--- /dev/null
+from time import localtime, strftime
+# Written by Arno Bakker
+# see LICENSE.txt for license information
+import sys
+import os
+import time
+import copy
+import sha
+import pickle
+import socket
+import binascii
+from types import StringType,ListType,IntType
+from traceback import print_exc,print_stack
+from threading import Event
+from Tribler.Core.simpledefs import *
+from Tribler.Core.exceptions import *
+from Tribler.Core.BitTornado.__init__ import createPeerID
+from Tribler.Core.BitTornado.download_bt1 import BT1Download
+from Tribler.Core.BitTornado.bencode import bencode,bdecode
+from Tribler.Core.Video.VideoStatus import VideoStatus
+DEBUG = True #False
+# Transfers' status info is output into status_file.
+FILE_NAME = "status_msg.log" #+ strftime("_%d_%b_%Y_%H_%M_%S", localtime()) + ".log"
+status_file = open(FILE_NAME, 'w');
+class SingleDownload:
+ """ This class is accessed solely by the network thread """
+ def __init__(self,infohash,metainfo,kvconfig,multihandler,get_extip_func,listenport,videoanalyserpath,vodfileindex,set_error_func,pstate,lmvodeventcallback,lmhashcheckcompletecallback):
+ self.dow = None
+ self.set_error_func = set_error_func
+ self.videoinfo = None
+ self.videostatus = None
+ self.lmvodeventcallback = lmvodeventcallback
+ self.lmhashcheckcompletecallback = lmhashcheckcompletecallback
+ self.logmsgs = []
+ self._hashcheckfunc = None
+ self._getstatsfunc = None
+ try:
+ self.dldoneflag = Event()
+ self.dlrawserver = multihandler.newRawServer(infohash,self.dldoneflag)
+ self.lmvodeventcallback = lmvodeventcallback
+ if pstate is not None:
+ self.hashcheckfrac = pstate['dlstate']['progress']
+ else:
+ self.hashcheckfrac = 0.0
+ self.peerid = createPeerID()
+ #print >>sys.stderr, strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime())," ","SingleDownload: __init__: My peer ID is",`peerid`
+ self.dow = BT1Download(self.hashcheckprogressfunc,
+ self.finishedfunc,
+ self.fatalerrorfunc,
+ self.nonfatalerrorfunc,
+ self.logerrorfunc,
+ self.dldoneflag,
+ kvconfig,
+ metainfo,
+ infohash,
+ self.peerid,
+ self.dlrawserver,
+ get_extip_func,
+ listenport,
+ videoanalyserpath
+ )
+ file = self.dow.saveAs(self.save_as)
+ #if DEBUG:
+ # print >>sys.stderr, strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime())," ","SingleDownload: dow.saveAs returned",file
+ # Set local filename in vodfileindex
+ if vodfileindex is not None:
+ index = vodfileindex['index']
+ if index == -1:
+ index = 0
+ vodfileindex['outpath'] = self.dow.get_dest(index)
+ self.videoinfo = vodfileindex
+ if 'live' in metainfo['info']:
+ authparams = metainfo['info']['live']
+ else:
+ authparams = None
+ self.videostatus = VideoStatus(metainfo['info']['piece length'],self.dow.files,vodfileindex,authparams)
+ self.videoinfo['status'] = self.videostatus
+ self.dow.set_videoinfo(vodfileindex,self.videostatus)
+ #if DEBUG:
+ # print >>sys.stderr, strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime())," ","SingleDownload: setting vodfileindex",vodfileindex
+ if pstate is None:
+ resumedata = None
+ else:
+ # Restarting download
+ resumedata=pstate['engineresumedata']
+ self._hashcheckfunc = self.dow.initFiles(resumedata=resumedata)
+ except Exception,e:
+ self.fatalerrorfunc(e)
+ def get_bt1download(self):
+ return self.dow
+ def save_as(self,name,length,saveas,isdir):
+ """ Return the local filename to which to save the file 'name' in the torrent """
+ if DEBUG:
+ print >>status_file, strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime())," ","SingleDownload: save_as(",`name`,length,`saveas`,isdir,")"
+ # status_file.close()
+ try:
+ if not os.access(saveas,os.F_OK):
+ os.mkdir(saveas)
+ path = os.path.join(saveas,name)
+ if isdir and not os.path.isdir(path):
+ os.mkdir(path)
+ return path
+ except Exception,e:
+ self.fatalerrorfunc(e)
+ def perform_hashcheck(self,complete_callback):
+ """ Called by any thread """
+ if DEBUG:
+ print >>status_file, strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime())," ","SingleDownload: perform_hashcheck()" # ,self.videoinfo
+ #status_file.close()
+ try:
+ """ Schedules actually hashcheck on network thread """
+ self._getstatsfunc = SPECIAL_VALUE # signal we're hashchecking
+ # Already set, should be same
+ self.lmhashcheckcompletecallback = complete_callback
+ self._hashcheckfunc(self.lmhashcheckcompletecallback)
+ except Exception,e:
+ self.fatalerrorfunc(e)
+ def hashcheck_done(self):
+ """ Called by LaunchMany when hashcheck complete and the Download can be
+ resumed
+ Called by network thread
+ """
+ if DEBUG:
+ print >>status_file, strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime())," ","SingleDownload: hashcheck_done()"
+ try:
+ self.dow.startEngine(vodeventfunc = self.lmvodeventcallback)
+ self._getstatsfunc = self.dow.startStats() # not possible earlier
+ self.dow.startRerequester()
+ self.dlrawserver.start_listening(self.dow.getPortHandler())
+ except Exception,e:
+ self.fatalerrorfunc(e)
+ # DownloadConfigInterface methods
+ def set_max_speed(self,direct,speed,callback):
+ if self.dow is not None:
+ if DEBUG:
+ print >>sys.stderr, strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime())," ","SingleDownload: set_max_speed",`self.dow.response['info']['name']`,direct,speed
+ if direct == UPLOAD:
+ self.dow.setUploadRate(speed,networkcalling=True)
+ else:
+ self.dow.setDownloadRate(speed,networkcalling=True)
+ if callback is not None:
+ callback(direct,speed)
+ def set_max_conns_to_initiate(self,nconns,callback):
+ if self.dow is not None:
+ if DEBUG:
+ print >>sys.stderr, strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime())," ","SingleDownload: set_max_conns_to_initiate",`self.dow.response['info']['name']`,direct,speed
+ self.dow.setInitiate(nconns,networkcalling=True)
+ if callback is not None:
+ callback(nconns)
+ def set_max_conns(self,nconns,callback):
+ if self.dow is not None:
+ if DEBUG:
+ print >>sys.stderr, strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime())," ","SingleDownload: set_max_conns",`self.dow.response['info']['name']`,direct,speed
+ self.dow.setMaxConns(nconns,networkcalling=True)
+ if callback is not None:
+ callback(nconns)
+ #
+ # For DownloadState
+ #
+ def get_stats(self,getpeerlist):
+ logmsgs = self.logmsgs[:] # copy
+ coopdl_helpers = []
+ coopdl_coordinator = None
+ if self.dow is not None:
+ if not self.dow.helper is None:
+ coopdl_coordinator = self.dow.helper.get_coordinator_permid()
+ if self.dow.coordinator is not None:
+ # No coordinator when you're a helper
+ peerreclist = self.dow.coordinator.network_get_asked_helpers_copy()
+ for peerrec in peerreclist:
+ coopdl_helpers.append(peerrec['permid'])
+ if self._getstatsfunc is None:
+ return (DLSTATUS_WAITING4HASHCHECK,None,logmsgs,coopdl_helpers,coopdl_coordinator)
+ elif self._getstatsfunc == SPECIAL_VALUE:
+ stats = {}
+ stats['frac'] = self.hashcheckfrac
+ return (DLSTATUS_HASHCHECKING,stats,logmsgs,coopdl_helpers,coopdl_coordinator)
+ else:
+ return (None,self._getstatsfunc(getpeerlist=getpeerlist),logmsgs,coopdl_helpers,coopdl_coordinator)
+ def get_infohash(self):
+ return self.infohash
+ #
+ # Persistent State
+ #
+ def checkpoint(self):
+ if self.dow is not None:
+ return self.dow.checkpoint()
+ else:
+ return None
+ def shutdown(self):
+ if DEBUG:
+ print >>status_file, strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime())," ","SingleDownload: shutdown"
+ #status_file.close()
+ resumedata = None
+ if self.dow is not None:
+ self.dldoneflag.set()
+ self.dlrawserver.shutdown()
+ resumedata = self.dow.shutdown()
+ self.dow = None
+ #if DEBUG:
+ # print >>sys.stderr, strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime())," ","SingleDownload: stopped dow"
+ if self._getstatsfunc is None or self._getstatsfunc == SPECIAL_VALUE:
+ # Hashchecking or waiting for while being shutdown, signal LaunchMany
+ # so it can schedule a new one.
+ self.lmhashcheckcompletecallback(success=False)
+ return resumedata
+ #
+ # Cooperative download
+ #
+ def ask_coopdl_helpers(self,peerreclist):
+ if self.dow is not None:
+ self.dow.coordinator.network_request_help(peerreclist)
+ def stop_coopdl_helpers(self,peerreclist):
+ if self.dow is not None:
+ self.dow.coordinator.network_stop_help(peerreclist,force=True)
+ def get_coopdl_role_object(self,role):
+ # Used by Coordinator/HelperMessageHandler indirectly
+ if self.dow is not None:
+ return self.dow.coordinator
+ else:
+ return self.dow.helper
+ else:
+ return None
+ #
+ # Internal methods
+ #
+ def hashcheckprogressfunc(self,activity = '', fractionDone = 0.0):
+ """ Allegedly only used by StorageWrapper during hashchecking """
+ #print >>sys.stderr, strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime())," ","SingleDownload::statusfunc called",activity,fractionDone
+ self.hashcheckfrac = fractionDone
+ def finishedfunc(self):
+ """ Download is complete """
+ if DEBUG:
+ print >>status_file, strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime())," ","SingleDownload::finishedfunc called: Download is complete *******************************"
+ #status_file.close()
+ pass
+ def fatalerrorfunc(self,data):
+ print >>sys.stderr, strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime())," ","SingleDownload::fatalerrorfunc called",data
+ if type(data) == StringType:
+ print >>sys.stderr, strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime())," ","LEGACY CORE FATAL ERROR",data
+ print_stack()
+ self.set_error_func(TriblerLegacyException(data))
+ else:
+ print_exc()
+ self.set_error_func(data)
+ self.shutdown()
+ def nonfatalerrorfunc(self,e):
+ print >>sys.stderr, strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime())," ","SingleDownload::nonfatalerrorfunc called",e
+ # Could log this somewhere, or phase it out (only used in Rerequester)
+ def logerrorfunc(self,msg):
+ t = time.time()
+ self.logmsgs.append((t,msg))
+ # Keep max 10 log entries, API user should save them if he wants
+ # complete history
+ if len(self.logmsgs) > 10:
+ self.logmsgs.pop(0)
from time import localtime, strftime
# Written by Arno Bakker
# see LICENSE.txt for license information
DEBUG = True #False
+# Transfers' status info is output into status_file.
+FILE_NAME = "status_msg.log" #+ strftime("_%d_%b_%Y_%H_%M_%S", localtime()) + ".log"
+status_file = open(FILE_NAME, 'w');
class SingleDownload:
""" This class is accessed solely by the network thread """
def save_as(self,name,length,saveas,isdir):
""" Return the local filename to which to save the file 'name' in the torrent """
- print >>sys.stderr, strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime())," ","SingleDownload: save_as(",`name`,length,`saveas`,isdir,")"
+ print >>status_file, strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime())," ","SingleDownload: save_as(",`name`,length,`saveas`,isdir,")"
+ # status_file.close()
if not os.access(saveas,os.F_OK):
def perform_hashcheck(self,complete_callback):
""" Called by any thread """
- print >>sys.stderr, strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime())," ","SingleDownload: perform_hashcheck()" # ,self.videoinfo
+ print >>status_file, strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime())," ","SingleDownload: perform_hashcheck()" # ,self.videoinfo
+ #status_file.close()
""" Schedules actually hashcheck on network thread """
self._getstatsfunc = SPECIAL_VALUE # signal we're hashchecking
Called by network thread
- print >>sys.stderr, strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime())," ","SingleDownload: hashcheck_done()"
+ print >>status_file, strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime())," ","SingleDownload: hashcheck_done()"
self.dow.startEngine(vodeventfunc = self.lmvodeventcallback)
self._getstatsfunc = self.dow.startStats() # not possible earlier
def shutdown(self):
- print >>sys.stderr, strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime())," ","SingleDownload: shutdown"
+ print >>status_file, strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime())," ","SingleDownload: shutdown"
+ #status_file.close()
resumedata = None
if self.dow is not None:
def finishedfunc(self):
""" Download is complete """
- print >>sys.stderr, strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime())," ","SingleDownload::finishedfunc called: Download is complete *******************************"
+ print >>status_file, strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime())," ","SingleDownload::finishedfunc called: Download is complete *******************************"
+ #status_file.close()
def fatalerrorfunc(self,data):