--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys
+import sqlite3
+import os.path
+DEBUG = False
+class DatabaseAccess:
+ """
+ Low-level class for database access: insert, update, delete,
+ select operations
+ Basic operations on each table in P2P logging database: swarms,
+ btclients, client_sessions, status_messages, verbose_messages
+ Insert methods have dual options:
+ insert_swarms_row - inserts a row as an array
+ insert_swarms - row fields to be added are passed as separate
+ arguments
+ """
+ operators={'eq':'=', 'neq':'<>', 'gt':'>', 'gte':'>=', 'lt':'<', 'lte':'<=', 'lk':'LIKE'}
+ def __init__ (self, dbname):
+ self.dbname = dbname
+ def connect(self):
+ if not os.path.isfile(self.dbname):
+ return False
+ self.conn = sqlite3.connect(self.dbname)
+ self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()
+ return True
+ def disconnect(self):
+ self.cursor.close()
+ self.conn.close()
+ def get_cursor(self):
+ return self.cursor
+ def get_connection(self):
+ return self.conn
+ def get_status(self):
+ """
+ Select rows in all tables
+ """
+ tables = ['swarms', 'btclients', 'client_sessions', 'status_messages', 'verbose_messages']
+ for t in tables:
+ try:
+ self.cursor.execute("select * from '%s'" %t)
+ for row in self.cursor:
+ print row
+ except sqlite3.Error, e:
+ print "[select] error: ", e.args[0]
+ def insert_swarms_row(self, row):
+ try:
+ self.cursor.execute("insert into swarms(torrent, filesize, purpose, source) values (?,?,?,?)", row)
+ self.conn.commit()
+ except sqlite3.Error, e:
+ print ("[swarms]An error ocurred: ", e.args[0])
+ def insert_swarms(self, torrent_file, filesize, purpose, source):
+ self.insert_swarms_row([torrent_file, filesize, purpose, source])
+ def select_swarms(self, show = True, swarm_id = -1):
+ try:
+ if swarm_id == -1:
+ self.cursor.execute("select * from swarms")
+ else:
+ self.cursor.execute("select * from swarms where id='%s'" %swarm_id)
+ if show == True:
+ for row in self.cursor:
+ print row
+ else:
+ return self.cursor
+ except sqlite3.Error, e:
+ print("[swarms]An error ocurred: ", e.args[0])
+ def delete_swarms(self, swarm_id = -1):
+ try:
+ if swarm_id == -1:
+ self.cursor.execute("delete from swarms")
+ else:
+ self.cursor.execute("delete from swarms where id=?", (swarm_id,))
+ self.conn.commit()
+ except sqlite3.Error, e:
+ print("[swarms]An error ocurred: ", e.args[0])
+ def insert_btclients_row(self, row):
+ try:
+ self.cursor.execute("insert into btclients(name, language, dht, streaming) values (?,?,?,?)", row)
+ self.conn.commit()
+ except sqlite3.Error, e:
+ print ("[btclients]An error ocurred: ", e.args[0])
+ def insert_btclients(self, client_name, language, dht, streaming):
+ btclients([client_name, language, dht, streaming])
+ def select_btclients(self, show = True, id = -1):
+ try:
+ if id == -1:
+ self.cursor.execute("""select * from btclients""")
+ else:
+ self.cursor.execute("""select * from btclients where id='%s'""" %id)
+ if show == True:
+ for row in self.cursor:
+ print row
+ else:
+ return self.cursor
+ except sqlite3.Error, e:
+ print ("[btclients]An error ocurred: ", e.args[0])
+ def select_btclient_by_name(self, client_name, show = True):
+ try:
+ self.cursor.execute("""select * from btclients where name='%s'""" %client_name)
+ if show == True:
+ for row in self.cursor:
+ print row
+ else:
+ return self.cursor
+ except sqlite3.Error, e:
+ print ("[btclients]An error ocurred: ", e.args[0])
+ def select_btclient_id_by_name(self, client_name):
+ try:
+ self.cursor.execute("""select * from btclients where name='%s'""" %client_name)
+ for row in self.cursor:
+ return row[0]
+ except sqlite3.Error, e:
+ print ("[btclients]An error ocurred: ", e.args[0])
+ def insert_client_sessions_row(self, row):
+ try:
+ self.cursor.execute("insert into client_sessions(swarm_id, client_id, system_os, system_os_version, system_ram, system_cpu, public_ip, public_port, ds_limit, us_limit, start_time) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", row)
+ self.conn.commit()
+ except sqlite3.Error, e:
+ print ("[client_sessions]An error ocurred: ", e.args[0])
+ def insert_client_sessions(self, swarm_id, client_id, system_os, system_os_version, system_ram, system_cpu, public_ip, public_port, ds_limit, us_limit, start_time):
+ self.insert_client_sessions_row([swarm_id, client_id, system_os, system_os_version, system_ram, system_cpu, public_ip, public_port, ds_limit, us_limit, start_time]);
+ def select_client_sessions_by_id(self, show = True, cs_id = -1):
+ try:
+ if cs_id == -1:
+ self.cursor.execute("""select * from client_sessions""")
+ else:
+ self.cursor.execute("""select * from client_sessions where id='%s'""" %cs_id)
+ if show == True:
+ for row in self.cursor:
+ print row
+ else:
+ return self.cursor
+ except sqlite3.Error, e:
+ print ("[client_sessions]An error ocurred: ", e.args[0])
+ def select_client_sessions_by_swarm(self, show = True, swarm_id = -1, client_id = None):
+ try:
+ if client_id == None:
+ if swarm_id == -1:
+ self.cursor.execute("""select * from client_sessions""")
+ else:
+ self.cursor.execute("""select * from client_sessions where swarm_id=?""", (swarm_id, ))
+ else:
+ if swarm_id == -1:
+ self.cursor.execute("""select * from client_sessions where client_id=?""", (client_id, ))
+ else:
+ self.cursor.execute("""select * from client_sessions where swarm_id=? and client_id=?""", (swarm_id, client_id))
+ if show == True:
+ for row in self.cursor:
+ print row
+ else:
+ return self.cursor
+ except sqlite3.Error, e:
+ print ("[client_sessions]An error ocurred: ", e.args[0])
+ def delete_client_sessions_by_id(self, cs_id = -1):
+ try:
+ if cs_id == -1:
+ self.cursor.execute("""delete from client_sessions""")
+ else:
+ self.cursor.execute("""delete from client_sessions where id=?""", (cs_id, ))
+ self.conn.commit()
+ except sqlite3.Error, e:
+ print ("[client_sessions]An error ocurred: ", e.args[0])
+ def delete_client_sessions_by_swarm(self, swarm_id = -1, client_id = None):
+ try:
+ if client_id == None:
+ if swarm_id == -1:
+ self.cursor.execute("""delete from client_sessions""")
+ else:
+ self.cursor.execute("""delete from client_sessions where swarm_id=?""", (swarm_id, ))
+ else:
+ if swarm_id == -1:
+ self.cursor.execute("""delete from client_sessions where client_id=?""", (client_id, ))
+ else:
+ self.cursor.execute("""delete from client_sessions where swarm_id=? and client_id=?""", (swarm_id, client_id))
+ self.conn.commit()
+ except sqlite3.Error, e:
+ print ("[client_sessions]An error ocurred: ", e.args[0])
+ def insert_status_messages_row(self, row):
+ if DEBUG == True:
+ print "[status_messages] insert row", row
+ try:
+ self.cursor.execute("insert into status_messages values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", row)
+ self.conn.commit()
+ except sqlite3.Error, e:
+ print ("[status_messages]An error ocurred: ", e.args[0])
+ def insert_status_messages(self, cs_id, timestamp, peer_num, dht, download_speed, upload_speed, download_size, upload_size, eta):
+ self.insert_status_messages_row([cs_id, timestamp, peer_num, dht, download_speed, upload_speed, download_size, upload_size, eta])
+ def select_status_messages(self, show = True, cs_id = -1, restrictArray=None):
+ try:
+ if cs_id == -1:
+ self.cursor.execute("select * from status_messages")
+ else:
+ values = (cs_id, )
+ query = "select * from status_messages where cs_id=? and "
+ if restrictArray:
+ for (key, value, op) in restrictArray:
+ query += "%s %s ? and " % (key, self.operators[op])
+ values += (value, )
+ query = query.strip('and ')
+ print query, values
+ self.cursor.execute(query, values)
+ if show == True:
+ for row in self.cursor:
+ print row
+ else:
+ return self.cursor
+ except sqlite3.Error, e:
+ print("[status_messages]An error ocurred: ", e.args[0])
+ def delete_status_messages(self, cs_id = -1):
+ try:
+ if cs_id == -1:
+ self.cursor.execute("delete from status_messages")
+ else:
+ self.cursor.execute("delete from status_messages where cs_id=?", (cs_id, ))
+ self.conn.commit()
+ except sqlite3.Error, e:
+ print("[status_messages]An error ocurred: ", e.args[0])
+ def insert_verbose_messages_row(self, row):
+ if DEBUG == True:
+ print "[verbose_messages] insert row", row
+ try:
+ self.cursor.execute("insert into verbose_messages values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", row)
+ self.conn.commit()
+ except sqlite3.Error, e:
+ print ("[verbose_messages]An error ocurred: ", e.args[0])
+ def insert_verbose_messages(self, cs_id, timestamp, direction, peer_ip, peer_port, message_type, _index, begin, length, listen_port):
+ self.insert_verbose_messages_row([cs_id, timestamp, direction, peer_ip, peer_port, message_type, _index, begin, length, listen_port])
+ def select_verbose_messages(self, show = True, cs_id = -1, restrictArray=None):
+ try:
+ if cs_id == -1:
+ self.cursor.execute("select * from verbose_messages")
+ else:
+ values = (cs_id, )
+ query = "select * from verbose_messages where cs_id=? and "
+ if restrictArray:
+ for (key, value, op) in restrictArray:
+ query += "%s %s ? and " % (key, self.operators[op])
+ values += (value, )
+ query = query.strip('and ')
+ #print query, values
+ self.cursor.execute(query, values)
+ if show == True:
+ for row in self.cursor:
+ print row
+ else:
+ return self.cursor
+ except sqlite3.Error, e:
+ print("[status_messages]An error ocurred: ", e.args[0])
+ def delete_verbose_messages(self, cs_id = -1):
+ try:
+ if cs_id == -1:
+ self.cursor.execute("delete from verbose_messages")
+ else:
+ self.cursor.execute("delete from verbose_messages where cs_id=?", (cs_id, ))
+ self.conn.commit()
+ except sqlite3.Error, e:
+ print("[status_messages]An error ocurred: ", e.args[0])
+def main():
+ """
+ Test case
+ """
+ if len(sys.argv) != 2:
+ print "Usage: python DatabaseAccess dbfile"
+ sys.exit(2)
+ dba = DatabaseAccess(sys.argv[1])
+ dba.connect()
+ for t in [('DarkKnight', '123000', 'experiment', 'TVTorrents'),
+ ('Fedora', '1024', 'experiment', 'local'),
+ ('Pulp Fiction', '102400', 'streaming', 'isohunt'),
+ ('Karaoke', 'anaaremere', 'streaming', 'local'),
+ ]:
+ dba.insert_swarms_row(t)
+ for t in [('Tribler', 'Python', '1', '1'),
+ ('libtorrent', 'C++', '1', '0'),
+ ('Vuze', 'Java', '1', '0'),
+ ('Transmission', 'C', 'asa', '0'),
+ ]:
+ dba.insert_btclients_row(t)
+ for t in [('1', '2', 'Linux', '2.6.26', '512', '1500', '', '50500', '512', '64', '2455125.02409722'),
+ ('3', '4', 'Linux', '2.6.26', '512', '1500', '', '40400', '512', '64', '2455125.03174769'),
+ ]:
+ dba.insert_client_sessions_row(t)
+ for t in [('1', '2455128.10', '222', '0', '213', '56', '200', '300', '121.324'),
+ ('6', '2455128.10', '222', '0', '213', '56', '200', '300', '121.324'),
+ ]:
+ dba.insert_status_messages_row(t)
+ for t in [('1', '2455128.121295811', '0', '', '1345', '0', '3', '4', '13', '777'),
+ ('4', '2455128.121295811', '1', '', '1345', '0', '3', '4', '13', '777'),
+ ]:
+ dba.insert_verbose_messages_row(t)
+ dba.get_status()
+ dba.select_btclient_by_name("Tribler")
+ dba.disconnect()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(main())