activation e-mail on your e-mail address you provided. In order to confirm that you are the owner of that e-mail address, follow the link there or enter the activation code also provided in that e-mail in the field below.'; $lang['user_activation_code'] = 'Activation Code'; $lang['user_submit_activate'] = 'Activate Account'; $lang['user_legend_resend_activation'] = 'Resend the activation code'; $lang['user_instruction_resend_activation'] = 'The activation e-mail can take up to a few minutes until it arrives in your inbox, so please be patient. If you entered a wrong e-mail address, you can change it by entering another one in the field below. Pressing Resend will cause us to retransmit you the activation e-mail on the address entered in this field.'; $lang['user_submit_resend_activation'] = 'Resend Activation E-mail'; $lang['user_msg_activated_account'] = 'Your account is active so you can login. You successfully validated your e-mail address through the activation e-mail.'; $lang['user_no_videos_uploaded'] = 'The user uploaded no videos.'; $lang['user_role_standard'] = 'Standard User'; $lang['user_role_admin'] = 'Administrator'; /* End of file user_lang.php */ /* Location: ./application/language/english/user_lang.php */