added trogoz libtorrent parser and image renderer
authorRazvan Deaconescu <>
Tue, 27 Oct 2009 08:57:31 +0000 (10:57 +0200)
committerRazvan Deaconescu <>
Tue, 27 Oct 2009 08:57:31 +0000 (10:57 +0200)
log-parser/libtorrent/trogoz/ [new file with mode: 0644]
log-parser/libtorrent/trogoz/ [new file with mode: 0644]
log-parser/libtorrent/trogoz/ [new file with mode: 0644]
log-parser/libtorrent/trogoz/ [new file with mode: 0644]
log-parser/libtorrent/trogoz/ [new file with mode: 0644]
log-parser/libtorrent/trogoz/ [new file with mode: 0644]
log-parser/libtorrent/trogoz/ [new file with mode: 0644]
log-parser/libtorrent/trogoz/ [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/log-parser/libtorrent/trogoz/ b/log-parser/libtorrent/trogoz/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..6dc2c75
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1234 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2008 Rodrigo Moreira Araújo
+# Author: Rodrigo Moreiro Araujo <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+# USA
+#Contributor: João S. O. Bueno
+__version__ = 1.1
+import cairo
+import math
+import random
+HORZ = 0
+VERT = 1
+def other_direction(direction):
+    "explicit is better than implicit"
+    if direction == HORZ:
+        return VERT
+    else:
+        return HORZ
+class Plot(object):
+    def __init__(self, 
+                 surface=None,
+                 data=None,
+                 width=640,
+                 height=480,
+                 background=None,
+                 border = 0,
+                 h_labels = None,
+                 v_labels = None,
+                 series_colors = None):
+        self.create_surface(surface, width, height)
+        self.width = width
+        self.height = height
+        self.context = cairo.Context(self.surface)
+        self.load_series(data, h_labels, v_labels, series_colors)
+        self.labels={}
+        self.labels[HORZ] = h_labels
+        self.labels[VERT] = v_labels
+        self.font_size = 10
+        self.set_background (background)
+        self.border = border
+        self.borders = {}
+        self.line_color = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+        self.line_width = 0.5
+        self.label_color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+        self.grid_color = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
+    def create_surface(self, surface, width=None, height=None):
+        self.filename = None
+        if isinstance(surface, cairo.Surface):
+            self.surface = surface
+            return
+        if not type(surface) in (str, unicode): 
+            raise TypeError("Surface should be either a Cairo surface or a filename, not %s" % surface)
+        sufix = surface.rsplit(".")[-1].lower()
+        self.filename = surface
+        if sufix == "png":
+            self.surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height)
+        elif sufix == "ps":
+            self.surface = cairo.PSSurface(surface, width, height)
+        elif sufix == "pdf":
+            self.surface = cairo.PSSurface(surface, width, height)
+        else:
+            if sufix != "svg":
+                self.filename += ".svg"
+            self.surface = cairo.SVGSurface(self.filename, width, height)
+    #def __del__(self):
+    #    self.commit()
+    def commit(self):
+        try:
+            self.context.show_page()
+            if self.filename.endswith(".png"):
+                self.surface.write_to_png(self.filename)
+            else:
+                self.surface.finish()
+        except cairo.Error:
+            pass
+    def load_series (self, data, h_labels=None, v_labels=None, series_colors=None):
+        #FIXME: implement Series class for holding series data,
+        # labels and presentation properties
+        #data can be a list, a list of lists or a dictionary with 
+        #each item as a labeled data series.
+        #we should (for teh time being) create a list of lists
+        #and set labels for teh series rom  teh values provided.
+        self.series_labels = []
+ = []
+        #if we have labeled series:
+        if hasattr(data, "keys"):
+            #dictionary:
+            self.series_labels = data.keys()
+            for key in self.series_labels:
+      [key])
+        #if we have a series of series:
+        #changed the following line to adapt the Plot class to work
+        #with GanttChart class
+        #elif hasattr(data[0], "__getitem__"):
+        elif max([hasattr(item,'__delitem__') for item in data]) :
+   = data
+            self.series_labels = range(len(data))
+        else:
+   = [data]
+            self.series_labels = None
+        #FIXME: select some pre-sets and allow these to be parametrized:
+        random.seed(3)
+        self.series_colors = series_colors
+        if not self.series_colors:
+            self.series_colors = [[random.random() for i in range(3)]  for series in]
+        self.series_widths = [1.0 for series in]
+    def get_width(self):
+        return self.surface.get_width()
+    def get_height(self):
+        return self.surface.get_height()
+    def set_background(self, background):
+        if background is None:
+            self.background = cairo.LinearGradient(self.width / 2, 0, self.width / 2, self.height)
+            self.background.add_color_stop_rgb(0,1.0,1.0,1.0)
+            self.background.add_color_stop_rgb(1.0,0.9,0.9,0.9)
+        else:
+            if type(background) in (cairo.LinearGradient, tuple):
+                self.background = background
+            else:
+                raise TypeError ("Background should be either cairo.LinearGradient or a 3-tuple, not %s" % type(background))
+    def render_background(self):
+        if isinstance (self.background, cairo.LinearGradient):
+            self.context.set_source(self.background)
+        else:
+            self.context.set_source_rgb(*self.background)
+        self.context.rectangle(0,0, self.width, self.height)
+        self.context.fill()
+    def render_bounding_box(self):
+        self.context.set_source_rgb(*self.line_color)
+        self.context.set_line_width(self.line_width)
+        self.context.rectangle(self.border, self.border,
+                               self.width - 2 * self.border,
+                               self.height - 2 * self.border)
+        #CORRECTION: Added the next line so it will draw the outline of the bounding box
+        self.context.stroke()
+    def render(self):
+        pass
+class DotLinePlot(Plot):
+    def __init__(self, 
+                 surface=None,
+                 data=None,
+                 width=640,
+                 height=480,
+                 background=None,
+                 border=0, 
+                 axis = False,
+                 grid = False,
+                 dots = False,
+                 h_labels = None,
+                 v_labels = None,
+                 h_bounds = None,
+                 v_bounds = None):
+        self.bounds = {}
+        self.bounds[HORZ] = h_bounds
+        self.bounds[VERT] = v_bounds
+        Plot.__init__(self, surface, data, width, height, background, border, h_labels, v_labels)
+        self.axis = axis
+        self.grid = grid
+        self.dots = dots
+        self.max_value = {}
+        self.h_label_angle = math.pi / 2.5
+    def load_series(self, data, h_labels = None, v_labels = None, series_colors=None):
+        Plot.load_series(self, data, h_labels, v_labels, series_colors)
+        self.calc_boundaries()
+    def calc_boundaries(self):
+        if not self.bounds[HORZ]:
+            self.bounds[HORZ] = (0, max([len(series) for series in (]))
+        if not self.bounds[VERT]:
+            max_data_value = min_data_value = 0
+            for series in
+                if max(series) > max_data_value:
+                    max_data_value = max(series)
+                if min(series) < min_data_value:
+                    min_data_value = min(series)
+            self.bounds[VERT] = (min_data_value, max_data_value)
+    def calc_extents(self, direction):
+        self.max_value[direction] = 0
+        if self.labels[direction]:
+            widest_word = max(self.labels[direction], key = lambda item: self.context.text_extents(item)[2])
+            self.max_value[direction] = self.context.text_extents(widest_word)[2]
+            self.borders[other_direction(direction)] = self.max_value[direction] + self.border
+        else:
+            self.max_value[direction] = self.context.text_extents(str(self.bounds[direction][1]))[2]
+            self.borders[other_direction(direction)] = self.max_value[direction] + self.border + 20
+    def calc_horz_extents(self):
+        self.calc_extents(HORZ)
+    def calc_vert_extents(self):
+        self.calc_extents(VERT)
+    def render_axis(self):
+        cr = self.context
+        h_border = self.borders[HORZ]
+        v_border = self.borders[VERT]
+        cr.set_source_rgb(*self.line_color)
+        cr.move_to(h_border, self.height - v_border)
+        cr.line_to(h_border, v_border)
+        cr.stroke()
+        cr.move_to(h_border, self.height - v_border)
+        cr.line_to(self.width - h_border, self.height - v_border)
+        cr.stroke()
+    def render_labels(self):
+        self.context.set_font_size(self.font_size * 0.8)
+        self.render_horz_labels()
+        self.render_vert_labels()
+    def render_horz_labels(self):
+        cr = self.context
+        labels = self.labels[HORZ]
+        if not labels:
+            labels = [str(i) for i in range(self.bounds[HORZ][0], self.bounds[HORZ][1])]
+        border = self.borders[HORZ]
+        step = (self.width - 2 * border) / len(labels)
+        x = border
+        for item in labels:
+            cr.set_source_rgb(*self.label_color)
+            width = cr.text_extents(item)[2]
+            cr.move_to(x, self.height - self.borders[VERT] + 10)
+            cr.rotate(self.h_label_angle)
+            cr.show_text(item)
+            cr.rotate(-self.h_label_angle)
+            #FIXME: render grid in a separate method
+            if self.grid and x != border:
+                cr.set_source_rgb(*self.grid_color)
+                cr.move_to(x, self.height - self.borders[VERT])
+                cr.line_to(x, self.borders[VERT])
+                cr.stroke()
+            x += step
+    def render_vert_labels(self):
+        cr = self.context
+        labels = self.labels[VERT]
+        if not labels:
+            amplitude = self.bounds[VERT][1] - self.bounds[VERT][0]
+            #if vertical labels need floating points
+            if amplitude % 10:
+                #label_type = lambda x : float(x)
+                labels = ["%.2lf" % (float(self.bounds[VERT][0] + (amplitude * i / 10.0))) for i in range(10) ]
+            else:
+                #label_type = lambda x: int(x)
+                labels = [str(int(self.bounds[VERT][0] + (amplitude * i / 10.0))) for i in range(10) ]
+            #labels = [str(label_type(self.bounds[VERT][0] + (amplitude * i / 10.0))) for i in range(10) ]
+        border = self.borders[VERT]
+        step = (self.height - 2 * border)/ len(labels)
+        y = self.height - border
+        for item in labels:
+            cr.set_source_rgb(*self.label_color)
+            width = cr.text_extents(item)[2]
+            cr.move_to(self.borders[HORZ] - width - 5,y)
+            cr.show_text(item)
+            #FIXME: render grid in a separate method
+            if self.grid and y != self.height - border:
+                cr.set_source_rgb(*self.grid_color)
+                cr.move_to(self.borders[HORZ], y)
+                cr.line_to(self.width - self.borders[HORZ], y)
+                cr.stroke()
+            y -=step
+    def render(self):
+        self.calc_horz_extents()
+        self.calc_vert_extents()
+        self.render_background()
+        self.render_bounding_box()
+        if self.axis:
+            self.render_axis()
+        self.render_labels()
+        self.render_plot()
+    def render_series_labels(self):
+        #FIXME: implement this
+        for key in self.series_labels:
+            pass
+            #This was not working in Rodrigo's original code anyway 
+    def render_plot(self):
+        #render_series_labels
+        largest_series_length = len(max(, key=len))
+        #FIXME: plot_width and plot_height should be object properties and be re-used.
+        plot_width = self.width - 2* self.borders[HORZ]
+        plot_height = self.height - 2 * self.borders[VERT]
+        plot_top = self.height - self.borders[VERT]
+        series_amplitude = self.bounds[VERT][1] - self.bounds[VERT][0]
+        horizontal_step = float (plot_width) / largest_series_length
+        vertical_step = float (plot_height) / series_amplitude
+        last = None
+        cr = self.context
+        for number, series in  enumerate (
+            cr.set_source_rgb(*self.series_colors[number])
+            x = self.borders[HORZ]
+            last = None
+            #FIXME: separate plotting of lines, dots and area
+            for value in series:
+                if last != None:
+                    cr.move_to(x - horizontal_step, plot_top - int((last - self.bounds[VERT][0]) * vertical_step))
+                    cr.line_to(x, plot_top - int((value - self.bounds[VERT][0])* vertical_step))
+                    cr.set_line_width(self.series_widths[number])
+                    cr.stroke()
+                if self.dots:
+                    cr.new_path()
+                    cr.arc(x, plot_top - int((value - self.bounds[VERT][0]) * vertical_step), 3, 0, 2.1 * math.pi)
+                    cr.close_path()
+                    cr.fill()
+                x += horizontal_step
+                last = value
+class FunctionPlot(DotLinePlot):
+    def __init__(self, 
+                 surface=None,
+                 data=None,
+                 width=640,
+                 height=480,
+                 background=None,
+                 border=0, 
+                 axis = False,
+                 grid = False,
+                 dots = False,
+                 h_labels = None,
+                 v_labels = None,
+                 h_bounds = None,
+                 v_bounds = None,
+                 step = 1,
+                 discrete = False):
+        self.function = data
+        self.step = step
+        self.discrete = discrete
+        data = []
+        if h_bounds:
+            i = h_bounds[0]
+            while i < h_bounds[1]:
+                data.append(self.function(i))
+                i += self.step
+        else:
+            i = 0
+            while i < 10:
+                data.append(self.function(i))
+                i += self.step
+        DotLinePlot.__init__(self, surface, data, width, height, background, border, 
+                             axis, grid, dots, h_labels, v_labels, h_bounds, v_bounds)
+    def render_horz_labels(self):
+        cr = self.context
+        labels = self.labels[HORZ]
+        if not labels:
+            labels = []
+            i = self.bounds[HORZ][0]
+            while i<self.bounds[HORZ][1]:
+                labels.append(str(i*self.step))
+                i += (self.bounds[HORZ][1] - self.bounds[HORZ][0])/10
+            #labels = [str(i*self.step) for i in range(self.bounds[HORZ][0], self.bounds[HORZ][1])]
+        border = self.borders[HORZ]
+        step = (self.width - 2 * border) / len(labels)
+        x = border
+        for item in labels:
+            cr.set_source_rgb(*self.label_color)
+            width = cr.text_extents(item)[2]
+            cr.move_to(x, self.height - self.borders[VERT] + 10)
+            cr.rotate(self.h_label_angle)
+            cr.show_text(item)
+            cr.rotate(-self.h_label_angle)
+            #FIXME: render grid in a separate method
+            if self.grid and x != border:
+                cr.set_source_rgb(*self.grid_color)
+                cr.move_to(x, self.height - self.borders[VERT])
+                cr.line_to(x, self.borders[VERT])
+                cr.stroke()
+            x += step
+    def render_plot(self):
+        if not self.discrete:
+            DotLinePlot.render_plot(self)
+        else:
+            #render_series_labels
+            largest_series_length = len(max(, key=len))
+            #FIXME: plot_width and plot_height should be object properties and be re-used.
+            plot_width = self.width - 2* self.borders[HORZ]
+            plot_height = self.height - 2 * self.borders[VERT]
+            plot_top = self.height - self.borders[VERT]
+            series_amplitude = self.bounds[VERT][1] - self.bounds[VERT][0]
+            horizontal_step = float (plot_width) / largest_series_length
+            vertical_step = float (plot_height) / series_amplitude
+            last = None
+            cr = self.context
+            for number, series in  enumerate (
+                cr.set_source_rgb(*self.series_colors[number])
+                x = self.borders[HORZ]
+                for value in series:
+                    cr.move_to(x, plot_top - int((value - self.bounds[VERT][0]) * vertical_step))
+                    cr.line_to(x, plot_top)
+                    cr.set_line_width(self.series_widths[number])
+                    cr.stroke()
+                    if self.dots:
+                        cr.new_path()
+                        cr.arc(x, plot_top - int((value - self.bounds[VERT][0]) * vertical_step), 3, 0, 2.1 * math.pi)
+                        cr.close_path()
+                        cr.fill()
+                    x += horizontal_step
+class BarPlot(Plot):
+    def __init__(self, 
+                 surface = None,
+                 data = None,
+                 width = 640,
+                 height = 480,
+                 background = None,
+                 border = 0,
+                 grid = False,
+                 rounded_corners = False,
+                 three_dimension = False,
+                 h_labels = None,
+                 v_labels = None,
+                 h_bounds = None,
+                 v_bounds = None,
+                 series_colors = None):
+        self.bounds = {}
+        self.bounds[HORZ] = h_bounds
+        self.bounds[VERT] = v_bounds
+        Plot.__init__(self, surface, data, width, height, background, border, h_labels, v_labels, series_colors)
+        self.grid = grid
+        self.rounded_corners = rounded_corners
+        self.three_dimension = three_dimension
+        self.max_value = {}
+    def load_series(self, data, h_labels = None, v_labels = None, series_colors = None):
+        Plot.load_series(self, data, h_labels, v_labels, series_colors)
+        if not series_colors:
+            if hasattr( max(, key = len), '__getitem__'):
+                self.series_colors = [[random.random() for i in range(3)]  for item in max(, key = len)]
+            else:
+                self.series_colors = [[random.random() for i in range(3)]  for series in]
+        self.calc_boundaries()
+    def calc_boundaries(self):
+        if not self.bounds[HORZ]:
+            self.bounds[HORZ] = (0, len(
+        if not self.bounds[VERT]:
+            max_data_value = min_data_value = 0
+            for series in
+                if max(series) > max_data_value:
+                    max_data_value = max(series)
+                if min(series) < min_data_value:
+                    min_data_value = min(series)
+            self.bounds[VERT] = (min_data_value, max_data_value)
+    def calc_extents(self, direction):
+        self.max_value[direction] = 0
+        if self.labels[direction]:
+            widest_word = max(self.labels[direction], key = lambda item: self.context.text_extents(item)[2])
+            self.max_value[direction] = self.context.text_extents(widest_word)[3 - direction]
+            self.borders[other_direction(direction)] = (2-direction)*self.max_value[direction] + self.border + direction*(5)
+        else:
+            self.borders[other_direction(direction)] = self.border
+    def calc_horz_extents(self):
+        self.calc_extents(HORZ)
+    def calc_vert_extents(self):
+        self.calc_extents(VERT)
+        if self.labels[VERT] and not self.labels[HORZ]:
+            self.borders[VERT] += 10
+    def render(self):
+        self.calc_horz_extents()
+        self.calc_vert_extents()
+        self.render_background()
+        self.render_bounding_box()
+        if self.grid:
+            self.render_grid()
+        if self.three_dimension:
+            self.render_ground()
+        self.render_labels()
+        self.render_plot()
+    def draw_3d_rectangle_front(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, shift):
+        self.context.rectangle(x0-shift, y0+shift, x1-x0, y1-y0)
+    def draw_3d_rectangle_side(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, shift):
+        self.context.move_to(x1-shift,y0+shift)
+        self.context.line_to(x1, y0)
+        self.context.line_to(x1, y1)
+        self.context.line_to(x1-shift, y1+shift)
+        self.context.line_to(x1-shift, y0+shift)
+        self.context.close_path()
+    def draw_3d_rectangle_top(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, shift):
+        self.context.move_to(x0-shift,y0+shift)
+        self.context.line_to(x0, y0)
+        self.context.line_to(x1, y0)
+        self.context.line_to(x1-shift, y0+shift)
+        self.context.line_to(x0-shift, y0+shift)
+        self.context.close_path()
+    def render_grid(self):
+        self.context.set_source_rgb(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
+        if self.labels[VERT]:
+            lines = len(self.labels[VERT])
+        else:
+            lines = 10
+        vertical_step = float(self.height - 2*self.borders[VERT])/(lines-1)
+        y = self.borders[VERT]
+        for x in xrange(0, lines):
+            self.context.move_to(self.borders[HORZ], y)
+            self.context.line_to(self.width - self.border, y)
+            self.context.stroke()
+            y += vertical_step
+    def render_ground(self):
+        self.draw_3d_rectangle_front(self.borders[HORZ], self.height - self.borders[VERT], 
+                                     self.width - self.borders[HORZ], self.height - self.borders[VERT] + 5, 10)
+        self.context.fill()
+        self.draw_3d_rectangle_side (self.borders[HORZ], self.height - self.borders[VERT], 
+                                     self.width - self.borders[HORZ], self.height - self.borders[VERT] + 5, 10)
+        self.context.fill()
+        self.draw_3d_rectangle_top  (self.borders[HORZ], self.height - self.borders[VERT], 
+                                     self.width - self.borders[HORZ], self.height - self.borders[VERT] + 5, 10)
+        self.context.fill()
+    def render_labels(self):
+        self.context.set_font_size(self.font_size * 0.8)
+        if self.labels[HORZ]:
+            self.render_horz_labels()
+        if self.labels[VERT]:
+            self.render_vert_labels()
+    def render_labels(self):
+        self.context.set_font_size(self.font_size * 0.8)
+        if self.labels[HORZ]:
+            self.render_horz_labels()
+        if self.labels[VERT]:
+            self.render_vert_labels()
+    def render_horz_labels(self):
+        step = (self.width - self.borders[HORZ] - self.border)/len(self.labels[HORZ])
+        x = self.borders[HORZ] + step/2
+        for item in self.labels[HORZ]:
+            self.context.set_source_rgb(*self.label_color)
+            width = self.context.text_extents(item)[2]
+            self.context.move_to(x - width/2, self.height - self.borders[VERT] + self.max_value[HORZ] + 3)
+            self.context.show_text(item)
+            x += step
+    def render_vert_labels(self):
+        y = self.borders[VERT]
+        step = (self.height - 2*self.borders[VERT])/(len(self.labels[VERT]) - 1)
+        self.labels[VERT].reverse()
+        for item in self.labels[VERT]:
+            self.context.set_source_rgb(*self.label_color)
+            width, height = self.context.text_extents(item)[2:4]
+            self.context.move_to(self.borders[HORZ] - width - 5, y + height/2)
+            self.context.show_text(item)
+            y += step
+        self.labels[VERT].reverse()
+    def draw_rectangle(self, x0, y0, x1, y1):
+        self.context.arc(x0+5, y0+5, 5, -math.pi, -math.pi/2)
+        self.context.line_to(x1-5, y0)
+        self.context.arc(x1-5, y0+5, 5, -math.pi/2, 0)
+        self.context.line_to(x1, y1-5)
+        self.context.arc(x1-5, y1-5, 5, 0, math.pi/2)
+        self.context.line_to(x0+5, y1)
+        self.context.arc(x0+5, y1-5, 5, math.pi/2, math.pi)
+        self.context.line_to(x0, y0+5)
+        self.context.close_path()
+    def render_plot(self):
+        plot_width = self.width - self.borders[HORZ] - self.border
+        plot_height = self.height - 2 * self.borders[VERT]
+        plot_top = self.height - self.borders[VERT]
+        series_amplitude = self.bounds[VERT][1] - self.bounds[VERT][0]
+        y0 = self.borders[VERT]
+        horizontal_step = float (plot_width) / len(
+        vertical_step = float (plot_height) / series_amplitude
+        for i,series in enumerate(
+            inner_step = horizontal_step/(len(series) + 0.4)
+            x0 = self.borders[HORZ] + i*horizontal_step + 0.2*inner_step
+            for number,key in enumerate(series):
+                linear = cairo.LinearGradient( x0, key*vertical_step/2, x0 + inner_step, key*vertical_step/2 )
+                r,g,b = self.series_colors[number]
+                linear.add_color_stop_rgb(0.0, 3.5*r/5.0, 3.5*g/5.0, 3.5*b/5.0)
+                linear.add_color_stop_rgb(1.0, r, g, b)
+                self.context.set_source(linear)
+                if self.rounded_corners and key != 0:
+                    self.draw_rectangle(x0, y0 + (series_amplitude - key)*vertical_step, x0+inner_step, y0 + series_amplitude*vertical_step)
+                    self.context.fill()
+                elif self.three_dimension:
+                    self.draw_3d_rectangle_front(x0, y0 + (series_amplitude - key)*vertical_step, x0+inner_step, y0 + series_amplitude*vertical_step, 5)
+                    self.context.fill()
+                    self.draw_3d_rectangle_side(x0, y0 + (series_amplitude - key)*vertical_step, x0+inner_step, y0 + series_amplitude*vertical_step, 5)
+                    self.context.fill()
+                    self.draw_3d_rectangle_top(x0, y0 + (series_amplitude - key)*vertical_step, x0+inner_step, y0 + series_amplitude*vertical_step, 5)
+                    self.context.fill()
+                else:
+                    self.context.rectangle(x0, y0 + (series_amplitude - key)*vertical_step, inner_step, key*vertical_step)
+                    self.context.fill()
+                x0 += inner_step
+class PiePlot(Plot):
+    def __init__ (self,
+            surface=None, 
+            data=None, 
+            width=640, 
+            height=480, 
+            background=None,
+            gradient=False,
+            shadow=False,
+            series_colors=None):
+        Plot.__init__(self, surface, data, width, height, background, series_colors = series_colors)
+ = (self.width/2, self.height/2)
+ = sum(
+        self.radius = min(self.width/3,self.height/3)
+        self.gradient = gradient
+        self.shadow = shadow
+    def load_series(self, data, h_labels=None, v_labels=None, series_colors=None):
+        Plot.load_series(self, data, series_colors = series_colors)
+    def draw_piece(self, angle, next_angle):
+        self.context.move_to([0],[1])
+        self.context.line_to([0] + self.radius*math.cos(angle),[1] + self.radius*math.sin(angle))
+        self.context.arc([0],[1], self.radius, angle, next_angle)
+        self.context.line_to([0],[1])
+        self.context.close_path()
+    def render(self):
+        self.render_background()
+        self.render_bounding_box()
+        if self.shadow:
+            self.render_shadow()
+        self.render_plot()
+        self.render_series_labels()
+    def render_shadow(self):
+        horizontal_shift = 3
+        vertical_shift = 3
+        self.context.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
+        self.context.arc([0] + horizontal_shift,[1] + vertical_shift, self.radius, 0, 2*math.pi)
+        self.context.fill()
+    def render_series_labels(self):
+        angle = 0
+        next_angle = 0
+        x0,y0 =
+        cr = self.context
+        for number,key in enumerate(self.series_labels):
+            next_angle = angle + 2.0*math.pi*[number]/
+            cr.set_source_rgb(*self.series_colors[number])
+            w = cr.text_extents(key)[2]
+            if (angle + next_angle)/2 < math.pi/2 or (angle + next_angle)/2 > 3*math.pi/2:
+                cr.move_to(x0 + (self.radius+10)*math.cos((angle+next_angle)/2), y0 + (self.radius+10)*math.sin((angle+next_angle)/2) )
+            else:
+                cr.move_to(x0 + (self.radius+10)*math.cos((angle+next_angle)/2) - w, y0 + (self.radius+10)*math.sin((angle+next_angle)/2) )
+            cr.show_text(key)
+            angle = next_angle
+    def render_plot(self):
+        angle = 0
+        next_angle = 0
+        x0,y0 =
+        cr = self.context
+        for number,series in enumerate(
+            next_angle = angle + 2.0*math.pi*series/
+            if self.gradient:        
+                gradient_color = cairo.RadialGradient([0],[1], 0,[0],[1], self.radius)
+                gradient_color.add_color_stop_rgb(0.3, self.series_colors[number][0], 
+                                                       self.series_colors[number][1], 
+                                                       self.series_colors[number][2])
+                gradient_color.add_color_stop_rgb(1, self.series_colors[number][0]*0.7,
+                                                     self.series_colors[number][1]*0.7,
+                                                     self.series_colors[number][2]*0.7)
+                cr.set_source(gradient_color)
+            else:
+                cr.set_source_rgb(*self.series_colors[number])
+            self.draw_piece(angle, next_angle)
+            cr.fill()
+            cr.set_source_rgb(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+            self.draw_piece(angle, next_angle)
+            cr.stroke()
+            angle = next_angle
+class DonutPlot(PiePlot):
+    def __init__ (self,
+            surface=None, 
+            data=None, 
+            width=640, 
+            height=480,
+            background=None,
+            gradient=False,
+            shadow=False,
+            series_colors=None,
+            inner_radius=-1):
+        Plot.__init__(self, surface, data, width, height, background, series_colors = series_colors)
+ = (self.width/2, self.height/2)
+ = sum(
+        self.radius = min(self.width/3,self.height/3)
+        self.inner_radius = inner_radius*self.radius
+        if inner_radius == -1:
+            self.inner_radius = self.radius/3
+        self.gradient = gradient
+        self.shadow = shadow
+    def draw_piece(self, angle, next_angle):
+        self.context.move_to([0] + (self.inner_radius)*math.cos(angle),[1] + (self.inner_radius)*math.sin(angle))
+        self.context.line_to([0] + self.radius*math.cos(angle),[1] + self.radius*math.sin(angle))
+        self.context.arc([0],[1], self.radius, angle, next_angle)
+        self.context.line_to([0] + (self.inner_radius)*math.cos(next_angle),[1] + (self.inner_radius)*math.sin(next_angle))
+        self.context.arc_negative([0],[1], self.inner_radius, next_angle, angle)
+        self.context.close_path()
+    def render_shadow(self):
+        horizontal_shift = 3
+        vertical_shift = 3
+        self.context.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
+        self.context.arc([0] + horizontal_shift,[1] + vertical_shift, self.inner_radius, 0, 2*math.pi)
+        self.context.arc_negative([0] + horizontal_shift,[1] + vertical_shift, self.radius, 0, -2*math.pi)
+        self.context.fill()
+class GanttChart (Plot) :
+    def __init__(self,
+                 surface = None,
+                 data = None,
+                 width = 640,
+                 height = 480,
+                 h_labels = None,
+                 v_labels = None,
+                 colors = None):
+        self.bounds = {}
+        self.max_value = {}
+        Plot.__init__(self, surface, data, width, height,  h_labels = h_labels, v_labels = v_labels, series_colors = colors)
+    def load_series(self, data, h_labels=None, v_labels=None, series_colors=None):
+        Plot.load_series(self, data, h_labels, v_labels, series_colors)
+        self.calc_boundaries()
+    def calc_boundaries(self):
+        self.bounds[HORZ] = (0,len(
+        for item in
+            if hasattr(item, "__delitem__"):
+                for sub_item in item:
+                    end_pos = max(sub_item)
+            else:
+                end_pos = max(item)
+        self.bounds[VERT] = (0,end_pos)
+    def calc_extents(self, direction):
+        self.max_value[direction] = 0
+        if self.labels[direction]:
+            widest_word = max(self.labels[direction], key = lambda item: self.context.text_extents(item)[2])
+            self.max_value[direction] = self.context.text_extents(widest_word)[2]
+        else:
+            self.max_value[direction] = self.context.text_extents( str(self.bounds[direction][1] + 1) )[2]
+    def calc_horz_extents(self):
+        self.calc_extents(HORZ)
+        self.borders[HORZ] = 100 + self.max_value[HORZ]
+    def calc_vert_extents(self):
+        self.calc_extents(VERT)
+        self.borders[VERT] = self.height/(self.bounds[HORZ][1] + 1)
+    def calc_steps(self):
+        self.horizontal_step = (self.width - self.borders[HORZ])/(len(self.labels[VERT]))
+        self.vertical_step = self.borders[VERT]
+    def render(self):
+        self.calc_horz_extents()
+        self.calc_vert_extents()
+        self.calc_steps()
+        self.render_background()
+        self.render_labels()
+        self.render_grid()
+        self.render_plot()
+    def render_background(self):
+        cr = self.context
+        cr.set_source_rgb(255,255,255)
+        cr.rectangle(0,0,self.width, self.height)
+        cr.fill()
+        for number,item in enumerate(
+            linear = cairo.LinearGradient(self.width/2, self.borders[VERT] + number*self.vertical_step, 
+                                          self.width/2, self.borders[VERT] + (number+1)*self.vertical_step)
+            linear.add_color_stop_rgb(0,1.0,1.0,1.0)
+            linear.add_color_stop_rgb(1.0,0.9,0.9,0.9)
+            cr.set_source(linear)
+            cr.rectangle(0,self.borders[VERT] + number*self.vertical_step,self.width,self.vertical_step)
+            cr.fill()
+    def render_grid(self):
+        cr = self.context
+        cr.set_source_rgb(0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
+        cr.set_dash((1,0,0,0,0,0,1))
+        cr.set_line_width(0.5)
+        for number,label in enumerate(self.labels[VERT]):
+            h = cr.text_extents(label)[3]
+            cr.move_to(self.borders[HORZ] + number*self.horizontal_step, self.vertical_step/2 + h)
+            cr.line_to(self.borders[HORZ] + number*self.horizontal_step, self.height)
+        cr.stroke()
+    def render_labels(self):
+        self.context.set_font_size(0.02 * self.width)
+        self.render_horz_labels()
+        self.render_vert_labels()
+    def render_horz_labels(self):
+        cr = self.context
+        labels = self.labels[HORZ]
+        if not labels:
+            labels = [str(i) for i in range(1, self.bounds[HORZ][1] + 1)  ]
+        for number,label in enumerate(labels):
+            if label != None:
+                cr.set_source_rgb(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+                w,h = cr.text_extents(label)[2], cr.text_extents(label)[3]
+                cr.move_to(40,self.borders[VERT] + number*self.vertical_step + self.vertical_step/2 + h/2)
+                cr.show_text(label)
+    def render_vert_labels(self):
+        cr = self.context
+        labels = self.labels[VERT]
+        if not labels:
+            labels = [str(i) for i in range(1, self.bounds[VERT][1] + 1)  ]
+        for number,label in enumerate(labels):
+            w,h = cr.text_extents(label)[2], cr.text_extents(label)[3]
+            cr.move_to(self.borders[HORZ] + number*self.horizontal_step - w/2, self.vertical_step/2)
+            cr.show_text(label)
+    def render_rectangle(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, color):
+        self.draw_shadow(x0, y0, x1, y1)
+        self.draw_rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, color)
+    def draw_rectangular_shadow(self, gradient, x0, y0, w, h):
+        self.context.set_source(gradient)
+        self.context.rectangle(x0,y0,w,h)
+        self.context.fill()
+    def draw_circular_shadow(self, x, y, radius, ang_start, ang_end, mult, shadow):
+        gradient = cairo.RadialGradient(x, y, 0, x, y, 2*radius)
+        gradient.add_color_stop_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0, shadow)
+        gradient.add_color_stop_rgba(1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+        self.context.set_source(gradient)
+        self.context.move_to(x,y)
+        self.context.line_to(x + mult[0]*radius,y + mult[1]*radius)
+        self.context.arc(x, y, 8, ang_start, ang_end)
+        self.context.line_to(x,y)
+        self.context.close_path()
+        self.context.fill()
+    def draw_rectangle(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, color):
+        cr = self.context
+        middle = (x0+x1)/2
+        linear = cairo.LinearGradient(middle,y0,middle,y1)
+        linear.add_color_stop_rgb(0,3.5*color[0]/5.0, 3.5*color[1]/5.0, 3.5*color[2]/5.0)
+        linear.add_color_stop_rgb(1,color[0],color[1],color[2])
+        cr.set_source(linear)
+        cr.arc(x0+5, y0+5, 5, 0, 2*math.pi)
+        cr.arc(x1-5, y0+5, 5, 0, 2*math.pi)
+        cr.arc(x0+5, y1-5, 5, 0, 2*math.pi)
+        cr.arc(x1-5, y1-5, 5, 0, 2*math.pi)
+        cr.rectangle(x0+5,y0,x1-x0-10,y1-y0)
+        cr.rectangle(x0,y0+5,x1-x0,y1-y0-10)
+        cr.fill()
+    def draw_shadow(self, x0, y0, x1, y1):
+        shadow = 0.4
+        h_mid = (x0+x1)/2
+        v_mid = (y0+y1)/2
+        h_linear_1 = cairo.LinearGradient(h_mid,y0-4,h_mid,y0+4)
+        h_linear_2 = cairo.LinearGradient(h_mid,y1-4,h_mid,y1+4)
+        v_linear_1 = cairo.LinearGradient(x0-4,v_mid,x0+4,v_mid)
+        v_linear_2 = cairo.LinearGradient(x1-4,v_mid,x1+4,v_mid)
+        h_linear_1.add_color_stop_rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+        h_linear_1.add_color_stop_rgba( 1, 0, 0, 0, shadow)
+        h_linear_2.add_color_stop_rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0, shadow)
+        h_linear_2.add_color_stop_rgba( 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+        v_linear_1.add_color_stop_rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+        v_linear_1.add_color_stop_rgba( 1, 0, 0, 0, shadow)
+        v_linear_2.add_color_stop_rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0, shadow)
+        v_linear_2.add_color_stop_rgba( 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+        self.draw_rectangular_shadow(h_linear_1,x0+4,y0-4,x1-x0-8,8)
+        self.draw_rectangular_shadow(h_linear_2,x0+4,y1-4,x1-x0-8,8)
+        self.draw_rectangular_shadow(v_linear_1,x0-4,y0+4,8,y1-y0-8)
+        self.draw_rectangular_shadow(v_linear_2,x1-4,y0+4,8,y1-y0-8)
+        self.draw_circular_shadow(x0+4, y0+4, 4, math.pi, 3*math.pi/2, (-1,0), shadow)
+        self.draw_circular_shadow(x1-4, y0+4, 4, 3*math.pi/2, 2*math.pi, (0,-1), shadow)
+        self.draw_circular_shadow(x0+4, y1-4, 4, math.pi/2, math.pi, (0,1), shadow)
+        self.draw_circular_shadow(x1-4, y1-4, 4, 0, math.pi/2, (1,0), shadow)
+    def render_plot(self):
+        for number,item in enumerate(
+            if hasattr(item, "__delitem__") :
+                for space in item:
+                    self.render_rectangle(self.borders[HORZ] + space[0]*self.horizontal_step, 
+                                          self.borders[VERT] + number*self.vertical_step + self.vertical_step/4.0,
+                                          self.borders[HORZ] + space[1]*self.horizontal_step, 
+                                          self.borders[VERT] + number*self.vertical_step + 3.0*self.vertical_step/4.0, 
+                                          self.series_colors[number])
+            else:
+                space = item
+                self.render_rectangle(self.borders[HORZ] + space[0]*self.horizontal_step, 
+                                      self.borders[VERT] + number*self.vertical_step + self.vertical_step/4.0,
+                                      self.borders[HORZ] + space[1]*self.horizontal_step, 
+                                      self.borders[VERT] + number*self.vertical_step + 3.0*self.vertical_step/4.0, 
+                                      self.series_colors[number])
+def dot_line_plot(name,
+                  data,
+                  width,
+                  height,
+                  background = None,
+                  border = 0,
+                  axis = False,
+                  grid = False,
+                  dots = False,
+                  h_labels= None,
+                  v_labels = None,
+                  h_bounds = None,
+                  v_bounds = None):
+    '''
+        - Function to plot graphics using dots and lines.
+        dot_line_plot (name, data, width, height, background = None, border = 0, axis = False, grid = False, h_labels = None, v_labels = None, h_bounds = None, v_bounds = None)
+        - Parameters
+        name - Name of the desired output file, no need to input the .svg as it will be added at runtim;
+        data - The list, list of lists or dictionary holding the data to be plotted;
+        width, height - Dimensions of the output image;
+        background - A 3 element tuple representing the rgb color expected for the background or a new cairo linear gradient. 
+                     If left None, a gray to white gradient will be generated;
+        border - Distance in pixels of a square border into which the graphics will be drawn;
+        axis - Whether or not the axis are to be drawn;
+        grid - Whether or not the gris is to be drawn;
+        dots - Whether or not dots should be shown at each point;
+        h_labels, v_labels - lists of strings containing the horizontal and vertical labels for the axis;
+        h_bounds, v_bounds - tuples containing the lower and upper value bounds for the data to be plotted.
+        - Examples of use
+        teste_data = [0, 1, 3, 8, 9, 0, 10, 10, 2, 1]
+        CairoPlot.dot_line_plot('teste', teste_data, 400, 300)
+        teste_data_2 = {"john" : [10, 10, 10, 10, 30], "mary" : [0, 0, 3, 5, 15], "philip" : [13, 32, 11, 25, 2]}
+        teste_h_labels = ["jan/2008", "feb/2008", "mar/2008", "apr/2008", "may/2008"]
+        CairoPlot.dot_line_plot('teste2', teste_data_2, 400, 300, axis = True, grid = True, dots = True, h_labels = teste_h_labels)
+    '''
+    plot = DotLinePlot(name, data, width, height, background, border,
+                       axis, grid, dots, h_labels, v_labels, h_bounds, v_bounds)
+    plot.render()
+    plot.commit()
+def function_plot(name,
+                  data,
+                  width,
+                  height,
+                  background = None,
+                  border = 0,
+                  axis = True,
+                  grid = False,
+                  dots = False,
+                  h_labels = None,
+                  v_labels = None,
+                  h_bounds = None,
+                  v_bounds = None,
+                  step = 1,
+                  discrete = False):
+    '''
+        - Function to plot functions.
+        function_plot(name, data, width, height, background = None, border = 0, axis = True, grid = False, dots = False, h_labels = None, v_labels = None, h_bounds = None, v_bounds = None, step = 1, discrete = False)
+        - Parameters
+        name - Name of the desired output file, no need to input the .svg as it will be added at runtim;
+        data - The list, list of lists or dictionary holding the data to be plotted;
+        width, height - Dimensions of the output image;
+        background - A 3 element tuple representing the rgb color expected for the background or a new cairo linear gradient. 
+                     If left None, a gray to white gradient will be generated;
+        border - Distance in pixels of a square border into which the graphics will be drawn;
+        axis - Whether or not the axis are to be drawn;
+        grid - Whether or not the gris is to be drawn;
+        dots - Whether or not dots should be shown at each point;
+        h_labels, v_labels - lists of strings containing the horizontal and vertical labels for the axis;
+        h_bounds, v_bounds - tuples containing the lower and upper value bounds for the data to be plotted;
+        step - the horizontal distance from one point to the other. The smaller, the smoother the curve will be;
+        discrete - whether or not the function should be plotted in discrete format.
+        - Example of use
+        data = lambda x : x**2
+        CairoPlot.function_plot('function4', data, 400, 300, grid = True, h_bounds=(-10,10), step = 0.1)
+    '''
+    plot = FunctionPlot(name, data, width, height, background, border,
+                        axis, grid, dots, h_labels, v_labels, h_bounds, v_bounds, step, discrete)
+    plot.render()
+    plot.commit()
+def pie_plot(name, data, width, height, background = None, gradient = False, shadow = False, colors = None):
+    '''
+        - Function to plot pie graphics.
+        pie_plot(name, data, width, height, background = None, gradient = False)
+        - Parameters
+        name - Name of the desired output file, no need to input the .svg as it will be added at runtim;
+        data - The list, list of lists or dictionary holding the data to be plotted;
+        width, height - Dimensions of the output image;
+        background - A 3 element tuple representing the rgb color expected for the background or a new cairo linear gradient. 
+                     If left None, a gray to white gradient will be generated;
+        gradient - Whether or not the pie color will be painted with a gradient;
+        shadow - Whether or not there will be a shadow behind the pie;
+        colors - List of slices colors.
+        - Examples of use
+        teste_data = {"john" : 123, "mary" : 489, "philip" : 890 , "suzy" : 235}
+        CairoPlot.pie_plot("pie_teste", teste_data, 500, 500)
+    '''
+    plot = PiePlot(name, data, width, height, background, gradient, shadow, series_colors = colors)
+    plot.render()
+    plot.commit()
+def donut_plot(name, data, width, height, background = None, gradient = False, shadow = False, colors = None, inner_radius = -1):
+    '''
+        - Function to plot donut graphics.
+        donut_plot(name, data, width, height, background = None, gradient = False, inner_radius = -1)
+        - Parameters
+        name - Name of the desired output file, no need to input the .svg as it will be added at runtim;
+        data - The list, list of lists or dictionary holding the data to be plotted;
+        width, height - Dimensions of the output image;
+        background - A 3 element tuple representing the rgb color expected for the background or a new cairo linear gradient. 
+                     If left None, a gray to white gradient will be generated;
+        shadow - Whether or not there will be a shadow behind the donut;
+        gradient - Whether or not the donut color will be painted with a gradient;
+        colors - List of slices colors;
+        inner_radius - The radius of the donut's inner circle.
+        - Examples of use
+        teste_data = {"john" : 123, "mary" : 489, "philip" : 890 , "suzy" : 235}
+        CairoPlot.donut_plot("donut_teste", teste_data, 500, 500)
+    '''
+    plot = DonutPlot(name, data, width, height, background, gradient, shadow, colors, inner_radius)
+    plot.render()
+    plot.commit()
+def gantt_chart(name, pieces, width, height, h_labels, v_labels, colors):
+    '''
+        - Function to generate Gantt Diagrams.
+        gantt_chart(name, pieces, width, height, h_labels, v_labels, colors):
+        - Parameters
+        name - Name of the desired output file, no need to input the .svg as it will be added at runtim;
+        pieces - A list defining the spaces to be drawn. The user must pass, for each line, the index of its start and the index of its end. If a line must have two or more spaces, they must be passed inside a list;
+        width, height - Dimensions of the output image;
+        h_labels - A list of names for each of the vertical lines;
+        v_labels - A list of names for each of the horizontal spaces;
+        colors - List containing the colors expected for each of the horizontal spaces
+        - Example of use
+        pieces = [ (0.5,5.5) , [(0,4),(6,8)] , (5.5,7) , (7,8)]
+        h_labels = [ 'teste01', 'teste02', 'teste03', 'teste04']
+        v_labels = [ '0001', '0002', '0003', '0004', '0005', '0006', '0007', '0008', '0009', '0010' ]
+        colors = [ (1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.7, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0) ]
+        CairoPlot.gantt_chart('gantt_teste', pieces, 600, 300, h_labels, v_labels, colors)
+    '''
+    plot = GanttChart(name, pieces, width, height, h_labels, v_labels, colors)
+    plot.render()
+    plot.commit()
+def bar_plot(name, 
+             data, 
+             width, 
+             height, 
+             background = None, 
+             border = 0, 
+             grid = False,
+             rounded_corners = False,
+             three_dimension = False,
+             h_labels = None, 
+             v_labels = None, 
+             h_bounds = None, 
+             v_bounds = None,
+             colors = None):
+    '''
+        - Function to generate Bar Plot Charts.
+        bar_plot(name, data, width, height, background, border, grid, rounded_corners, three_dimension, 
+                 h_labels, v_labels, h_bounds, v_bounds, colors):
+        - Parameters
+        name - Name of the desired output file, no need to input the .svg as it will be added at runtime;
+        data - The list, list of lists or dictionary holding the data to be plotted;
+        width, height - Dimensions of the output image;
+        background - A 3 element tuple representing the rgb color expected for the background or a new cairo linear gradient. 
+                     If left None, a gray to white gradient will be generated;
+        border - Distance in pixels of a square border into which the graphics will be drawn;
+        grid - Whether or not the gris is to be drawn;
+        rounded_corners - Whether or not the bars should have rounded corners;
+        three_dimension - Whether or not the bars should be drawn in pseudo 3D;
+        h_labels, v_labels - lists of strings containing the horizontal and vertical labels for the axis;
+        h_bounds, v_bounds - tuples containing the lower and upper value bounds for the data to be plotted;
+        colors - List containing the colors expected for each of the bars.
+        - Example of use
+        data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
+        CairoPlot.bar_plot ('bar2', data, 400, 300, border = 20, grid = True, rounded_corners = False)
+    '''
+    plot = BarPlot(name, data, width, height, background, border,
+                   grid, rounded_corners, three_dimension, h_labels, v_labels, h_bounds, v_bounds, colors)
+    plot.render()
+    plot.commit()
diff --git a/log-parser/libtorrent/trogoz/ b/log-parser/libtorrent/trogoz/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..3f331bd
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+import CairoPlot
+import cairo
+import os
+class Chart:
+       def __init__(self,objList,hlabel):
+               self.__objList=objList
+               self.__hlabel=hlabel
+       def drawDotLineChart(self,name):
+               data={}
+               for obj in self.__objList:
+                       data[obj.getHostIp]=obj.getData()
+               os.system("mkdir -p charts")    
+               CairoPlot.dot_line_plot("./charts/"+name+".png", data, 2000,1000,border=30, axis = True, grid = True,h_labels=self.__hlabel)
+               print "Chart "+name+" complete"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/log-parser/libtorrent/trogoz/ b/log-parser/libtorrent/trogoz/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..00de27e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+Created on Jun 11, 2009
+@author: tudor
+from DataTypes import Data
+import datetime
+import pickle
+import CairoPlot
+import cairo
+import Functions
+class DataAnalysis:
+    def __init__(self,objList,min,max):
+        self.__objList=objList
+        self.__min=min
+        self.__max=max
+        self.__stime=self.retStartTime()
+        self.__etime=self.retEndTime()
+        if self.__min<self.__stime:
+            print "Minimul trebuie sa fie mai mare sau egal decat start time"
+            exit(1)
+        if self.__max>self.__etime:
+            print "Maximul trebuie sa fie mai mic sau egal decat end time"        
+            exit(1)
+    def retStartTime(self):
+        startTime=datetime.time(23,59,59)
+        for obj in self.__objList:
+            if obj.getStartTime()<startTime:
+                startTime=obj.getStartTime()
+        return startTime
+    def retEndTime(self):
+        endTime=self.__stime
+        for obj in self.__objList:
+            if obj.getEndTime()>endTime:
+                endTime=obj.getEndTime()
+        return endTime
+    def addZeros(self):
+        for obj in self.__objList:
+            if (obj.getStartTime()>self.__stime):
+                obj.setZeros(Functions.diffInSeconds(self.__stime,obj.getStartTime()))
+    def setInterval(self):
+        for obj in self.__objList:
+            obj.setInterval(self.__min,self.__max,self.__stime)
+    def getEndTime(self):
+        return self.__etime 
+    def getStartTime(self):
+        return self.__stime    
+    def setHlabel(self):
+        nr=Functions.diffInSeconds(self.__min,self.__max)
+        hlabel=[]
+        if nr<=200:
+            for i in range(nr):
+                hlabel.append(str(Functions.add_secs_to_time(self.__min,i)))
+        else:
+            step=nr/100
+            for i in range(nr):
+                if i%step==0:
+                    hlabel.append(str(Functions.add_secs_to_time(self.__min,i)))
+                else:
+                    hlabel.append("")
+        return hlabel    
+    def prepareData(self):
+        self.addZeros()        
+        self.setInterval()
+        return self.__objList
+#print "p2p-next-02-03: "+str(obj1.getStartTime())
+#print "p2p-next-03-01: "+str(obj2.getStartTime())
+#print l.getStartTime()
+#print l.getEndTime()
+#for obj in list:
+#    data[obj.getHostIp]=obj.getData()
+#CairoPlot.dot_line_plot('test2.png', data, 2000,1000,border=30, axis = True, grid = True,h_labels=hlabel)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/log-parser/libtorrent/trogoz/ b/log-parser/libtorrent/trogoz/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..fb51b6d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+import datetime
+import Functions
+class Data:
+       def __init__(self,hostIp,remoteIp,startTime,endTime,data,hostClientType,remoteClientType):
+               self.__data=data
+               self.__hostIp=hostIp
+               self.__remoteIp=remoteIp
+               self.__startTime=startTime
+               self.__endTime=endTime
+               self.__hostClientType=hostClientType;
+               self.__remoteClientType=remoteClientType
+       def getData(self):
+               return self.__data
+       def getHostIp(self):
+               return self.__hostIp
+       def getRemoteIp(self):
+               return self.__remoteIp
+       def getStartTime(self):
+               return self.__startTime
+       def getEndTime(self):
+               return self.__endTime
+       def getHostClientType(self):
+               return self.__hostClientType
+       def getRemoteClientType(self):
+               return self.__remoteClientType
+       def setZeros(self,number):
+               aux=[]
+               for i in range(number):
+                       aux.append(0)
+               aux.extend(self.__data)
+               self.__data=aux
+       def setInterval(self,minim,maxim,stime):
+               if minim>=stime:
+                       index1=Functions.diffInSeconds(stime,minim)
+                       index2=Functions.diffInSeconds(minim,maxim)
+               else :
+                       print "Erroare:Minimul trebuie sa fie mai mare decat timpul de start"
+                       exit(1)
+               if index1+index2<len(self.__data):
+                       self.__data=self.__data[index1:index1+index2]
+               else:
+                       self.__data=self.__data[index1:]
+class ChokeData(Data):
+       def __init__(self,hostIp,remoteIp,startTime,endTime,data,hostClientType,remoteClientType):
+               Data.__init__(self,hostIp,remoteIp,startTime,endTime,data,hostClientType,remoteClientType)      
+class InterestedData(Data):
+       def __init__(self,hostIp,remoteIp,startTime,endTime,data,hostClientType,remoteClientType):
+               Data.__init__(self,hostIp,remoteIp,startTime,endTime,data,hostClientType,remoteClientType)
+class DownloadedData(Data):    
+       def __init__(self,hostIp,remoteIp,startTime,endTime,data,hostClientType,remoteClientType):
+               Data.__init__(self,hostIp,remoteIp,startTime,endTime,data,hostClientType,remoteClientType)
+class UploadedData(Data):      
+       def __init__(self,hostIp,remoteIp,startTime,endTime,data,hostClientType,remoteClientType):
+               Data.__init__(self,hostIp,remoteIp,startTime,endTime,data,hostClientType,remoteClientType)
+class PeersConnectedData(Data):
+       def __init__(self,hostIp,remoteIp,startTime,endTime,data,hostClientType,remoteClientType):
+               Data.__init__(self,hostIp,remoteIp,startTime,endTime,data,hostClientType,remoteClientType)
+class HaveData(Data):
+       def __init__(self,hostIp,remoteIp,startTime,endTime,data,hostClientType,remoteClientType):
+               Data.__init__(self,hostIp,remoteIp,startTime,endTime,data,hostClientType,remoteClientType)
+       def getElement(self,index):
+               return (self.getData())[index]
+       def getTime(self,index):
+               return ((self.getData())[index])["time"]
+       def getPiece(self,index):
+               return ((self.getData())[index])["piece"] 
+class RequestData(Data):
+       def __init__(self,hostIp,remoteIp,startTime,endTime,data,hostClientType,remoteClientType):
+               Data.__init__(self,hostIp,remoteIp,startTime,endTime,data,hostClientType,remoteClientType)
+       def getElement(self,index):
+               return (self.getData())[index]
+       def getTime(self,index):
+               return ((self.getData())[index])["time"]
+       def getStart(self,index):
+               return ((self.getData())[index])["s"] 
+       def getLength(self,index):
+               return ((self.getData())[index])["l"]
+       def getPiece(self,index):
+               return ((self.getData())[index])["piece"] 
+class PieceData(Data): 
+       def __init__(self,hostIp,remoteIp,startTime,endTime,data,hostClientType,remoteClientType):
+               Data.__init__(self,hostIp,remoteIp,startTime,endTime,data,hostClientType,remoteClientType)
+       def getElement(self,index):
+               return (self.getData())[index]
+       def getTime(self,index):
+               return ((self.getData())[index])["time"]
+       def getStart(self,index):
+               return ((self.getData())[index])["s"] 
+       def getLength(self,index):
+               return ((self.getData())[index])["l"]
+       def getPiece(self,index):
+               return ((self.getData())[index])["piece"] 
+#print y.getData(),x.getStartTime(),z.getElement(0)
diff --git a/log-parser/libtorrent/trogoz/ b/log-parser/libtorrent/trogoz/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..47aa164
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+Created on Jun 10, 2009
+@author: tudor
+import os
+import datetime
+def add_secs_to_time(timeval, secs_to_add):
+    secs = timeval.hour * 3600 + timeval.minute * 60 + timeval.second
+    secs += secs_to_add
+    return datetime.time(secs // 3600, (secs % 3600) // 60, secs % 60)
+def diffInSeconds(minTime,time):
+    return (time.hour-minTime.hour)*3600 + (time.minute-minTime.minute)*60+time.second-minTime.second
+def findLogs(path):
+    list=[]
+    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
+        for f in files:
+            el=os.path.join(root,f)
+            if el.endswith(".log")!=-1 and el.find("libtorrent_logs")!=-1 and el.find("main_session")==-1:    
+                list.append(el)
+    return list
+def findStatusLogs(path):
+    list=[]   
+    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
+        for f in files:
+            el=os.path.join(root,f)
+            if el.endswith(".log")!=-1 and el.find("status")!=-1 and el.find("time")==-1:    
+                list.append(el)
+    return list      
+def listdir(folder):
+        list =[]
+        for f in os.listdir(folder):
+            if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(folder, f)):
+                list.append(f)                
+        return list
+def transformData(list,stime,etime):
+        time=stime
+        state=0        
+        data=[]        #choke
+        next={}
+        oldData=list
+        for next in oldData:
+            sec=diffInSeconds(time,next["time"])
+            time=next["time"]
+            for i in range(sec):
+                data.append(state)
+            if next["type"]=='choke' or next["type"]=='not_interested':
+                state=0
+            else :
+                state=1
+        sec=diffInSeconds(time,etime)        
+        for i in range(sec):
+            data.append(state)
+        return data    
+def findTime(folder):
+        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder):
+            for f in files:
+                el=os.path.join(root,f)
+                if el.endswith(".log") and el.find("main_session")!=-1 :    
+                    list=el
+        f=open(list.rstrip("\n"))
+        for line in f:
+            index1=line.find(":")
+            if index1!=-1:
+                time=line[index1-2:]
+                break;
+        return datetime.time(int(time[0:2]),int(time[3:5]),int(time[6:]))
+def getEndTime(folder):
+    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder+"/status"):
+        for f in files:
+            el=os.path.join(root,f)
+            if el.endswith(".log") :
+                file=el
+    h=open(file.rstrip("\n"))
+    i=0
+    for l in h:
+        if l[0:2] == "ps":
+            i=i+1
+    return i       
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/log-parser/libtorrent/trogoz/ b/log-parser/libtorrent/trogoz/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f31c9d8
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+import os
+import datetime
+import pickle
+from ParseStatus import ParseStatus
+from ParseLog import ParseLog
+from DataAnalysis import DataAnalysis
+from Chart import Chart
+def add_secs_to_time(timeval, secs_to_add):
+       secs = timeval.hour * 3600 + timeval.minute * 60 + timeval.second
+       secs += secs_to_add
+       return datetime.time(secs // 3600, (secs % 3600) // 60, secs % 60)
+def retStartTime(list):
+       startTime = datetime.time(23, 59, 59)
+       for obj in list:
+               if obj.getStartTime() < startTime:
+                       startTime = obj.getStartTime()
+       return startTime
+def retEndTime(list):
+       endTime = retStartTime(list)
+       for obj in list:
+               if obj.getEndTime() > endTime:
+                       endTime = obj.getEndTime()
+       return endTime  
+def clrscr():
+       os.system('clear')
+x = raw_input("1.Parssing\n2.Charts\n3.Exit\n>")
+if x == '1' :
+       clrscr()
+       x = raw_input("1.Status files\n2.Log files\n3.Exit\n")
+       if x == '1':
+               clrscr()
+               x = raw_input("Enter path:")
+               parser = ParseStatus(x)
+               parser.parse()
+               print "Parssing complete..."
+       elif x == '2':
+               clrscr()
+               x = raw_input("1.One peer\n2.All peers\n")
+               if x == '1':
+                       clrscr()        
+                       x = raw_input("Enter path:")
+                       parser = ParseLog(x)
+                       parser.parseStation()
+                       print "Parssing complete..."
+               elif x == '2':
+                       clrscr()        
+                       x = raw_input("Enter path:")
+                       parser = ParseLog(x)
+                       parser.parseAll()
+                       print "Parssing complete..."
+       elif x == '3':
+               clrscr()
+               exit(1)
+       else:
+               clrscr()
+elif x == '2':
+       clrscr()
+       y = raw_input("1.Download speed\n2.Upload speed\n3.Peers connected\n4.Choke\n5.Interested\n>")
+       if y == '1' or y == '2' or y == '3' or y == '4' or y == '5':
+               clrscr()
+               list = []
+               if y == '1':
+                       file = 'dl.pkl'
+               elif y == '2':
+                       file = 'ul.pkl'
+               elif y == '3':
+                       file = 'ps.pkl'
+               elif y == '4':
+                       file = 'choke.pkl'
+               elif y == '5':
+                       file = 'interested.pkl'
+               x = raw_input("Enter station\n>")
+               f = open("./newlogs/" + x + "/" + file, "rb")
+               obj = pickle.load(f)
+               list.append(obj)
+               while 1:
+                       x = raw_input("Enter another station or x to stop\n>")
+                       if x == 'x':
+                               break
+                       f = open("./newlogs/" + x + "/" + file, "rb")
+                       obj = pickle.load(f)
+                       list.append(obj)
+               clrscr()
+               print "Min: " + str(retStartTime(list))
+               print "Max: " + str(retEndTime(list))
+               x = raw_input("Enter Min\n>")
+               min = datetime.time(int(x[0:2]), int(x[3:5]), int(x[6:]))
+               x = raw_input("Enter Max\n>")   
+               max = datetime.time(int(x[0:2]), int(x[3:5]), int(x[6:]))
+               obj = DataAnalysis(list, min, max)                      
+               list = obj.prepareData()
+               hlabel = obj.setHlabel()
+               chart = Chart(list, hlabel)
+               x = raw_input("Name\n>")
+               chart.drawDotLineChart(x)
+               #print list
+elif x == '3':
+       clrscr()
+       exit(1)
+       clrscr()
diff --git a/log-parser/libtorrent/trogoz/ b/log-parser/libtorrent/trogoz/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5b4afb9
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+from DataTypes import ChokeData
+from DataTypes import InterestedData
+from DataTypes import HaveData
+from DataTypes import RequestData
+from DataTypes import PieceData
+import os
+import pickle
+import datetime
+import Functions
+MIN_SIZE = 1000000
+The libtorrent parser for log files
+class ParseLog:
+       def __init__(self, folderPath):
+               self.__folderPath = folderPath
+               os.system("mkdir -p newlogs")
+       def getFolderPath(self):
+               return self.__folderPath
+       def parseStation(self):
+               i = Functions.getEndTime(self.__folderPath)           #get peer session time (in seconds) ex:600 sec
+               index1 = self.__folderPath.rfind("/")               
+               stationName = self.__folderPath[index1 + 1:]            #getStationName
+               os.system("mkdir -p newlogs/" + stationName)            #create newlogs folder if dosn't exist
+               f = Functions.findLogs(self.__folderPath)               #find log files in folderPath
+               Ips = []                                                #remote Ips
+               clientHostType = ""                                     #clientHostType
+               clientRemoteTypes = []                                  #clientRemote Types
+               stime = Functions.findTime(self.__folderPath)                     #get session start Time
+               etime = Functions.add_secs_to_time(Functions.findTime(self.__folderPath), i)            #get session end time
+               sumChoke = [0] * Functions.diffInSeconds(stime, etime)         #initialize sum list for "choke state"
+                       sumInterested = [0] * Functions.diffInSeconds(stime, etime)
+               for line in f :                                       #for every peer connected to the hoste peer
+                               s = os.path.getsize(line.rstrip("\n"))
+                               if long(s) > MIN_SIZE :                                       #parsing only files over 1 MB size
+                                       index1 = line.rfind("/")                
+                                       index2 = line.rfind(".")
+                                       remoteIp = line[index1 + 1:index2]                  #get Ip from file title
+                                       path = "newlogs/" + stationName + "/" + remoteIp        #create folder with remoteIp name
+                                       os.system("mkdir -p " + path)
+                                       g = open(line.rstrip("\n"))                   #open log file
+                                       rUnchokeAndChoke = []                         #chokelist 
+                                       clientRemoteType = ""
+                                       sInterestedAndNot = []                        #interested list
+                                       rpiece=[]
+                                       for lines in g :
+                                               if lines.find("[v]") != -1:     #hostClientType
+                                                       index1 = lines.find("[v]") + 3
+                                                       clientHostType = lines[index1:].strip(" ").rstrip("\n")
+                                               if lines.find("'v'") != -1:     #remoteClientType
+                                                       index1 = lines.find("'v'") + 5
+                                                       index2 = lines.rfind("'")
+                                                       clientRemoteType = lines[index1:index2].strip(" '").rstrip("\n")
+                                               if lines.find("<== CHOKE") != -1 :
+                                                       index1 = lines.find(":")
+                                                       index1 = index1 - 2
+                                                       index2 = lines.find("<== CHOKE") - 1
+                                                       dict = {}
+                                                       aux = lines[index1:index2]
+                                                       dict["time"] = datetime.time(int(aux[0:2]), int(aux[3:5]), int(aux[6:]))
+                                                       dict["type"] = "choke"  
+                                                       rUnchokeAndChoke.append(dict)           #dictionare time si type
+                                               if lines.find("<== UNCHOKE") != -1 :
+                                                       index1 = lines.find(":")
+                                                       index1 = index1 - 2
+                                                       index2 = lines.find("<== UNCHOKE") - 1
+                                                       dict = {}
+                                                       aux = lines[index1:index2]
+                                                       dict["time"] = datetime.time(int(aux[0:2]), int(aux[3:5]), int(aux[6:]))
+                                                       dict["type"] = "unchoke"        
+                                                       rUnchokeAndChoke.append(dict)
+                                               if lines.find("==> INTERESTED") != -1 :
+                                                       index1 = lines.find(":")
+                                                       index1 = index1 - 2
+                                                       index2 = lines.find("==> INTERESTED") - 1
+                                                       dict = {}
+                                                       aux = lines[index1:index2]
+                                                       dict["time"] = datetime.time(int(aux[0:2]), int(aux[3:5]), int(aux[6:]))
+                                                       dict["type"] = "interested"    
+                                                       sInterestedAndNot.append(dict)        
+                                               if lines.find("==> NOT_INTERESTED") != -1 :
+                                                       index1 = lines.find(":")
+                                                       index1 = index1 - 2
+                                                       index2 = lines.find("==> NOT_INTERESTED") - 1
+                                                       dict = {}
+                                                       aux = lines[index1:index2]
+                                                       dict["time"] = datetime.time(int(aux[0:2]), int(aux[3:5]), int(aux[6:]))
+                                                       dict["type"] = "not_interested"    
+                                                       sInterestedAndNot.append(dict)
+                                               if lines.find("<== PIECE")!=-1 :
+                                                       index1=lines.find(":")
+                                                       index1=index1-2
+                                                       index2=lines.find("<== PIECE")-1
+                                                       time=lines[index1:index2]
+                                                       index1=lines.find("piece:")+6
+                                                       index2=lines.find("|")-1
+                                                       piece=lines[index1:index2]
+                                                       index1=lines.find("s:")+2
+                                                       index2=lines.find("|",index1)-1
+                                                       s=lines[index1:index2]
+                                                       index1=lines.find("l:")+2
+                                                       index2=lines.find("|",index1)-1
+                                                       l=lines[index1:index2]
+                                                       dictionar={}
+                                                       dictionar["time"]=time                                                  #time
+                                                       dictionar["piece"]=piece                                                #piece
+                                                       dictionar["s"]=s                                                        #s
+                                                       dictionar["l"]=l                                                        #l
+                                                       rpiece.append(dictionar)
+                                       rpiece_file = open(path + "/rpiece.pkl", "wb")
+                                       rUnchokeAndChoke_file = open(path + "/rUnchokeAndChoke.pkl", "wb")
+                                       sInterestedAndNot_file = open(path +"/sInterestedAndNot.pkl","wb")
+                                       pieceObj = PieceData(stationName, remoteIp, stime, etime, rpiece, clientHostType, clientRemoteType)
+                                       chokeObj = ChokeData(stationName, remoteIp, stime, etime, Functions.transformData(rUnchokeAndChoke, stime, etime), clientHostType, clientRemoteType)
+                                       interestedObj=InterestedData(stationName, remoteIp, stime, etime, Functions.transformData(sInterestedAndNot, stime, etime), clientHostType, clientRemoteType)
+                                       pickle.dump(pieceObj,rpiece_file)                                       
+                                       pickle.dump(chokeObj, rUnchokeAndChoke_file)
+                                       pickle.dump(interestedObj, sInterestedAndNot_file)
+                                       for k in range(len(chokeObj.getData())):
+                                           sumChoke[k] = sumChoke[k] + (chokeObj.getData())[k]
+                                       for k in range(len(interestedObj.getData())):
+                                           sumInterested[k] = sumInterested[k] + (interestedObj.getData())[k]
+                                       Ips.append(remoteIp)
+                                       clientRemoteTypes.append(clientRemoteType)                              
+               obj1 = ChokeData(stationName, Ips, stime, etime, sumChoke, clientHostType, clientRemoteTypes)
+               choke_file = open("./newlogs/" + stationName + "/choke.pkl", "wb")
+               pickle.dump(obj1, choke_file)
+               choke_file.close()
+               obj2 = ChokeData(stationName, Ips, stime, etime, sumInterested, clientHostType, clientRemoteTypes)
+               interested_file = open("./newlogs/" + stationName + "/interested.pkl", "wb")
+               pickle.dump(obj2, interested_file)
+               interested_file.close()
+       def parseAll(self):
+               list = Functions.listdir(self.__folderPath)
+               for i in list:
+                       print "Parsining :" + self.__folderPath.rstrip("/") + "/" + i
+                       obj = ParseLog(self.__folderPath.rstrip("/") + "/" + i)
+                       obj.parseStation()
diff --git a/log-parser/libtorrent/trogoz/ b/log-parser/libtorrent/trogoz/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5310999
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+from DataTypes import PeersConnectedData
+from DataTypes import DownloadedData
+from DataTypes import UploadedData
+import Functions
+import datetime
+import pickle
+import os
+class ParseStatus:
+    def __init__(self,folderPath):
+        self.__folderPath=folderPath
+        os.system("mkdir -p newlogs")
+        print self.__folderPath
+    def getFolderPath(self):
+        return self.__folderPath
+    def parseFile(self,path):
+               try:
+                       f = open(path.rstrip("\n"))
+                       print "Parssing ... " ,path 
+                       dl=[]
+                       ul=[]
+                       ps=[]
+                       index1=path.rfind(".")
+                       index2=path.rfind(".",0,index1-1)
+                       time=path[index2+1:index1]                      #logging start time
+                       stime=datetime.time(int(time[0:2]),int(time[3:5]),int(time[6:])) #get Start Time
+                       index1=path.find("p2p-next")
+                       index2=path.find("/status")
+                       station=path[index1:index2]                                      #get Station name
+                       i=0
+                       for line in f:
+                               if line[0:2] == "ps":                   #if line starts with ps
+                                       i=i+1
+                                       index2=line.find(",")           #ps
+                                       ps.append(int(line[4:index2]))
+                                       index1=line.find("dl")          #dl
+                                       index2=line.find("kb/s")
+                                       dl.append(float(line[index1+4:index2]))
+                                       index1=line.find("ul")          #ul
+                                       index2=line.rfind("kb/s")
+                                       ul.append(float(line[index1+4:index2]))
+                       #adding the time variable in dictionary
+                       ps_obj=PeersConnectedData(station,"NA",stime,Functions.add_secs_to_time(stime, i),ps,"libtorrent","NA")    #TODO extract client type from peer id       
+                       dl_obj=DownloadedData(station,"NA",stime,Functions.add_secs_to_time(stime, i),dl,"libtorrent","NA")                             #TODO extract client type from peer id
+                       ul_obj=UploadedData(station,"NA",stime,Functions.add_secs_to_time(stime, i),ul,"libtorrent","NA")                                       #TODO extract client type from peer id                          
+                       os.system("mkdir -p newlogs/"+ps_obj.getHostIp())                                                                         #TODO nu se potriveste p2p-next cu 192.123.13 ...             
+                       ps_file=open("./newlogs/"+ps_obj.getHostIp()+"/ps.pkl","wb")
+                       pickle.dump(ps_obj,ps_file)             
+                       #pickle in dl file
+                       dl_file=open("./newlogs/"+ps_obj.getHostIp()+"/dl.pkl","wb")
+                       pickle.dump(dl_obj,dl_file)
+                       #pickle in ul file
+                       ul_file=open("./newlogs/"+ps_obj.getHostIp()+"/ul.pkl","wb")
+                       pickle.dump(ul_obj,ul_file)     
+                       #close files
+                       f.close()
+                       ul_file.close()
+                       dl_file.close()
+                       ps_file.close()
+               except IOError , e:
+                       print e
+                       sys.exit(1)
+    def parse(self):
+        f=Functions.findStatusLogs(self.__folderPath)
+        print f
+        for line in f :
+            self.parseFile(line)
+            print line