--- /dev/null
+# 2011, Calin-Andrei Burloiu, calin.burloiu@gmail.com
+# Bash script used to detect when a regular client finished
+# downloading a torrent
+# The script
+# * monitors a log file provided as an argument
+# * as long as the doe is not finished the script keeps running
+# * when the doe is finished it returns 0
+# * blocks the caller - the script exits only when the doe has completed
+# the download
+# Script arguments:
+# * log file
+if [ ! $# -eq 1 ]; then
+ echo "usage: $0 log-file"
+ exit 1
+while true; do
+ # check for complete transfer
+ if cat $LOG_FILE | grep "Torrent finished" &> /dev/null; then
+ echo "Torrent transfer finished"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ if cat $LOG_FILE | grep "Segmentation fault" &> /dev/null; then
+ echo "Segmentation fault when transferring torrent"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ # check stat client is alive
+ if ! pgrep "hrktorrent" &> /dev/null; then
+ if ! pgrep -f "schedule_client.sh" &> /dev/null; then
+ echo "No hrktorrent and no schedule_client.sh process"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Don't do continuous polling
+ sleep 5
--- /dev/null
+# 2011, Calin-Andrei Burloiu, calin.burloiu@gmail.com
+# Bash script used to parse the log file generated by a transmission client
+# Script arguments:
+# * a folder where the log and data files are stored
+# * the name of a log file in that folder
+# Sample run:
+# ./parse_hrk.sh ../../../Results/samples/ p2p-next-01-101.log
+if [ ! $# -eq 2 ]; then
+ echo "usage: $0 log-folder log-file"
+ exit 1
+# Check if the log folder exists
+if [ ! -d $LOG_FOLDER ]; then
+ echo "Error: The folder $LOG_FOLDER does not exist."
+ exit 1
+# Check if the log file exists
+if [ ! -e $LOG_FOLDER/$LOG_FILE ]; then
+ echo "Error: The log file $LOG_FOLDER/$LOG_FILE does not exist."
+ exit 1
+# Check if the log file is a regular file
+if [ ! -f $LOG_FOLDER/$LOG_FILE ]; then
+ echo "Error: The log file $LOG_FOLDER/$LOG_FILE is not a regular file."
+ exit 1
+# Write the header to the data file
+echo "time percent upspeed dlspeed" > $DATA_FILE
+# Clean and parse the log file
+grep '^ps\|SLEEP' $LOG_FOLDER/$LOG_FILE | awk -F '[ \t<>:,]+' '
+ rel_time = 0;
+ if ($1 == "SLEEP")
+ rel_time = rel_time + $2;
+ else {
+ dlspeed = $4 + 0;
+ upspeed = $6 + 0;
+ download = $8 + 0;
+ size = $12 + 0;
+ percent = 100.0 * download / size;
+ printf "%d %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", rel_time, percent, upspeed, dlspeed;
+ rel_time++;
+ }
+}' >> $DATA_FILE
+# convert host_id and veid to veth IP address in network
+ host_id=$1
+ veid=$2
+ ip_part1=$(($veid / 100))
+ ip_part2=$(($veid % 100))
+ id=$(echo "$host_id" | awk '{printf "%d", $1;}')
+ echo "10.$ip_part1.$id.$ip_part2"
+# convert p2p-next-${host_id}-${veid} hostname to veth IP address
+ hostname=$1
+ veid=${hostname##*-}
+ host_id=${tmp##*-}
+ host_veid_to_eth_ip $host_id $veid
+local_ip=$(hostname_to_ip ${LOG_FILE/%.log/})
+# Parse the peer log file; output peer download and upload files
+grep '^--Peers' $LOG_FOLDER/$LOG_FILE | awk -v ip=${local_ip} -F '[],() []+' '
+ printf "[%s %s %s]", $2, $3, $4;
+ i = 6;
+ for (i = 6; i < NF; i += 6) {
+ j = i+2;
+ k = i+4;
+ down_speed = $j + 0;
+ up_speed = $k + 0;
+ split($i, ip_port, ":");
+ printf " (%s, %s, %s, %s)", ip, ip_port[1], down_speed, up_speed;
+ }
+ printf "\n";
+exit 0
--- /dev/null
+# 2011, Calin-Andrei Burloiu, calin.burloiu@gmail.com
+# Bash script used to start a hrktorrent instance
+# The script
+# * changes current working directory to Regular
+# * starts a transmission session
+# * at the end deletes the downloaded data
+# If you run this script manually, you must run it from the P2P-Testing-Infrastructure/ControlScripts folder
+# Read the global configuration file
+# Check if the global configuration file exists
+if [ ! -e globalconfig ]; then
+ echo "Warning: The global config file globalconfig does not exist."
+ source globalconfig
+# Read the node-specific configuration file (TORRENT_FILE)
+# Check if the node-specific configuration file exists
+if [ ! -e ../ClientWorkingFolders/TmpLogs/node_config ]; then
+ echo "Warning: The global config file ../ClientWorkingFolders/TmpLogs/node_config does not exist."
+ source ../ClientWorkingFolders/TmpLogs/node_config
+LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HRK_ABS_PATH/../libtorrent-rasterbar/lib $HRK_ABS_PATH/hrktorrent --nodht ../TorrentsAndData/$TORRENT_FILE
+rm -rf *
--- /dev/null
+# 2011, Calin-Andrei Burloiu, calin.burloiu@gmail.com
+# Bash script used to start a transmission instance
+# The script
+# * changes current working directory to TorrentsAndData
+# * starts a transmission session
+# * at the end deletes the downloaded data
+# If you run this script manually, you must run it from the P2P-Testing-Infrastructure/ControlScripts folder
+# Read the global configuration file
+# Check if the global configuration file exists
+if [ ! -e globalconfig ]; then
+ echo "Warning: The global config file globalconfig does not exist."
+ source globalconfig
+# Read the node-specific configuration file (TORRENT_FILE)
+# Check if the node-specific configuration file exists
+if [ ! -e ../ClientWorkingFolders/TmpLogs/node_config ]; then
+ echo "Warning: The global config file ../ClientWorkingFolders/TmpLogs/node_config does not exist."
+ source ../ClientWorkingFolders/TmpLogs/node_config
+LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HRK_ABS_PATH/../libtorrent-rasterbar/lib $HRK_ABS_PATH/hrktorrent --nodht --nohashcheck $TORRENT_FILE
--- /dev/null
+# 2011, Calin-Andrei Burloiu, calin.burloiu@gmail.com
+# Bash script used to stop all transmission instances
+# The script
+# * stops all the transmission instances
+if [ ! $# -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "usage: $0"
+ exit 1
+pkill -KILL -f hrktorrent