# Check if the log folder exists
if [ ! -d $LOG_FOLDER ]; then
echo "time percent upspeed dlspeed" > $DATA_FILE
# Clean and parse the log file
-grep '^ps\|SLEEP' $LOG_FOLDER/$LOG_FILE | awk -F '[ \t<>:,]+' '
+cat $LOG_FOLDER/$LOG_FILE | tr '\r' '\n' | grep 'Seeding\|Progress' | awk -F '[ \t(),;%]+' '
rel_time = 0;
+ percent = 0.0;
+ ulspeed = 0.0;
+ dlspeed = 0.0;
- if ($1 == "SLEEP")
- rel_time = rel_time + $2;
- else {
- dlspeed = $4 + 0;
- upspeed = $6 + 0;
- download = $8 + 0;
- size = $12 + 0;
- percent = 100.0 * download / size;
- printf "%d %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", rel_time, percent, upspeed, dlspeed;
- rel_time++;
+ rel_time = $1;
+ if($2 == "Seeding")
+ {
+ percent = 100;
+ if($9 == "KiB/s")
+ ulspeed = $8;
+ else if($9 == "MiB/s")
+ ulspeed = $8 * 1024.0;
+ else if($9 == "GiB/s")
+ ulspeed = $8 * 1024.0 * 1024.0;
+ else
+ ulspeed = "?";
+ if($2 == "Progress:")
+ {
+ percent = $3;
+ if($10 = "KiB/s")
+ dlspeed = $9;
+ else if($10 == "MiB/s")
+ dlspeed = $9 * 1024.0;
+ else if($10 == "GiB/s")
+ dlspeed = $9 * 1024.0 * 1024.0;
+ else
+ dlspeed = "?";
+ if($15 = "KiB/s")
+ ulspeed = $14;
+ else if($15 == "MiB/s")
+ ulspeed = $14 * 1024.0;
+ else if($15 == "GiB/s")
+ ulspeed = $14 * 1024.0 * 1024.0;
+ else
+ ulspeed = "?";
+ }
+ printf "%d %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", rel_time, percent, ulspeed, dlspeed;
}' >> $DATA_FILE
-# convert host_id and veid to veth IP address in network
- host_id=$1
- veid=$2
- ip_part1=$(($veid / 100))
- ip_part2=$(($veid % 100))
- id=$(echo "$host_id" | awk '{printf "%d", $1;}')
- echo "10.$ip_part1.$id.$ip_part2"
-# convert p2p-next-${host_id}-${veid} hostname to veth IP address
- hostname=$1
- veid=${hostname##*-}
- host_id=${tmp##*-}
- host_veid_to_eth_ip $host_id $veid
-local_ip=$(hostname_to_ip ${LOG_FILE/%.log/})
-# Parse the peer log file; output peer download and upload files
-grep '^--Peers' $LOG_FOLDER/$LOG_FILE | awk -v ip=${local_ip} -F '[],() []+' '
- printf "[%s %s %s]", $2, $3, $4;
- i = 6;
- for (i = 6; i < NF; i += 6) {
- j = i+2;
- k = i+4;
- down_speed = $j + 0;
- up_speed = $k + 0;
- split($i, ip_port, ":");
- printf " (%s, %s, %s, %s)", ip, ip_port[1], down_speed, up_speed;
- }
- printf "\n";
-exit 0