2010-10-24 Razvan Deaconescutest-socket-signal: add (incomplete) firewall on/off...
2010-10-24 Razvan Deaconescutest-socket-signal: add kill/restart local run script
2010-10-24 Razvan Deaconescutest-socket-signal: add suspend/resume local run script
2010-10-24 Razvan Deaconescutest-socket-signal: add config file for tests
2010-10-24 Razvan Deaconescutest-socket-signal: working version for command_test
2010-10-24 Razvan Deaconescutest-socket-signal: ignore .log files
2010-10-24 Razvan Deaconescutest-socket-signal: update receive process
2010-10-24 Razvan Deaconescutest-socket-signal: add test/folder
2010-10-24 Razvan Deaconescutest-socket-signal: use frequency option
2010-10-24 Razvan Deaconescutest-socket-signal: parse and integrate command line...
2010-10-24 Razvan Deaconescutest-socket-signal: add getopt_long support
2010-10-20 Calin BurloiuUtils/tsup-experiment: trackers' address updated
2010-10-20 Calin BurloiuUtils/tsup-experiment: trackers' address updated in...
2010-10-20 P2P-Next Userdata_gen.sh without 1GiB file generation
2010-10-20 Calin BurloiuUtils/tsup-experiment: data generator script added
2010-10-19 Razvan Deaconescutest-socket-signal: add peer support in Makefile
2010-10-19 Razvan Deaconescutest-socket-signal: add peer implementation
2010-10-19 Razvan Deaconescutest-socket-signal: ignore peer executable file
2010-10-19 Razvan Deaconescutest-socket-signal: remote print_buffer function in...
2010-10-19 Razvan Deaconescutest-socket-signal: indentation fixes to server code
2010-10-19 Razvan Deaconescutest-socket-signal: add README
2010-10-19 Razvan Deaconescutest-socket-signal: close server when no more data
2010-10-19 Razvan Deaconescutest-socket-signal: fix data size macros/usage
2010-10-19 Razvan Deaconescutest-socket-signal: add timing processing for server...
2010-10-19 Razvan Deaconescutest-socket-signal: add timing support to client packets
2010-10-19 Razvan Deaconescutest-socket-signal: add timer support in client
2010-10-19 Razvan Deaconescutest-socket-signal: add utils.h
2010-10-19 Calin BurloiuUtils/tsup-experiment: scripts updated
2010-10-19 Calin BurloiuUtils/tsup-experiment: scripts updated
2010-10-19 Calin BurloiuTestSpecs/gen: update trackers CSV file header
2010-10-19 Calin Burloiuadd support for xbt_tracker
2010-10-19 Calin Burloiuignore temporary files (*~)
2010-10-19 Razvan DeaconescuTestSpecs/gen: complete tracker-tgen script
2010-10-19 Razvan DeaconescuTestSpecs/gen: update P2P_Experimente_Trackers.csv
2010-10-19 Calin Burloiuadd generation script for tracker experiment
2010-10-18 Calin Burloiuadd csv file for tracker experiments
2010-10-15 Razvan Deaconescutest-socket: add basic timer functions
2010-10-15 Razvan Deaconescutest-socket: ignore local executable files
2010-10-15 Razvan Deaconescuadd test-socket-signal folder
2010-09-21 Razvan DeaconescuControlScripts/next-share: add parsing script
2010-09-21 Razvan DeaconescuResults: add nextshare log file samples
2010-09-21 Razvan Deaconescunext-share: add limit-aware start script
2010-09-21 Razvan DeaconescuControlScripts/next-share: update start scripts
2010-09-20 Razvan Deaconescunext-share: complete next-share stop script
2010-09-20 Razvan Deaconescunext-share: complete next-share completion detection...
2010-09-20 Razvan DeaconescuTestSpecs/gen: ignore HTML files
2010-09-20 Razvan DeaconescuTestSpecs/gen: ignore generated configuration files...
2010-09-20 Razvan DeaconescuControlScripts: fix hrk parse script
2010-09-20 Razvan DeaconescuControlScript: terminate $USER owned processes on scena...
2010-09-20 Razvan DeaconescuTestSpecs: correct some R scripts that generated duplic...
2010-09-20 Razvan DeaconescuTestSpecs/gen: corrections to generation scripts
2010-09-20 Razvan DeaconescuControlScripts: add working version of next-share start...
2010-09-20 Razvan DeaconescuControlScripts/clients: add next-share
2010-09-20 George MilescuFixed a bug in sync_cluster_containers. Added sync...
2010-09-20 George MilescuUpdated sync scripts to simplify usage. Added scripts...
2010-09-20 Razvan Deaconescuexit on "Segmentation fault" when detecting hrk client
2010-09-20 P2P-Next UserControlScripts/clients/hrk: add "--nohashcheck" option...
2010-09-20 P2P-Next UserControlScripts/clients/hrk: add --nodht option to hrkto...
2010-09-20 P2P-Next UserControlScripts/client/hrk: add DEBUG message to start_h...
2010-09-20 P2P-Next UserControlScripts/clients/hrk: fix command line argument...
2010-09-20 P2P-Next UserResults: ignore "perfomance" string named campaign...
2010-09-20 P2P-Next UserControlScripts: fix NO_CONNECTION definition in node_co...
2010-09-20 P2P-Next UserControlScripts: replace &>> contruct with >> ... 2...
2010-09-20 P2P-Next UserControlScript: update global config file to use new...
2010-08-18 P2P-NextUtils: add sync_single_cluster.sh script; update sync_c...
2010-08-18 Razvan DeaconescuTestSpecs/gen: update generation scripts to take into...
2010-08-18 Razvan DeaconescuTestSpecs: replace N/A in scenario config file for...
2010-08-18 Razvan DeaconescuControlScripts: add connection limit to schedule_client...
2010-08-18 Razvan DeaconescuControlScripts: add connection limit options to client_...
2010-08-18 Razvan DeaconescuControlScripts/hrk: add connection limit argument to...
2010-08-18 George MilescuAdded OverallNoOfConnections parameter to scenario...
2010-08-18 George MilescuUpdated tribler scripts to get the torrent file as...
2010-08-18 Razvan DeaconescuTestSpecs/gen: complete R script generation script
2010-08-18 Razvan DeaconescuTestSpecs/gen: additional directive in comment secion...
2010-08-17 Razvan DeaconescuTestSpecs/gen: add usage comment for rgen script
2010-08-17 Razvan DeaconescuTestSpecs/gen: add first draft of R script generation...
2010-08-17 Razvan DeaconescuTestSpecs/gen: add start and end HTML template files
2010-08-17 Razvan DeaconescuTestSpecs/gen: fill campaign configuration file and...
2010-08-17 Razvan DeaconescuTestSpects/gen: fix - replace "seers" with "seeders"
2010-08-17 Razvan DeaconescuTestSpecs/gen: take description into account; fine...
2010-08-17 Razvan DeaconescuTestSpecs/gen: add description to CSV file
2010-08-17 Razvan DeaconescuTestScpecs: add run sample in script comment
2010-08-17 Razvan DeaconescuTestScpecs: add execution rights for tgen script
2010-08-17 Razvan DeaconescuTestSpecs: add script and input file for generating...
2010-08-17 George MilescuFixed a problem in test-scenario-pre-post-nop-all.r
2010-08-16 George Milescuadded test-scenario-pre-post-nop-all
2010-08-16 Razvan DeaconescuControlScripts: update output matrix file in parse_up_d...
2010-08-16 Razvan DeaconescuTestSpecs: update scenario configuration files
2010-08-16 George MilescuFixed a bug in the up-down log file check
2010-08-16 George MilescuFixed run_scenario to create matrix files only then...
2010-08-16 Razvan DeaconescuControlScripts: call parse_up_down_log.sh in run_scenar...
2010-08-16 Razvan DeaconescuControlScripts: fix matrix indexes in for constructs...
2010-08-14 Razvan DeaconescuControlScripts/clients/hrk: remove grepping for "SLEEP...
2010-08-14 Razvan DeaconescuControlScripts: add basic R script for reading/scanning...
2010-08-14 Razvan DeaconescuControlScripts/client/hrk: add sample run comment in...
2010-08-14 Razvan DeaconescuControlScripts/client/hrk: add sample run comment in...
2010-08-14 Razvan DeaconescuControlScripts: upload parsing support in parse_up_down...
2010-08-14 Razvan DeaconescuControlScripts/clients/hrk: parse_hrk.sh outputs a...
2010-08-14 Razvan DeaconescuResults/samples: ignore peer-connection upload/download...
2010-08-13 Razvan DeaconescuControlScripts: complete script for parsing peer-connec...