--- /dev/null
+ * leecher.cpp
+ * p2tp
+ *
+ * Created by Victor Grishchenko on 11/3/09.
+ * Copyright 2009 Delft University of Technology. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ */
+#include "p2tp.h"
+#include <time.h>
+using namespace p2tp;
+/** P2TP downloader. Params: root hash, filename, tracker ip/port, own ip/port */
+int main (int argn, char** args) {
+ srand(time(NULL));
+ Sha1Hash root_hash(true,"32e5d9d2d8c0f6073e2820cf47b15b58c2e42a23");
+ p2tp::LibraryInit();
+ const char* filename = "team.jpg";
+ Address tracker(""),
+ bindaddr(INADDR_ANY,10000);
+ if (0>p2tp::Listen(bindaddr)) {
+ print_error("cannot bind");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ p2tp::SetTracker(tracker);
+ int file = p2tp::Open(filename,root_hash);
+ printf("Downloading %s\n",root_hash.hex().c_str());
+ int count = 100;
+ while (!p2tp::IsComplete(file) && count-->0) {
+ p2tp::Loop(TINT_SEC/10);
+ printf("done %lli of %lli (seq %lli) %lli dgram %lli bytes up, %lli dgram %lli bytes down\n",
+ p2tp::Complete(file), p2tp::Size(file), p2tp::SeqComplete(file),
+ Datagram::dgrams_up, Datagram::bytes_up,
+ Datagram::dgrams_down, Datagram::bytes_down );
+ }
+ p2tp::Close(file);
+ p2tp::Shutdown();
int fd () const { return file_.file_descriptor(); }
const Sha1Hash& root_hash () const { return file_.root_hash(); }
- static int instance; // FIXME this smells
static std::vector<FileTransfer*> files;