rounded rectangle.24</title>\r
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- <title>Rounded rectangle.16</title>\r
- <desc>Physical Layer</desc>\r
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- </g>\r
In the future this wrapper library will represent entry points into the kernel.
The peer discovery overlay will remain unchanged. It is still going to work based on UDP sockets and link the same
-levels in the swift implementation as before.
+levels in the swift implementation as before. The peer discover will be part of the application implementation and it
+will be at the developer choice how to implement and how to manage it.
-The multiparty protocol is implemented for now by a user level socket raw layer. This has the advantage of simulating the
-real design modularization but also permit an easier debugging and testing procedure of the integration. In the next step
-this part will be represented by a kernel patch that will communicate through custom made system calls with the wrapper
+The multiparty protocol is implemented for now at user space level by a raw socket layer to validate our architecture.
+This has the advantage of simulating the real design modularization but also permit an easier debugging and testing
+procedure of the integration. In the next step this part will be represented by a kernel patch that will communicate
+through custom made system calls with the wrapper library. This two phases are described in
\image[scale=0.5]{img/kernel.png}{img:kernel}{Detail architecture}
-In this picture we try to define more which elements are in US and which are in KS.
-In the first implementation we will make an US implementation for our protocol with raw socket to validate our architecture
-and to make easier our kernel implementation that will communicate with this implementation.
Raw socket implementation will support all syscalls and it will be a copy of our kernel implementation.
-This implementation will have the same API and behavior with kernel implementation. The peer discover will be in
-Application implementation and it will be developer problems how to implement and how to manage it.
-When you make a syscall you need to pass the ips where the protocol can find the specify hash
-In the first implementation a swift socket will be available for only one operation transmit data or receive data.
-In the last implementation the swift protocol will be develop in kernel space, and it will be accessible with a datagram
-socket that will support all socket syscalls. It will intend to support both operations (receive/ send) data over only one socket.
\ No newline at end of file
+This implementation will have the same API and behavior as the kernel implementation. Still, in the first
+implementation, a swift socket will be available to act as only a seeder or a leecher, explicitly one operation transmit
+data or receive data will be supported.
+In the last implementation the swift protocol will be develop in kernel space, and it will be accessible with a
+datagram socket that will support all socket syscalls. It will intend to support both operations (receive / send) data
+over only one socket.
The \emph{swift} protocol is a generic multiparty transport protocol. Its mission is to disseminate content among a
swarm of peers. Basically, it answers one and only one request: \emph{'Here is a hash! Give me data for it!'}. Such
The \emph{swift} protocol is a multiparty content-centric protocol that aims to disseminate content among a swarm of
peers. This paper proposes an approach for the optimization of the currently \emph{swift} protocol. The integration of