--- /dev/null
+# Test scenario generators - generates *.cfg files
+# 2010, Razvan Deaconescu, razvan.deaconescu@cs.pub.ro
+# Sample run:
+# ./tgen gogu P2P_Experimente_Swarm-metrics.csv
+if test $# -ne 2; then
+ echo "Usage: $0 campaign-name test-description-file" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ echo "" | awk -v var="$1" '{print var + 0;}'
+ echo "" | awk -v var="$1" '{print var + 0;}'
+ size=$(echo "" | awk -v var="$1" '{print var + 0;}')
+ echo "Data.${size}M.ct.torrent"
+ exp_no=$1
+ num_seeders=$2
+ num_leechers=$3
+ num_conn=$4
+ down_bw=$5
+ up_bw=$6
+ seed_torrent=$7
+ description=$8
+ echo -e "#\n# Campaign $campaign_name; scenario $exp_no\n#"
+ echo "# Campaign: $campaign_name"
+ echo "# Id: $exp_no"
+ echo "# Description: $description"
+ echo "# Number of seeders: $num_seeders"
+ echo "# Number of leechers: $num_leechers"
+ echo "# Maximum download: $down_bw"
+ echo "# Maximum upload: $down_bw"
+ echo "# Client type: hrktorrent (libtorrent-rasterbar)"
+ echo "### END SCENARIO INFO"
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "# Hostname\t\t\tSSHport\t\tUser\t\tRemoteFolder\t\tNetInterface\t\tDownload(Mbps)\tDownloadBurst(K)\tUpload(Mbps)\tUploadBurst(K)\tOverallNoOfConnections\tPreRunScript\t\tPostRunScript\t\tClientType\t\t\tTorrentFile\t\tPeriods"
+ index=0
+ for sys_index in 01 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10; do
+ for ce_index in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10; do
+ echo -en "p2p-next-$sys_index.grid.pub.ro\t\t"
+ echo -en "1$(printf %02g $ce_index)22\t\t"
+ echo -en "p2p\t\t"
+ echo -en "/home/p2p/george\t"
+ echo -en "eth0\t\t\t"
+ echo -en "$down_bw\t\t"
+ echo -en "100\t\t\t"
+ echo -en "$up_bw\t\t"
+ echo -en "100\t\t"
+ echo -en "$num_conn\t\t\t"
+ echo -en "pre-run_nop.sh\t\t"
+ echo -en "post-run_nop.sh\t\t"
+ if test $index -lt $num_seeders; then
+ echo -en "hrktorrent_seeder_limit\t\t"
+ elif test $index -lt $(($num_seeders+$num_leechers)); then
+ echo -en "hrktorrent_leecher_limit\t"
+ fi
+ echo -en "$seed_torrent\t"
+ echo "(0,-)"
+ index=$((index+1))
+ if test $index -ge $(($num_seeders+$num_leechers)); then
+ return
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+> "${campaign_file}" cat <<END
+# ${campaign_name}
+# Scenario description R script for plotting
+cat start.html > ${html_file}
+cat >> ${html_file} <<END
+ <table id="box-table-a" summary="${campaign_name} results">
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th scope="col">Name</th>
+ <th scope="col">No. of Seeders</th>
+ <th scope="col">No. of Leechers</th>
+ <th scope="col">Bandwidth Rectrictions</th>
+ <th scope="col">Graphs</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+while IFS="," read no_trackers data_size down_bw up_bw; do
+ this_down_bw=${down_bw}
+ this_up_bw=${up_bw}
+ this_seed_torrent=$(parse_file $data_size)
+ # generate test scenario
+ generate_scenario "$exp_no" "$num_seeders" "$num_leechers" "$this_conn" "$this_down_bw" "$this_up_bw" "$this_seed_torrent" "$description" > "${campaign_name}-${exp_no}".cfg
+ # update campaign configuration file
+ echo -e "${campaign_name}-${exp_no}.cfg\t${campaign_name}-${exp_no}.R" >> "${campaign_file}"
+ # update campaign HTML file
+ cat >> ${html_file} <<END
+ <tr>
+ <td>${campaign_name}-${exp_no}</td>
+ <td>${num_seeders}</td>
+ <td>${num_leechers}</td>
+ <td>TODO</td>
+ <td><a href="${campaign_name}-${exp_no}/${campaign_name}-${exp_no}-dlspeed-percent.png">dlspeed vs percent</a>; <a href="${campaign_name}-${exp_no}/${campaign_name}-${exp_no}-dlspeed-time.png">dlspeed vs time</a></td>
+ </tr>
+done < $input
+cat >> ${html_file} <<END
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+cat end.html >> ${html_file}