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+During the last few years, BitTorrent has become one of the most heavily used protocol on the Internet.
+Our current project is focused on evaluation of the behavior and performances of BitTorrent implementations and on the possible
+improvements to these applications. This report will present the tools we developed in order to automate and
+improve our research about BitTorrent swarms. The modular and extensible design of these tools create
+a fresh starting point for an extensive logging information analysis and testing architecture.
-\subsection{P2P-Next Project}
-Goal(live streaming), Packages
-\subsection{P2P-Next UPB}
-Work package, our goal(test, observe, improve bittorent clients)
+Peer-to-Peer systems have become a very popular type of distributed systems, and one
+protocol that had a great impact upon this raise in popularity is BitTorrent, a file-sharing protocol, responsible for a large
+amount of the internet traffic (approximately 27-55\% \cite{bt_traffic}). This protocol relies on small meta-files with the extension .torrent, that contain metdata about the shared files and the addresses of one or more trackers. These trackers maintain
+the up-to-date lists of available peers while BitTorrent indexes represent the lists of available .torrent files. The client
+can connect to a tracker specified in the torrent file and then receive the list of peers, or it can connect directly to peers
+using a trackerless system: DHT (Distributed Hash Table) and PEX(Peer EXchange).
+BitTorrent provides a dynamic and hard to predict environment in which the download performance is determined by
+the peers involved in transfers, by the network bandwidth, limitations and topology and also on the type of implementations (clients) used.
+This project's aim is to evaluate more deeply the factors that influence transfers' performance and to integrate our results
+in a larger project, P2P-Next\cite{p2p-next}. Involving 21 partners in 12 different countries, P2P-Next's goal is to create
+a new content delivery platform based on peer-to-peer systems that will also allow free livestreaming.
+In the current stage of our research we designed and implemented modules that will allow and simplify the file transfers analysis,
+and will provide key information in evaluating swarms behavior. Therefore, we have split our work into to main areas: log handling and
+test infrastructure for performing file transfers experiments.
The remainder of this article is organized as follows.
Section~\ref{logging} describes the first part of our work, the logging infrastructure while
-Section~\ref{test} presents the testing system we developed.
+Section~\ref{test} presents the enhancements to the existing testing system.
Our results are described in Section~\ref{results}.
Finally, Section~\ref{conclusions} gives the conclusions and plans for further development.
author = {Razvan Deaconescu and Razvan Rughinis and Nicolae Tapus},
year = {2009}
title = {A Virtualized Testing Environment for BitTorrent Applications},
author = {Razvan Deaconescu and Razvan Rughinis and Nicolae Tapus},
title = {http://monalisa.cern.ch/monalisa.htm}
+title= {http://www.ipoque.com/resources/internet-studies/}
+title = {http://lifehacker.com/5411311/bittorrents-future-dht-pex-and-magnet-links-explained}
+title = {http://www.p2p-next.org/}
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