db === NULL) { $this->load->library('singleton_db'); $this->db = $this->singleton_db->connect(); } } /** * Retrieves a set of videos information which can be used for displaying * that videos as a list with few details. * * @param int $category_id DB category ID; pass NULL for all * categories * @param mixed $user an user_id (as int) or an username * (as string); pass NULL for all users * @param int $offset * @param int $count * @param string $ordering control videos ording by these * possibilities: * * @return array a list of videos, each one being an assoc array with: * */ public function get_videos_summary($category_id, $user, $offset, $count, $ordering = 'hottest') { $this->load->helper('text'); // Ordering switch ($ordering) { case 'hottest': $order_statement = "ORDER BY date DESC, score DESC, RAND()"; break; case 'newest': $order_statement = "ORDER BY date DESC"; break; case 'alphabetically': $order_statement = "ORDER BY title"; break; default: $order_statement = ""; } // Category filtering if ($category_id === NULL) $cond_category = "1"; else { $category_id = intval($category_id); $cond_category = "category_id = $category_id"; } // User filtering if ($user === NULL) $cond_user = "1"; else { if (is_int($user)) $cond_user = "v.user_id = $user"; else if (is_string($user)) $cond_user = "u.username = '$user'"; } $query = $this->db->query( "SELECT v.id, name, title, duration, user_id, u.username, views, thumbs_count, default_thumb, (views + likes - dislikes) AS score FROM `videos` v, `users` u WHERE v.user_id = u.id AND $cond_category AND $cond_user $order_statement LIMIT $offset, $count"); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) $videos = $query->result_array(); else return array(); foreach ($videos as & $video) { // P2P-Tube Video URL $video['video_url'] = site_url(sprintf("watch/%d/%s", $video['id'], $video['name'])); // Thumbnails $video['thumbs'] = $this->get_thumbs($video['name'], $video['thumbs_count']); // Ellipsized title //$video['shorted_title'] = ellipsize($video['title'], 45, 0.75); $video['shorted_title'] = character_limiter($video['title'], 50); } return $videos; } /** * Returns the number of videos from database from a specific category or * user. * NULL parameters count videos from all categories and / or all users. * * @param int $category_id * @param mixed $user an user_id (as int) or an username (as string) * @return int number of videos or FALSE if an error occured */ public function get_videos_count($category_id = NULL, $user = NULL) { if ($category_id === NULL) $cond_category = "1"; else $cond_category = "category_id = $category_id"; if ($user === NULL) $cond_user = "1"; else { if (is_int($user)) $cond_user = "v.user_id = $user"; else if(is_string($user)) $cond_user = "u.username = '$user'"; } $query = $this->db->query( "SELECT COUNT(*) count FROM `videos` v, `users` u WHERE v.user_id = u.id AND $cond_category AND $cond_user"); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) return $query->row()->count; // Error return FALSE; } /** * Retrieves information about a video. * * If $name does not match with the video's `name` from the DB an error is * marked in the key 'err'. If it's NULL it is ignored. * * @access public * @param string $id video's `id` column from `videos` DB table * @param string $name video's `name` column from `videos` DB * table. NULL means there is no name provided. * @return array an associative list with information about a video * with the following keys: * */ public function get_video($id, $name = NULL) { $this->load->helper('video'); $this->load->helper('text'); $query = $this->db->query("SELECT v.*, u.username FROM `videos` v, `users` u WHERE v.user_id = u.id AND v.id = $id"); $video = array(); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { $video = $query->row_array(); if ($name !== NULL && $video['name'] != $name) $video['err'] = 'INVALID_NAME'; } else { $video['err'] = 'INVALID_ID'; return $video; } // Convert JSON encoded string to arrays. $video['assets'] = json_decode($video['formats'], TRUE); unset($video['formats']); $video['tags'] = json_decode($video['tags'], TRUE); asort($video['tags']); $video['tags'] = array_reverse($video['tags'], TRUE); // Sort assets by their megapixels number. function access_function($a) { return $a['res']; } function assets_cmp($a, $b) { return megapixels_cmp($a, $b, "access_function"); } usort($video['assets'], "assets_cmp"); // Torrents $video['url'] = array(); foreach ($video['assets'] as & $asset) { $def = substr($asset['res'], strpos($asset['res'], 'x') + 1) . 'p'; $asset['def'] = $def; $asset['src'] = site_url('data/torrents/'. $video['name'] . '_' . $def . '.'. $asset['ext'] . '.'. $this->config->item('default_torrent_ext')); } // Category title $categories = $this->config->item('categories'); $category_name = $categories[ intval($video['category_id']) ]; $video['category_title'] = $category_name ? $this->lang->line("ui_categ_$category_name") : $category_name; // Thumbnails $video['thumbs'] = $this->get_thumbs($video['name'], $video['thumbs_count']); // Shorted description $video['shorted_description'] = character_limiter( $video['description'], 128); return $video; } public function compute_video_name($title) { $name = str_replace(' ', '-', $title); return urlencode($name); } /** * Adds a new uploaded video to the DB. * * @param type $title * @param type $description * @param type $tags comma separated tags * @param type $av_info a dictionary of video properties containing keys * width, height, dar (display aspect ratio), duration and size; is can be * returned with function get_av_info from video helper */ public function add_video($title, $description, $tags, $av_info, $category_id, $user_id) { $name = $this->compute_video_name($title); // Tags. $json_tags = array(); $tok = strtok($tags, ','); while ($tok != FALSE) { $json_tags[trim($tok)] = 0; $tok = strtok(','); } $json_tags = json_encode($json_tags); // TODO formats $json_formats = '[{"res":"1280x720","ext":"ogv","dar":"16:9"},' . '{"res":"1067x600","ext":"ogv","dar":"16:9"}]'; $query = $this->db->query("INSERT INTO `videos` (name, title, description, duration, formats, category_id, user_id, tags, date) VALUES ('$name', '$title', '$description', '" . $av_info['duration']. "', '$json_formats', $category_id, $user_id, '$json_tags', utc_timestamp())"); if ($query === FALSE) return FALSE; // Find out the id of the new video added. $query = $this->db->query("SELECT id from `videos` WHERE name = '$name'"); if ($query->num_rows() === 0) return FALSE; $video_id = $query->row()->id; // Activation code. $activation_code = Videos_model::gen_activation_code(); $query = $this->db->query("INSERT INTO `videos_unactivated` (video_id, activation_code) VALUES ($video_id, '$activation_code')"); } /** * Retrieves comments for a video. * * @param int $video_id * @param int $offset * @param int $count * @param string $ordering control comments ording by these possibilities: * * @return array an array with comments */ public function get_video_comments($video_id, $offset, $count, $ordering = 'newest') { $this->load->helper('date'); $cond_hottest = ''; // Ordering switch ($ordering) { case 'newest': $order_statement = "ORDER BY time DESC"; break; case 'hottest': $order_statement = "ORDER BY score DESC, time DESC"; $cond_hottest = "AND c.likes + c.dislikes > 0"; break; default: $order_statement = ""; } $query = $this->db->query( "SELECT c.*, u.username, u.time_zone, (c.likes + c.dislikes) AS score FROM `videos_comments` c, `users` u WHERE c.user_id = u.id AND video_id = $video_id $cond_hottest $order_statement LIMIT $offset, $count"); if ($query->num_rows() == 0) return array(); $comments = $query->result_array(); foreach ($comments as & $comment) { $comment['local_time'] = human_gmt_to_human_local($comment['time'], $comment['time_zone']); } return $comments; } public function get_video_comments_count($video_id) { $query = $this->db->query( "SELECT COUNT(*) count FROM `videos_comments` WHERE video_id = $video_id"); if ($query->num_rows() == 0) return FALSE; return $query->row()->count; } /** * Insert in DB a comment for a video. * * @param int $video_id * @param int $user_id * @param string $content */ public function comment_video($video_id, $user_id, $content) { // Prepping content. $content = substr($content, 0, 512); $content = htmlspecialchars($content); $content = nl2br($content); return $query = $this->db->query( "INSERT INTO `videos_comments` (video_id, user_id, content, time) VALUES ($video_id, $user_id, '$content', UTC_TIMESTAMP())"); } /** * Increments views count for a video. * * @param int $id DB video id * @return void */ public function inc_views($id) { return $this->db->query('UPDATE `videos` ' . 'SET `views`=`views`+1 ' . 'WHERE id='. $id); } public function vote($video_id, $user_id, $like = TRUE) { if ($like) { $col = 'likes'; $action = 'like'; } else { $col = 'dislikes'; $action = 'dislike'; } $query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM `users_actions` WHERE user_id = $user_id AND target_id = $video_id AND target_type = 'video' AND action = '$action' AND date = CURDATE()"); // User already voted today if ($query->num_rows() > 0) return -1; $this->db->query("UPDATE `videos` SET $col = $col + 1 WHERE id = $video_id"); // Mark this action so that the user cannot repeat it today. $this->db->query("INSERT INTO `users_actions` (user_id, action, target_type, target_id, date) VALUES ( $user_id, '$action', 'video', $video_id, CURDATE() )"); $query = $this->db->query("SELECT $col FROM `videos` WHERE id = $video_id"); if ($query->num_rows() === 1) { $row = $query->row_array(); return $row[ $col ]; } // Error return FALSE; } public function vote_comment($comment_id, $user_id, $like = TRUE) { if ($like) { $col = 'likes'; $action = 'like'; } else { $col = 'dislikes'; $action = 'dislike'; } $query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM `users_actions` WHERE user_id = $user_id AND target_id = $comment_id AND target_type = 'vcomment' AND action = '$action' AND date = CURDATE()"); // User already voted today if ($query->num_rows() > 0) return -1; $this->db->query("UPDATE `videos_comments` SET $col = $col + 1 WHERE id = $comment_id"); // Mark this action so that the user cannot repeat it today. $this->db->query("INSERT INTO `users_actions` (user_id, action, target_type, target_id, date) VALUES ( $user_id, '$action', 'vcomment', $comment_id, CURDATE() )"); $query = $this->db->query("SELECT $col FROM `videos_comments` WHERE id = $comment_id"); if ($query->num_rows() === 1) { $row = $query->row_array(); return $row[ $col ]; } // Error return FALSE; } public function get_thumbs($name, $count) { $thumbs = array(); for ($i=0; $i < $count; $i++) $thumbs[] = site_url(sprintf("data/thumbs/%s_t%02d.jpg", $name, $i)); return $thumbs; } /** * Searches videos in DB based on a search query string and returns an * associative array of results. * If count is zero the function only return the number of results. * @param string $search_query * @param int $offset * @param int $count * @param int $category_id if NULL, all categories are searched * @return array an associative array with the same keys as that from * get_videos_summary's result, but with two additional keys: * description and date. */ public function search_videos($search_query, $offset = 0, $count = 0, $category_id = NULL) { $search_query = trim($search_query); $search_query = str_replace("'", " ", $search_query); // Search word fragments. // sfc = search fragment condition $sfc = "( "; // sfr = search fragment relevance $sfr = "( "; $sep = ' +-*<>()~"'; $fragm = strtok($search_query, $sep); while ($fragm !== FALSE) { $sfc .= "(title LIKE '%$fragm%' OR description LIKE '%$fragm%' OR tags LIKE '%$fragm%') OR "; // Frament relevances are half of boolean relevances such // that they will appear at the end of the results. $sfr .= "0.25 * (title LIKE '%$fragm%') + 0.1 * (description LIKE '%$fragm%') + 0.15 * (tags LIKE '%$fragm%') + "; $fragm = strtok($sep); } $sfc = substr($sfc, 0, -4) . " )"; $sfr = substr($sfr, 0, -3) . " )"; if (! $this->is_advanced_search_query($search_query)) { $search_cond = "MATCH (title, description, tags) AGAINST ('$search_query') OR $sfc"; $relevance = "( MATCH (title, description, tags) AGAINST ('$search_query') + $sfr ) AS relevance"; } // boolean mode else { $against = "AGAINST ('$search_query' IN BOOLEAN MODE)"; $search_cond = "( MATCH (title, description, tags) $against) OR $sfc"; $relevance = "( 0.5 * (MATCH(title) $against) + 0.3 * (MATCH(tags) $against) + 0.2 * (MATCH(description) $against) + $sfr) AS relevance"; } if ($count === 0) { $selected_columns = "COUNT(*) count"; $order = ""; $limit = ""; } else { // TODO select data, description if details are needed $selected_columns = "v.id, name, title, duration, user_id, views, thumbs_count, default_thumb, u.username, (views + likes - dislikes) AS score, $relevance"; $order = "ORDER BY relevance DESC, score DESC"; $limit = "LIMIT $offset, $count"; } if ($category_id !== NULL) $category_cond = "category_id = '$category_id' AND "; else $category_cond = ""; $str_query = "SELECT $selected_columns FROM `videos` v, `users` u WHERE v.user_id = u.id AND $category_cond ( $search_cond ) $order $limit"; // echo "


"; $query = $this->db->query($str_query); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { if ($count === 0) return $query->row()->count; else $videos = $query->result_array(); } else return NULL; $this->load->helper('text'); foreach ($videos as & $video) { // P2P-Tube Video URL $video['video_url'] = site_url(sprintf("watch/%d/%s", $video['id'], $video['name'])); // Thumbnails $video['thumbs'] = $this->get_thumbs($video['name'], $video['thumbs_count']); // Ellipsized title //$video['shorted_title'] = ellipsize($video['title'], 45, 0.75); $video['shorted_title'] = character_limiter($video['title'], 50); // TODO: user information $video['user_name'] = 'TODO'; } return $videos; } public function decode_search_query($search_query) { $search_query = urldecode($search_query); $search_query = str_replace('_AST_', '*', $search_query); $search_query = str_replace('_AND_', '+', $search_query); $search_query = str_replace('_GT_', '>', $search_query); $search_query = str_replace('_LT_', '<', $search_query); $search_query = str_replace('_PO_', '(', $search_query); $search_query = str_replace('_PC_', ')', $search_query); $search_query = str_replace('_LOW_', '~', $search_query); $search_query = str_replace('_QUO_', '"', $search_query); return $search_query; } public function encode_search_query($search_query) { $search_query = str_replace('*', '_AST_', $search_query); $search_query = str_replace('+', '_AND_', $search_query); $search_query = str_replace('>', '_GT_', $search_query); $search_query = str_replace('<', '_LT_', $search_query); $search_query = str_replace('(', '_PO_', $search_query); $search_query = str_replace(')', '_PC_', $search_query); $search_query = str_replace('~', '_LOW_', $search_query); $search_query = str_replace('"', '_QUO_', $search_query); $search_query = urlencode($search_query); return $search_query; } /** * Return TRUE if it contains any special caracter from an advanced search * query. * @param string $search_query * @return boolean */ public function is_advanced_search_query($search_query) { return (preg_match('/\*|\+|\-|>|\<|\(|\)|~|"/', $search_query) == 0 ? FALSE : TRUE); } public static function gen_activation_code() { $ci =& get_instance(); $activation_code = substr( sha1($ci->config->item('encryption_key') . mt_rand()), 0, 16); return $activation_code; } } /* End of file videos_model.php */ /* Location: ./application/models/videos_model.php */