2009-12-07 victormore docs
2009-12-01 victorhints are optional
2009-11-26 victorbugs by Sasha the.zett
2009-11-24 victortabs to spaces
2009-11-24 victorroutine
2009-11-20 victorfast fix
2009-11-20 victorclean data_out_
2009-11-20 victorreworking queues
2009-11-20 victorintentional vandalism
2009-11-19 victorreturn code
2009-11-19 victorfor handshake matching
2009-11-19 victoreror reporting
2009-11-19 arno- Added _O_BINARY to open() calls on Win32.
2009-11-18 victorbetter randomization; still a stub
2009-11-18 victorlogging
2009-11-18 victorleecher restart issue
2009-11-18 arno- Win32 fixes.
2009-11-18 victorups
2009-11-18 victormore logging
2009-11-18 victorfallback seeder
2009-11-18 victorlogging cleanups
2009-11-18 victor(c)
2009-11-18 victornow integrated
2009-11-17 victorDNS lookups: fix
2009-11-17 victorDNS lookups
2009-11-17 victorups; I need time at different test hosts to be aligned
2009-11-17 victoralign
2009-11-17 victordebug flag
2009-11-17 victorclean deps
2009-11-17 arno- Fix for *nix DNS usage.
2009-11-17 arno- Fix for Win32
2009-11-16 victordebug print off
2009-11-15 victorsmall fix; need a big change
2009-11-15 victorhas to be reworked
2009-11-15 victorups
2009-11-15 victorfast_fix
2009-11-14 victorit more or less works this way
2009-11-14 victorohoho
2009-11-14 victorping-pong is back
2009-11-14 victorcompromise
2009-11-14 victorapparently, I'fixed consequences of yesterday's coding
2009-11-13 victorrotation
2009-11-13 victordebug version
2009-11-13 victornever give up
2009-11-13 victorfix to match new api
2009-11-13 victorlate delivery bug
2009-11-13 victorhint_out_ queue went to piece picker
2009-11-12 victorcautious optimism
2009-11-12 victorhint_out voiding on channel close
2009-11-12 victorfixed dip_avg_ and rtt_avg_ miscalculation
2009-11-12 arno- Use tmp dir to store data for trial.
2009-11-12 arno- Added trial binary to SConscript, fixed Win32 typing...
2009-11-12 victortrial exec
2009-11-11 victorupdate
2009-11-11 arno- Fix for Win32 fixing Victor's fix for *nix.
2009-11-11 victor64-bit
2009-11-11 victorsmall repair
2009-11-11 arno- Made to work on Win32 again. Passes all but ledbattes...
2009-11-11 victoroptimistic hash skipping
2009-11-11 victorredundant hinting
2009-11-11 victorchannel timeouts
2009-11-10 victorunscheduled sends
2009-11-10 victorOK, now we have long-fat-pipe syndrome
2009-11-10 victorscons for exec
2009-11-10 victortwisting is back
2009-11-10 victorbuild fixes
2009-11-10 victorborrowed SHA1 from git; openssl dep gone
2009-11-10 victorbeautification
2009-11-10 victorannoying bug
2009-11-10 victorhacking
2009-11-10 victorfixing data_out_
2009-11-10 victorbins performance
2009-11-09 victorcurrrent
2009-11-09 victorminus cwnd drop bug
2009-11-09 victoroh, god... removed excessive twisting
2009-11-09 victorminor
2009-11-09 victornew compats
2009-11-09 victortails
2009-11-09 victortwisting is back
2009-11-09 victorprettified, Windows build broken
2009-11-07 victortwisted picker
2009-11-07 victortotally twisted
2009-11-07 victortwisted binmaps
2009-11-06 victortesting swarming
2009-11-06 victorseeder/leecher OK
2009-11-06 victorcleaned google-log deps entirely
2009-11-06 victorgoogle-log dependence removed
2009-11-06 victorit even compiles
2009-11-06 victortowards swarming
2009-11-05 victor+AIMD control
2009-11-05 victorcong ctrl in progress
2009-11-05 victornew send control (barely works)
2009-11-03 victornow with leecher
2009-11-03 victorstandalone seeder
2009-11-03 victorminor
2009-10-29 victorlost-handshake stall
2009-10-29 victorlosses off
2009-10-29 victorstress testing
2009-10-28 victorgo home
2009-10-28 victoroh God