* jquery.ui.core.js
* jquery.ui.widget.js
-function padWithZeros(number, length)
- if (!length)
- length = 2;
- var str = '';
- if (isNaN(number))
- {
- for (var i=0; i<length; i++)
- str += '-';
- return str;
- }
- str += number;
- while (str.length < length)
- {
- str = '0' + str;
- }
- return str;
- }
(function( $, undefined ) {
$.widget( "ui.nsvideo", {
version: "@VERSION",
options: {
type: 'ns-html5',
- //src: '' // TODO no default src
- //src: '' // TODO no default src
+ width: 800,
+ height: 450,
+ showStatus: true,
+ refreshInterval: 0.1, // seconds
+ autoplay: false
min: 0,
.addClass( "ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" );
- widget.$nsPlugin = $('<div class="ui-nsvideo-nsplugin"></div>')
+ widget.$videoContainer = $('<div class="ui-nsvideo-nsplugin"></div>')
widget.$progressContainer = $('<div class="ui-nsvideo-progress-container ui-widget-content ui-corner-top"></div>')
widget.$controls = $('<div class="ui-nsvideo-controls ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom"></div>')
- widget.setVideo();
+ widget.video();
// Time progress slider with load progress also
min: 0,
max: 1000, //Math.floor(widget.$video[0].duration),
slide: function(event, ui) {
- widget.$video[0].currentTime =
- ui.value / 1000 * widget.$video[0].duration;
+ widget.videoPlugin('crtTime', [ui.value]);
// Play / Pause
- $('<button class="ui-nsvideo-play ui-nsvideo-control-left">Play / Pause</button>')
+ $('<button class="ui-nsvideo-play ui-nsvideo-button ui-nsvideo-control-left">Play / Pause</button>')
text: false,
icons: { primary: "ui-icon-play" }
.click(function() {
- widget.togglePlay();
+ widget.videoPlugin('togglePlay');
// Time information (current and total)
- $('<div class="ui-nsvideo-time ui-nsvideo-control-left">--:-- / --:--</div>')
+ widget.$time = $('<div class="ui-nsvideo-time ui-nsvideo-text ui-nsvideo-control-left">--:-- / --:--</div>')
+ // Full screen
+ $('<button class="ui-nsvideo-fullscreen ui-nsvideo-button ui-nsvideo-control-right">Full Screen</button>')
+ .appendTo(widget.$controls)
+ .button({
+ text: false,
+ icons: { primary: "ui-icon-arrow-4-diag" }
+ })
+ .click(function() {
+ widget.videoPlugin('fullscreen');
+ });
// Video definition buttonset
if (typeof widget.options.src == 'object')
.attr('checked', (index == widget.options.definition))
.click(function() {
- widget.setDefinition(index);
+ widget.videoPlugin('pause');
+ widget.definition(index);
$('<label for="' + id + '">' + index + '</label>')
min: 0,
max: 100,
slide: function(event, ui) {
- widget.unmuteHtml5();
- widget.$video[0].volume = ui.value / 100;
+ widget.videoPlugin('volume', [ui.value]);
// Toggle Mute
- $('<button class="ui-nsvideo-mute ui-nsvideo-control-right">Mute</button>')
+ $('<button class="ui-nsvideo-mute ui-nsvideo-button ui-nsvideo-control-right">Mute</button>')
text: false,
icons: { primary: "ui-icon-volume-on" }
.click(function() {
- widget.toggleMute();
+ widget.videoPlugin('toggleMute');
+ // Status information
+ if (widget.options.showStatus)
+ {
+ widget.$stateText = $('<div class="ui-nsvideo-text ui-nsvideo-control-right">...</div>')
+ .appendTo(widget.$controls)
+ .css('cursor', 'pointer')
+ .click(function() {
+ widget.videoPlugin('refreshAll');
+ });
+ }
// Clear fix helper
$('<div class="ui-helper-clearfix"></div>')
+ // Initialize video plugin
+ widget.$video.ready(function() {
+ widget.videoPlugin('init');
+ });
_destroy: function() {
_setOption: function( key, value ) {
+ // TODO
if ( key === "TODO" ) {
this._super( "_setOption", key, value );
- setVideo: function() {
+ _leadingZeros: function(number, length) {
+ if (!length)
+ length = 2;
+ var str = '';
+ if (isNaN(number))
+ {
+ for (var i=0; i<length; i++)
+ str += '-';
+ return str;
+ }
+ str += number;
+ while (str.length < length)
+ {
+ str = '0' + str;
+ }
+ return str;
+ },
+ video: function() {
widget = this;
// Select video source.
// If src option is string, that's the source.
// If src is an object, properties are definitions and values are
// sources.
- var src = widget.getCrtSrc();
+ var src = widget.crtSrc();
if (src == null)
return widget;
- widget.$nsPlugin.html('');
+ widget.$videoContainer.html('');
+ // HTML5
if (widget.options.type == 'ns-html5'
|| widget.options.type == 'html5')
- widget.$video = $('<video id="vid" src="' + src + '" width="800" height="450" preload="auto">'
+ widget.$video = $('<video id="' + widget.element.attr('id') + '-video" src="' + src + '" width="' + widget.options.width + '" height="' + widget.options.height + '" preload="auto"' + (widget.options.autoplay ? ' autoplay="autoplay"' : '') + '>'
+'Error: Your browser does not support HTML5 or the video format!'
- .appendTo(widget.$nsPlugin)
+ .appendTo(widget.$videoContainer)
ended: function() {
- widget.pauseHtml5();
+ widget.html5.pause();
play: function() {
- widget.playHtml5();
+ widget.html5.play();
pause: function() {
- widget.pauseHtml5();
+ widget.html5.pause();
timeupdate: function() {
- widget.refreshTimeHtml5();
+ widget.html5.refreshTime();
progress: function() {
- widget.refreshLoadedProgressHtml5();
+ widget.html5.refreshLoadedProgress();
loadedmetadata: function() {
- widget.refreshTimeHtml5();
- widget.refreshVolumeHtml5();
+ widget.html5.refreshTime();
+ widget.html5.refreshVolume();
seeked: function() {
- widget.playHtml5();
+ widget.html5.play();
volumechange: function() {
- widget.refreshVolumeHtml5();
+ widget.html5.refreshVolume();
+ // VLC
+ else if (widget.options.type == 'ns-vlc'
+ || widget.options.type == 'vlc')
+ {
+ var embedType;
+ if (widget.options.type == 'ns-vlc')
+ embedType = 'application/x-ns-stream';
+ else
+ embedType = 'application/x-vlc-plugin';
+ if (navigator.appName == "Netscape")
+ {
+ widget.$video = $('<embed type="' + embedType + '" name="vlcVideo" id="' + widget.element.attr('id') + '-video" autoplay="' + (widget.options.autoplay ? 'yes' : 'no') + '" loop="no" width="' + widget.options.width + '" height="' + widget.options.height + '" target="' + src + '" />')
+ .appendTo(widget.$videoContainer);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ widget.$video = $('<object classid="clsid:1800B8AF-4E33-43C0-AFC7-894433C13538" width="' + widget.options.width + '" height="' + widget.options.height + '" id="' + widget.element.attr('id') + '-video" name="vlcVideo" events="True" target="">'
+ + '<param name="Src" value="' + src + '" />'
+ + '<param name="ShowDisplay" value="True" />'
+ + '<param name="Loop" value="False" />'
+ + '<param name="AutoPlay" value="' + (widget.options.autoplay ? 'True' : 'False') + '" />'
+ + '<param name="Toolbar" value="False" />'
+ + '</object>')
+ .appendTo(widget.$videoContainer);
+ }
+ }
- playHtml5: function() {
- if (this.$video[0].paused)
- this.$video[0].play();
- $('button.ui-nsvideo-play', this.element[0])
- .button('option', 'icons', { primary: "ui-icon-pause" })
- .button('refresh');
- return this;
- },
- pauseHtml5: function() {
- if (!this.$video[0].paused)
- this.$video[0].pause();
- $('button.ui-nsvideo-play', this.element[0])
+ setPlayButton: function() {
+ $('button.ui-nsvideo-play', widget.element[0])
.button('option', 'icons', { primary: "ui-icon-play" })
- return this;
- refreshTimeHtml5: function() {
- var widget = this;
- if (widget.$video[0].seeking)
- return widget;
- var crtTime = widget.$video[0].currentTime;
- var totTime = widget.$video[0].duration;
- // Refresh only at 0.1 s to save CPU time.
- var delta = crtTime - widget.lastTime;
- if (typeof widget.lastTime != "undefined" && delta >= 0 && delta < 0.1)
- return widget;
- widget.lastTime = crtTime;
- // Current time string
- var crtH = Math.floor(crtTime / 3600);
- var crtM = Math.floor((crtTime / 60) % 60);
- var crtS = Math.floor(crtTime % 60);
- var strCrtTime =
- (crtH == 0 ? '' : (padWithZeros(crtH) + ':'))
- + padWithZeros(crtM) + ':' + padWithZeros(crtS);
- // Total time string
- var totH = Math.floor(totTime / 3600);
- var totM = Math.floor((totTime / 60) % 60);
- var totS = Math.floor(totTime % 60);
- var strTotTime =
- (totH == 0 || isNaN(totH) ? '' : (padWithZeros(totH) + ':'))
- + padWithZeros(totM) + ':' + padWithZeros(totS);
- $('.ui-nsvideo-time', widget.element[0])
- .html('' + strCrtTime + ' / ' + strTotTime);
- // Update time progress slider.
- widget.refreshProgressHtml5();
- return widget;
+ setPauseButton: function() {
+ $('button.ui-nsvideo-play', widget.element[0])
+ .button('option', 'icons', { primary: "ui-icon-pause" })
+ .button('refresh');
- muteHtml5: function() {
- if (!this.$video[0].muted)
- this.$video[0].muted = true;
- $('button.ui-nsvideo-mute', this.element[0])
+ setMuteButton: function() {
+ $('button.ui-nsvideo-mute', widget.element[0])
.button('option', 'icons', { primary: "ui-icon-volume-off" })
- return this;
- unmuteHtml5: function() {
- if (this.$video[0].muted)
- this.$video[0].muted = false;
- $('button.ui-nsvideo-mute', this.element[0])
+ setUnmuteButton: function() {
+ $('button.ui-nsvideo-mute', widget.element[0])
.button('option', 'icons', { primary: "ui-icon-volume-on" })
- return this;
- refreshVolumeHtml5: function() {
- var vol;
- if (this.$video[0].muted)
- vol = 0;
- else
- vol = Math.floor(this.$video[0].volume * 100);
- $('.ui-nsvideo-volume', this.element[0])
+ setTimeText: function(text) {
+ //$('.ui-nsvideo-time', widget.element[0])
+ this.$time
+ .html(text);
+ },
+ setVolumeSlider: function(vol) {
+ $('.ui-nsvideo-volume', widget.element[0])
.slider('value', vol);
- return this;
- refreshProgressHtml5: function() {
- var crtTime = this.$video[0].currentTime;
- var totTime = this.$video[0].duration;
- var permilia;
- if (isNaN(totTime) || totTime == 0)
- permilia = 0
- else
- permilia = Math.floor(crtTime / totTime * 1000);
- $('.ui-nsvideo-progress', this.element[0])
- .slider('value', permilia);
- return this;
+ setProgressSlider: function(prog) {
+ $('.ui-nsvideo-progress', widget.element[0])
+ .slider('value', prog);
- /**
- * Supported for Firefox 4.0 or later.
- */
- refreshLoadedProgressHtml5: function() {
- // Return if buffering status not available in browser.
- if (typeof this.$video[0].buffered == 'undefined'
- || this.$video[0].buffered.length === 0)
- return this;
- var loadedTime = this.$video[0].buffered.end(0);
- var totTime = this.$video[0].duration;
- var percent;
- if (isNaN(totTime) || totTime == 0)
- percent = 0
- else
- percent = Math.floor(loadedTime / totTime * 100);
- $('.ui-nsvideo-loaded-progress', this.element[0])
- .progressbar('value', percent);
- return this;
+ setLoadedProgressSlider: function(prog) {
+ $('.ui-nsvideo-loaded-progress', widget.element[0])
+ .progressbar('value', prog);
- togglePlay: function() {
+ videoPlugin: function(method, args) {
+ if (typeof args == 'undefined')
+ args = [];
+ var videoPlugin = null;
if (this.options.type.indexOf('html5') != -1)
- if (this.$video[0].paused)
- {
- this.playHtml5();
- }
- else
- {
- this.pauseHtml5();
- }
+ videoPlugin = this.html5;
- else if (this.options.type == 'ns-vlc')
+ else if (this.options.type.indexOf('vlc') != -1)
+ videoPlugin = this.vlc;
- return this;
+ if (videoPlugin)
+ return videoPlugin[method].apply(this, args);
+ return null;
- toggleMute: function() {
- if (this.options.type.indexOf('html5') != -1)
- {
- if (!this.$video[0].muted)
- {
- this.muteHtml5();
- }
- else
- {
- this.unmuteHtml5();
- }
- }
- else if (this.options.type == 'ns-vlc')
- {
- }
+ definition: function(def) {
+ var widget = this;
+ if (typeof def == 'undefined')
+ return widget.options.definition;
+ widget.options.definition = def;
+ widget.video();
+ return widget;
+ },
+ type: function(type) {
+ var widget = this;
+ if (typeof type == 'undefined')
+ return widget.options.type;
+ widget.options.type = type;
+ widget.video();
+ // Initialize video plugin
+ widget.$video.ready(function() {
+ widget.videoPlugin('init');
+ });
- return this;
+ return widget;
- getCrtSrc: function() {
+ crtSrc: function() {
var src;
var widget = this;
return src;
- setDefinition: function(definition) {
- if (this.options.type.indexOf('html5') != -1)
- {
- this.options.definition = definition;
- this.setVideo();
+ html5: {
+ widget: this,
+ //lastTime: null,
+ init: function() {
+ widget.html5.refreshAll();
+ //if (widget.options.autoplay)
+ // widget.html5.play();
+ },
+ togglePlay: function() {
+ if (widget.$video[0].paused)
+ {
+ widget.html5.play();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ widget.html5.pause();
+ }
+ },
+ play: function() {
+ if (widget.$video[0].paused)
+ widget.$video[0].play();
+ widget.setPauseButton();
+ return widget;
+ },
+ pause: function() {
+ if (!widget.$video[0].paused)
+ widget.$video[0].pause();
+ widget.setPlayButton();
+ return widget;
+ },
+ toggleMute: function() {
+ if (!widget.$video[0].muted)
+ {
+ widget.html5.mute();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ widget.html5.unmute();
+ }
+ },
+ mute: function() {
+ if (!widget.$video[0].muted)
+ widget.$video[0].muted = true;
+ widget.setMuteButton();
+ return widget;
+ },
+ unmute: function() {
+ if (widget.$video[0].muted)
+ widget.$video[0].muted = false;
+ widget.setUnmuteButton();
+ return widget;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Volume value is expressed in percents.
+ */
+ volume: function(vol) {
+ if (typeof vol == 'undefined')
+ return Math.round(widget.$video[0].volume * 100);
+ widget.html5.unmute();
+ widget.$video[0].volume = vol / 100;
+ return widget;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Seek position is a value between 0 and 1000.
+ */
+ crtTime: function(pos) {
+ // getter
+ if (typeof pos == 'undefined')
+ {
+ var crtTime = widget.$video[0].currentTime;
+ var totTime = widget.$video[0].duration;
+ if (isNaN(totTime) || totTime == 0)
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return Math.round(crtTime / totTime * 1000.0);
+ }
+ // setter
+ widget.$video[0].currentTime =
+ pos / 1000 * widget.$video[0].duration;
+ },
+ refreshAll: function() {
+ widget.html5.refreshState();
+ widget.html5.refreshVolume();
+ widget.html5.refreshLoadedProgress();
+ widget.$time.html('--:-- / --:--');
+ widget.$stateText.html('...');
+ widget.html5.refreshTime();
+ },
+ refreshTime: function() {
+ if (widget.$video[0].seeking)
+ return widget;
+ var crtTime = widget.$video[0].currentTime;
+ var totTime = widget.$video[0].duration;
+ // Refresh only at refreshInterval seconds to save CPU time.
+ var delta = crtTime - widget.html5.lastTime;
+ if (typeof widget.html5.lastTime !== "undefined"
+ && delta >= 0 && delta < widget.options.refreshInterval)
+ return widget;
+ widget.html5.lastTime = crtTime;
+ // Current time string
+ var crtH = Math.floor(crtTime / 3600);
+ var crtM = Math.floor((crtTime / 60) % 60);
+ var crtS = Math.floor(crtTime % 60);
+ var strCrtTime =
+ (crtH == 0 ? '' : (widget._leadingZeros(crtH) + ':'))
+ + widget._leadingZeros(crtM) + ':' + widget._leadingZeros(crtS);
+ // Total time string
+ var totH = Math.floor(totTime / 3600);
+ var totM = Math.floor((totTime / 60) % 60);
+ var totS = Math.floor(totTime % 60);
+ var strTotTime =
+ (totH == 0 || isNaN(totH) ? '' : (widget._leadingZeros(totH) + ':'))
+ + widget._leadingZeros(totM) + ':' + widget._leadingZeros(totS);
+ widget.setTimeText('' + strCrtTime + ' / ' + strTotTime);
+ // Update time progress slider.
+ widget.html5.refreshProgress();
+ return widget;
+ },
+ refreshState: function() {
+ // TODO refresh HTML5 plugin state
+ return widget;
+ },
+ refreshVolume: function() {
+ var vol;
+ if (widget.$video[0].muted)
+ vol = 0;
+ else
+ vol = Math.floor(widget.$video[0].volume * 100);
+ widget.setVolumeSlider(vol);
+ return widget;
+ },
+ refreshProgress: function() {
+ widget.setProgressSlider(widget.html5.crtTime());
+ return widget;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Supported for Firefox 4.0 or later.
+ */
+ refreshLoadedProgress: function() {
+ // Return if buffering status not available in browser.
+ if (typeof widget.$video[0].buffered == 'undefined'
+ || widget.$video[0].buffered.length === 0)
+ return widget;
+ var loadedTime = widget.$video[0].buffered.end(0);
+ var totTime = widget.$video[0].duration;
+ var percent;
+ if (isNaN(totTime) || totTime == 0)
+ percent = 0
+ else
+ percent = Math.floor(loadedTime / totTime * 100);
+ widget.setLoadedProgressSlider(percent);
+ return widget;
+ },
+ fullscreen: function() {
+ alert('Your web browser does not support switching to full screen in HTML5 mode with this button. You can switch to full screen manually by right clicking on the video and choosing "Full Screen" from the popup menu.');
+ },
+ vlc: {
+ widget: this,
+ timerHandle: null,
+ IDLE_CLOSE: [0, "Idle / Close"],
+ OPENING: [1, "Opening..."],
+ BUFFERING: [2, "Buffering..."],
+ PLAYING: [3, "Playing..."],
+ PAUSED: [4, "Paused"],
+ STOPPING: [5, "Stopping..."],
+ ERROR: [6, "Error!"]
+ },
+ init: function() {
+ if (widget.options.autoplay)
+ widget.vlc.play();
+ widget.vlc.refreshAll();
+ },
+ togglePlay: function() {
+ if (! widget.$video[0].playlist.isPlaying)
+ {
+ widget.vlc.play();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ widget.vlc.pause();
+ }
+ },
+ play: function() {
+ if (! widget.$video[0].playlist.isPlaying)
+ widget.$video[0].playlist.play();
+ widget.setPauseButton();
+ // Schedule information refreshment at refreshInterval seconds.
+ if (! widget.vlc.timerHandle)
+ widget.vlc.timerHandle = setTimeout(widget.vlc.refreshHandler,
+ widget.options.refreshInterval * 1000);
+ widget.vlc.refreshState();
+ return widget;
+ },
+ pause: function() {
+ if (widget.$video[0].playlist.isPlaying)
+ widget.$video[0].playlist.togglePause();
+ widget.setPlayButton();
+ // Cancel information refreshment scheduling.
+ clearTimeout(widget.vlc.timerHandle);
+ widget.vlc.timerHandle = null;
+ widget.vlc.refreshState();
+ return widget;
+ },
+ toggleMute: function() {
+ if (! widget.$video[0].audio.mute)
+ {
+ widget.vlc.mute();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ widget.vlc.unmute();
+ }
+ },
+ mute: function() {
+ if (! widget.$video[0].audio.mute)
+ widget.$video[0].audio.toggleMute();
+ widget.setMuteButton();
+ widget.vlc.refreshVolume();
+ return widget;
+ },
+ unmute: function() {
+ if (widget.$video[0].audio.mute)
+ widget.$video[0].audio.toggleMute();
+ widget.setUnmuteButton();
+ widget.vlc.refreshVolume();
+ return widget;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Volume value is expressed in percents.
+ */
+ volume: function(vol) {
+ if (typeof vol == 'undefined')
+ return Math.round(widget.$video[0].audio.volume);
+ widget.vlc.unmute();
+ widget.$video[0].audio.volume = vol;
+ return widget;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Seek position is a value between 0 and 1000.
+ */
+ crtTime: function(pos) {
+ // getter
+ if (typeof pos == 'undefined')
+ {
+ var crtTime = widget.$video[0].input.time;
+ var totTime = widget.$video[0].input.length;
+ if (isNaN(totTime) || totTime == 0)
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return Math.round(crtTime / totTime * 1000.0);
+ }
+ // setter
+ widget.$video[0].input.time =
+ pos / 1000 * widget.$video[0].input.length;
+ widget.vlc.refreshState();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Timeout callback called at refreshInterval during playing in order
+ * to refresh information.
+ */
+ refreshHandler: function() {
+ if (widget.$video[0].input.state
+ == widget.vlc.STATES.PLAYING[0])
+ {
+ widget.vlc.refreshTime();
+ widget.vlc.timerHandle = setTimeout(widget.vlc.refreshHandler,
+ widget.options.refreshInterval * 1000);
+ }
+ else
+ widget.vlc.pause();
+ widget.vlc.refreshState();
+ },
+ refreshAll: function() {
+ widget.vlc.refreshState();
+ widget.vlc.refreshVolume();
+ widget.vlc.refreshLoadedProgress();
+ try {
+ widget.vlc.refreshTime();
+ } catch(e) {
+ console.log(e);
+ widget.$time.html('--:-- / --:--');
+ }
+ },
+ refreshTime: function() {
+ // TODO while seeking (maybe not necessary for VLC)
+// if (widget.$video[0].seeking)
+// return widget;
+ // Time values in seconds.
+ var crtTime = widget.$video[0].input.time / 1000.0;
+ var totTime = widget.$video[0].input.length / 1000.0;
+ //var crtTime = widget.$video[0].input.position * totTime;
+ // Current time string
+ var crtH = Math.floor(crtTime / 3600);
+ var crtM = Math.floor((crtTime / 60) % 60);
+ var crtS = Math.floor(crtTime % 60);
+ var strCrtTime =
+ (crtH == 0 ? '' : (widget._leadingZeros(crtH) + ':'))
+ + widget._leadingZeros(crtM) + ':' + widget._leadingZeros(crtS);
+ // Total time string
+ var totH = Math.floor(totTime / 3600);
+ var totM = Math.floor((totTime / 60) % 60);
+ var totS = Math.floor(totTime % 60);
+ var strTotTime =
+ (totH == 0 || isNaN(totH) ? '' : (widget._leadingZeros(totH) + ':'))
+ + widget._leadingZeros(totM) + ':' + widget._leadingZeros(totS);
+ widget.setTimeText('' + strCrtTime + ' / ' + strTotTime);
+ // Update time progress slider.
+ widget.vlc.refreshProgress();
+ return widget;
+ },
+ _state: function(code) {
+ var r;
+ $.each(widget.vlc.STATES, function(index, value) {
+ if ('' + code == '' + value[0])
+ {
+ r = value;
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ return r;
+ },
+ refreshState: function() {
+ widget.$stateText
+ .html(widget.vlc._state(widget.$video[0].input.state)[1]);
+ },
+ refreshVolume: function() {
+ var vol;
+ if (widget.$video[0].audio.mute)
+ vol = 0;
+ else
+ vol = Math.floor(widget.$video[0].audio.volume);
+ widget.setVolumeSlider(vol);
+ return widget;
+ },
+ refreshProgress: function() {
+ widget.setProgressSlider(widget.vlc.crtTime());
+ return widget;
+ },
- return this;
+ /**
+ * Not supported for VLC.
+ */
+ refreshLoadedProgress: function() {
+ // TODO Currently not possible through VLC API.
+ return widget;
+ },
+ fullscreen: function() {
+ widget.$video[0].video.toggleFullscreen();
+ }